Stress Eating

Live Intermittent Fasting Q&A: Why are Youtube comments off on your channel? How long did your weight loss journey take? And more!

 [spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] okay I think we’re live this is kind of a new set up so bear with us if the sound doesn’t work or anything my husband is over there at the computer trying to get everything all put together but if this is the first time you’re […]

Live Intermittent Fasting Q&A: Why are Youtube comments off on your channel? How long did your weight loss journey take? And more! Read More »

Keep Trigger Foods Around?: Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q&A

 Should you keep “trigger” foods around at the start of incorporating OMAD then reintroduce them once you’ve gained some discipline momentum? I find I fall off my wagon knowing some foods keep “calling” to me! I would be grateful as I am a caretaker to my mother and brother and this ‘ol’ caretaker’ could

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How To Stop Emotionally Eating: Viewer Q&A

 I am obese and have been for about 20 years an I am an emotional eater. So when I feel good I can keep up a plan and when I feel bad my weight climbs back to where it was. I am tired of permanently being disappointed by myself and I feel that I

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When Intermittent Fasting Doesn’t Work

 Intermittent Fasting worked fabulously for me in losing 80 pounds eating whatever I wanted, BUT maybe it isn’t the best way for you to lose weight. In this video, I talk about why intermittent fasting may not work for you. What experience do you have in this situation? Let us know in the comments

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Alcohol and Intermittent Fasting

 I am often asked about my experiences with drinking alcohol/wine while losing weight with intermittent fasting. In this video, I talk about my experiences and what you should be aware of if you drink alcohol during intermittent fasting. Do you have any experience with alcohol and intermittent fasting? Let us know in the comments

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