Intermittent Fasting And Walking Weight Loss Live Q&A August 15, 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] all right I think we’re live I know it’s early I’m here at a truck stop and I wanted to make sure the audio sounded okay that it’s not too loud so that before we start at 3:00 so if you’re in here if you can hear me let me know in the chat and J if you’re in here if you can tell me can you hear me and if you can hear me let me know hi lisa can you hear me okay I want to make sure hopefully it’s not too loud I’m at a rest stop in the Grundy County Tennessee so so it’s kind of loud but I think I’ve got a good signal okay good so you can hear me good good and I won’t start taking questions until 3:00 since people were a little like oh don’t start you know until 3:00 which I get so we’ll give everybody a chance to get in here and and I’ll wait a few minutes but I hope your Wednesday is going well everybody out there we are hi Joanne good oh hey Jim glad you could hear me loud and clear and hey I remembered your name let’s see so yeah we’re traveling we’re just coming up from North East Georgia which is where I’m from originally we were in visiting for family for two weeks so that was a lot of fun and now we’re heading up north to well right now we’re in Tennessee but we’re going our ultimate destination we think is a Glacier National Park so hi there Sifo I hope I pronounced your name correctly and catherine hi so I was just letting everybody know we’re just you know waiting for actual is it so funny um it’s it’s technically trying to keep the time zones straight in my head and because I knew I had said three o’clock Eastern Daylight Time but then we crossed into Tennessee and so then my phone and my Fitbit automatically changed time zones so then I got very confused cuz we were you know driving down the road and I’m thinking okay are we right or wait do I have an extra hour but we’re here and I think I’m at I’m here on time so okay good yay okay it sounds like audio is good Gettysburg Pennsylvania oh hi there white and great boutique I know you’re in your last last week so that’s cool it’s 2055 in russia 2055 now you’re making me do math right now let’s see that’s what like 9 o’clock at night it’s at 9 o’clock at night almost 9 I know I think that’s right I don’t know I know military time but I think that’s right we’ll see let’s see will it be 855 at night hi Diana oh not Russia Oh South Africa Oh RSA I’m assuming that means South American time or I don’t know I don’t know Oh Russia I see so in RSA so what is RSA stand for Lisa it’s almost 11:00 a.m. where are you let’s see 11 a.m. man my brain let’s say so you’re on you must be on the west coast right that’s right I don’t know I’m oh Alaska that’s right you’re the one in Alaska Lisa man I’m so jealous I bet it’s beautiful there right now I’ve heard August right were you the one that was telling me you need to visit by August or it gets too snowy let me know ok Republic of South Africa RSA okay Syfo I hope I’m saying your name correctly Syfo it’s very wet right now ah well I’ve been is still pretty oh and you’re in alaska too Diana that’s interesting because you know well Alaska I kind of always think of it as not being very populated but I guess there are a lot of people there Sonia Sonia I hope you’re doing well I’m good we got a couple more minutes I’m gonna wait wait until three o’clock Eastern Daylight Time to start answering questions but yeah getting more popular all the time yeah oh man so like I read a book that the Sarah Palin but not cuz you know she’s from there I can’t think of the name of the title is years and years ago that I read it but oh my gosh it made me want to move to Alaska because of the beauty that she talked about oh you and alaska that’s so funny um let’s see okay Beverly you’ll have the first question since you asked it and I’m gonna wait two minutes so that I I start the questions at 3 o’clock because I don’t want anyone to miss it that’s like oh yeah I thought you started 3 okay Graceful Sky it’s nearly ten o’clock at night in Israel and Sipho I’m a former oh you’re former South African oh neat Wow so ten o’clock at night so we got people tuning in and this is so cool to me that we’ve got some people at ten oclock at night right now some people are like 11:00 a.m. and then I’m right here in the middle of the afternoon well a little bit earlier than what I normally would be it’s technically 2 o’clock where I am but almost almost two clock we got like two more minutes so so yeah we are on our way to Glacier National Park so if anyone’s been there and has any tips let me know am I on my way to Oklahoma Carlene no I don’t know where we’re heading actually I don’t even know the route exactly that we’re taking I think we’re going I need to look at a map we are going up through st. Louis and then up to I think Mount Rushmore and then over to Glacier and then possibly down through Yellowstone and we’re hoping the weather is gonna stay cooperative through all this so but we’ll see I see okay all right so I think I think we’re ready to start so let me go get that first question that Beverly asked which was well I really thought that let’s see I must have scrolled right by it okay Beverly you asked how many calories do you burn walking six miles