Intermittent Fasting: Loose Skin

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] if you’re really successful with intermittent fasting are you gonna have a whole bunch of loose skin to deal with let’s talk about that so this topic keeps coming up a lot in the comments section I get asked this alot do you have a lot of loose skin now that you’ve lost so much weight and you know at this point I’ve lost over 70 pounds and I understand this question because when I before I lost any weight it was one thing I was really scared of like what if my body looks worse after I lose the weight than it did when I was just overweight and talk about first world problems right that’s complete vanity to be worried about these things but you know it is something I’ve dealt with and you know they they say one of the things were most afraid of is success it’s not really failure its success we’re scared of and you know in this case I could see that because I was really afraid of succeeding what would that be like I did eventually decide yes I definitely want to get the weight off so I had to kind of figure out how to deal with that fear and so here’s what I did first thing I did was I googled what does your body look like after you lose where I was thinking I needed to lose too and I also googled what does your body look like after you’ve had three babies because I have had three babies so I wanted to kind of set my expectations like what is a normal woman’s body look like because I’m telling you the stuff in the magazines aren’t real you know so I wanted to see that for myself and what I found was really enlightening I mean women have stretch marks okay I mean not everyone gets them but most women do get stretch marks your body just changes after weight loss after having babies you know so that was really enlightening it kind of set up my expectations to you know here is probably what its gonna be like so I kind of made peace at the fact my body’s never gonna look like a supermodels body okay it’s just not that I’ve I’ve been through too much at this point for that to happen so I sat down and I made a deal with myself and here was my deal if you hate the way your body looks at the very end of it all after you’ve gotten off all the weight you have two options one you can gain the weight back I mean that’s easy right I’m a pro at gaining weight so I knew that I could easily put back on the weight if that’s what I wanted to do but the other that I gave myself I would get surgery so when I saw that I had options I told myself you know it’s a bridge that I’ll cross when I get to it and so now you know I am down over 70 pounds at this point and it’s fantastic okay I don’t want surgery I mean I am very happy with how I look so the question is what is my body like right now my stomach has always been my problem area you know I have stretch marks I’ve had stretch marks even before I had babies I I do still have you know some some I don’t know if you can see it but some excess fat because you know I’m still not down to a point where my body fat percentage is that low and I would say my skin isn’t super tight but it’s not super loose either it’s just you know like normal skin it’s pretty much what I would expect most women’s bodies who have had three kids and have lost over it in fact I am proud of it every stretch mark every every bit of my body I am so proud of it because it shows me like where I’ve been how much I’ve accomplished and you know I’ve got three gorgeous kids to you know show for it to like stretch marks to me are like badges of honor and you know I haven’t bought a bikini yet but I did buy a tankini that’s very modest and I’m very happy with it so far so that’s been my experience with loose skin after having success with intermittent fasting but I’m curious to know what have you found you know like have you lost a lot of weight and did you have a lot of loose skin and you know how did you deal with it do you did you just decide to think about it differently did you do something you know physically about it let me know in the comments below okay thank you for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

When I first decided to lose weight, one thing that was holding me back was the fear that my body would end up looking worse after I lost weight, because of loose skin and stretch marks.

What helped me get over that fear:

  • Googling images of what a woman’s body looks like after losing 60 pounds
  • Googling images of what a normal postpartum body looks like (I’ve had 3 kids!)
  • Making a deal with myself about what actions I could take if I disliked how my body looked (for me that was either gain the weight back on purpose, or have surgery)

What I’ve experienced after losing the weight

  • I am much happier with how my body looks now
  • I do not want surgery and I don’t feel that I need it, either
  • My skin isn’t super tight, but it’s not super loose, either
  • I look at stretch marks as a badge of honor: it reminds me where I’ve been, how much I’ve accomplished, and I’ve got 3 gorgeous kids to show for it.

Dr. Jason Fung talks about loose skin and intermittent fasting in this video, starting at around 17:42. Interesting stuff! Thanks, Melanie, for finding his video, and pinpointing the time!

Have you experienced a big weight loss and dealt with excess skin? How did you handle it? Let me know in the comments below!

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