What is Dirty Fasting?

I had never heard the term dirty fasting until after I had lost 80 pounds while doing it.

So, there is clean fasting and dirty fasting. Clean fasting is where you only allow yourself water, black coffee or unsweetened tea during your fasting window. Dirty fasting is when you allow yourself things other than those, like cream in your coffee or drinks like LaCroix

On my weight loss journey I enjoyed 3 cups of coffee a day during my fasting window and they always had half and half or heavy cream in them. And I still lost 80 pounds! And most importantly, I enjoyed my coffee during that time.

This video is meant to educate you on the difference between clean fasting and dirty fasting, and is not meant to tell you which one to do. You do what you find works best for you and your plan.

Do you dirty fast or clean fast? How is that going for you? Let us know in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “What is Dirty Fasting?”

  1. I have recently discovered your YT channel and it’s such a refreshing approach! I have been struggling with a 16/8 clean fast for ages and this week I have added in a coffee with a little cream late morning – it’s made such a difference and today I even happily went up to 17 hours.

    There is no doubt that a clean fast is great if you can manage it and has amazing healing benefits but I feel that dirty fasting will help me gradually push my fasting window so that I can start extending my fast more.

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