that’s a really good question it really depends on how fast you’re walking what your body is like so if you’re heavier you’re gonna be burning more calories and if you’re lighter you’re gonna be brighter less calories your pace and the terrain too so um I heard a thing one time – that kind of said a rough rule of thumb I think was like a hundred calories per mile but it’s a little like you can punch it into like a calculator they’re there tons of them online you could you could just Google you know calorie burn calculator and then you can put in your measurements so that you get more of like and the pace and everything so you can get more of an idea of what you’re burning so I think I’ve got in my website somewhere where I think I punched into a calculator and I think it was more like around 400 for me but okay hey Darlene all right white and gray you asked do you put stevia in your coffee or is it okay to and Sonia that’s awesome 18 pounds I’m so excited for you okay so um I don’t do artificial sweeteners and I know that stevia I think is like from a natural plant right I think I think that’s the one that’s from like a leaf but I still don’t use it just because I I when I eliminated sugar from my drinks and I did that just to make the fasting window easier I just stopped liking sweet drinks it’s the weirdest thing like I think last week I was talking about how you know I tried a cherry limeade from Sonic which used to be my favorite all-time like if you love me bring me a cherry limeade but you know um that thing and it just was like so the syrupy sweet I just couldn’t stand it and so now like what will happen to me to like even if I go to you know restaurant or something and I order my coffee with just cream sometimes they’ll forget and put cream and sugar and I don’t like that either so I just don’t like the taste of sweet coffee anymore which is crazy to say that out loud sometimes still but but as far as can you I think you can um a lot of people I mean a lot of people use stevia I know successfully with keto and so really you know the thing a lot of people you know the rules that they make up for you know fasting you know what you can’t create the insulin response or start the insulin response I am more loosey-goosey I say whatever you want in your life in your fasting window like as far as like drinks go you know within reason try I mean anything really try and see if you can do it and just you know record your results and see if um see if it’s working for you um yeah so I don’t do it but I think it would be fine but I always say experiment see you know like some people have like a you know all different kinds of things smoothies and protein shakes and all that oh wow Soyna you got your sister on board and she’s lost three and a half pounds that is awesome oh I love it I love it ah I’m gonna butcher your name at edwige I hope I pronounced that right hello from France love your laid-back approach oh well thanks you’re low carb counting macros but way more relaxed since OMADing you even have had cheat days twice a month wow you’re down 75 pounds that is awesome and at one point five pounds from oh let’s see what Onederland I think this how you say that I don’t know um that is that is fantastic congratulations I mean and I love that you know you know you’re learning right how to kind of relax into it and and give yourself that kind of freedom any you’re starting to really trust yourself and that’s been a huge thing for me is to learn how to trust myself so that’s great let’s see Darlene you’ve been walking 10,000 – 12,000 every day over the last five days awesome thank you for inspiring me to walk more well I’m so happy that I did and I bet you’re feeling good too that’s how I’ve always just feel really good when I’m walking let’s see Carlene have you decided on the goal weight if so what protocol will you follow will you go back to 2 or 3 meals and how will I maintain that is an excellent question I’m still not at a point where I’m ready to say I’m maintaining right now I’m I still feel like this plans gonna let me lose feel like I can get into the 130s with this plan I’m not sure we’ll see but as far as maintenance mode goes I plan to be very experimental in the beginning I don’t know that I will go back to three meals a day just cuz I don’t particularly like the way I feel when I do three meals a day like on my cheat day you know like it varies on you know which times that I eat you know like when do I start eating when do I end eating some you know even on cheat days occasionally I’ll do like breakfast and supper and I really just don’t eat a lot in between those meals just not because I’m trying to be good it’s just like just not hungry or whatever um I really like what I do right now like I love not really having to think about food until suppertime but I like having that one meal and then I don’t know I like the idea of snacks I do love snacks and I loved it when I was maintaining before being able to do supper and then snacks with my husband I’m just a snacky kind of girl I guess but yeah so I don’t know though I plan to be really flexible and experiment some and just see so but Carlene but one major thing that I will continue to do which i think is the key to maintenance is weighing everyday keeping track of my seven-day average because that keeps you accountable and it lets you get not too far out in left field you know like and gain and stuff so that’s that’s my plan let’s see uh Lisa so Onderland means less than 200 pounds so that’s awesome yeah oh man getting under 200 that I stayed on the brink of 200 like in 2015 that’s what I was like trying everything not really I mean I had a little bit of success but I was just kind of going crazy didn’t really have my plan in place and I got right down at 200 I got under 200 I think for like a single day but my seven-day average was not there and then that was when I plateaued for months and I was getting so frustrated I was just trying everything and like when I finally got below because really in 2016 when I got very clear on my plan and I said okay this is what I’m doing and the weight started come off then I I got under 200 and that was just like man that was fantastic it’s so worth it once it actually finally happens I know it’s so hard when you’re trying to get under there though okay sandy is so hot so I’m trying to walk inside but I get so bored walking the house in my house favorite podcast to listen to okay I keep forgetting to say this one Mike Rowe’s podcast the way I heard it best if you if you’ve ever listened to Paul Harvey and that’s from back in the day so maybe you haven’t ever heard of him but these stories that he tells they always have a twist you know it’s like this you wouldn’t guess that the person he’s talking about is the person he’s talking about it’s fascinating that’s one of the best podcasts I think period Tim Ferriss his podcast is fantastic now his podcast has language like some heavy language so that’s one I would not recommend with the kids Mike’s podcast is it has some innuendo occasionally kind of like dirty jobs if you ever watched that show let’s see there’s a lot of good ones though I love smart passive income with Pat Flynn I love Stuff you missed in history class Stuff you stuff you should know there’s there’s so many I like the eventual millionaire I mean I like a lot of like entrepreneur entrepreneurial type shows too so I have like a million but you know like just finding the ones like finding things you’re interested in and then listening to it yeah there’s so many good ones so so many good ones um oh and the abundant artist there we go okay hopefully that helps you out there Sandy Graceful sky so far you’ve been doing a intermittent fasting for a month and a half lost about four kilograms awesome it fluctuates a bit but I’m paying more attention to how I feel and and how your clothes feel that that is so important I think is don’t be in a rush focus on how you’re feeling like really being honest with yourself how am I feeling right now like is this feeling easy am I feeling good you know to me that like because if it’s feeling easy and you’re feeling good you can stick with it over the long term so I think that’s great graceful sky and congratulations on four kilogram I know now I multiply by 2.2 and then it’s like 8.8 pounds that’s really fantastic for a month and a half fantastic I’m telling you okay Sparky do you always feel energized when you’re fasting I seem to have an abundance of energy when I’m fasting yes I mean now I’m not saying that I don’t have my days because I do I think everybody has their their days you know especially like it you know like man this this past two weeks have been go go go for us because we’ve been trying to see like all members of our family and everything in North Georgia so that was just you know but I still had a ton of energy so yeah I think it’s just a really cool thing about intermittent fasting now not everybody will have that same kind of experience but you know I do I mean I feel like I just feel like I’m firing on all cylinders when I’m fasting if that makes sense let’s see Joanie three cheat days in a row and gained three pounds that’s three weeks of losses ruined so hard to get restarted how do I get motivated again okay so Joanie first of all it’s in past so don’t worry about anymore but first of all I would say is that your seven-day average or is that single day weights okay because there’s a big difference there and that’s why I always keep track of my seven day average my seven day average so that’s just you know adding up the seven days weights cuz I weigh every day I average that out and that keeps me sane because my weight my single day weights can jump up three pounds overnight easy as pie in a single week they can they can be as far apart as like five six pounds okay so I always look at my seven-day average and see where it’s at okay that’ll probably help your feelings a little bit if you’re keeping track of that if you look at that number as opposed to just your single day we went up there okay but let’s say it did okay it’s in the past there’s nothing you can do about it so you have a choice right now you can either say well I quit I give up I’m never doing this again and I’m just gonna be where I’m at with your weight wherever you’re at or you can say well you know I have three cheat days in a row and I don’t know why you did maybe you know like maybe it was a family thing maybe you just went through something rough or maybe you just decided to have three cheat days you know what that’s okay like there’s nothing wrong with that like you’re fine don’t be don’t feel guilty because guilt you gotta get rid of the guilt okay like you gotta start thinking life long Changes lifelong like actions it’s not about today and yesterday’s weight it’s about like where do you see yourself in you know next year five years from now do you where do you want to be with your weight so think in the long term that helps with the short term like little slip-ups and stuff that’s what helps me and then you know asking yourself about like why am I doing this in the first place like do you really want to you know lose any weight like and that’s okay like if you don’t want to lose weight that’s okay like it needs to be your decision you got to own it whatever your decision is so hopefully that helps yeah and if you want to give me more details you can do that too Shar thank you for talking about the keep at it you’re gonna be fine you’re gonna get under there you just gotta be like you just gotta be stubborn sometimes with the scale you just kind of like I’m not quitting beating obesity do you come across people telling you that you’re thin enough and you should just stop trying to lose weight uh yes uh somebody on here one of my commenters you know and it’s all I think it’s just you know being nice and you know they’re like okay you can you can stop now and you know my answer to that would be I’m not yet at a place you know cuz I I can see my body and people see you know just up here but yeah I still have belly fat and I think you know if I still have belly fat I’ve still got some to lose probably and the healthy range of weight for me is like from one 119 or think people are well-meaning but it’s not something that I mean like I feel like now if if you check the BMI scale or the chart BMI chart and it’s telling you you’re underweight then you got something to really think about but other than that I would just say oh that’s sweet you know and pretty much do whatever I wanna do um I’m wondering have you had people tell you that beating obesity Albert hi hey Albert checking in thanks for checking in Vicky you asked what made me decide to do OMAD okay so I didn’t really know about OMAD it’s so funny like okay so I learned about intermittent fasting back in the end of 2014 that was when I was first introduced to it and then after that I went very slowly I didn’t know I thought you know like I read one thing one time that said with females no longer than a 14 hour fast so I thought oh you know I can’t really I can only go so far with fasting and so that really kept me kind of like I didn’t want to be too aggressive but eventually you know what I started seeing was intermittent fasting was the one thing that I was trying that I could actually stick with like everything else when it came to like trying to be high protein or trying to be you know trying to count calories that wasn’t working for me over the long term it just wasn’t like I could not stick with it but intermittent fasting I could I could be really disciplined with like okay I’m not eating right now I’m just not eating so I started getting a little braver with my window and saying okay I’m gonna push out a little further or further I started having consistent results and then in I’m doing January 2016 I said that’s you know I’m just doing intermittent fasting six days a week at that point I was probably at a out and I might have even been at eighteen six there didn’t keep super good records the main thing was just doing the fasting and so then I pushed it and pushed it and I was probably at like an 18:6 or maybe even a 20:4 at a time when the stomach bug went through our house and I just didn’t eat until supper and I thought that was kind of easy you know like it was not I didn’t die from not eating you know and so I thought well I could try that again and I tried it again and and then like the scale moved like down I can’t remember how much like three pounds that week or maybe even more than that it was enough to make me think hey maybe I’m on to something here and then what happened was like I think I started googling like it’s it okay to just eat one meal a day and then that’s where I came across OMAD and here’s an embarrassing tidbit I didn’t know what it stood for I thought it was like nomad but without the N so I didn’t really know that it stood for one meal a day so embarrassing but then when I read that article it was like okay other people have done it and it’s okay and it’s healthy and then I think at that point I ran across dr. Fung’s articles and it was okay for females so that’s where that’s where it all kind of came from so and I was having such good success with it and feeling so good and I could see myself doing it long term that’s how I landed on OMAD okay good to catch you again oh thanks Suzanna um let’s see jo-ann you lost seven pounds the first week but I have not lost anything for the last three weeks and you’re 68 years old okay so I I still think that’s great first of all you lost seven pounds and so that’s a lot in one week but if you want to divide that out over three weeks that’s like two pounds a week so I still think you’re in a great place um you know a lot of times this is just my experience but you know what I’ve found is like the scale will go like this and then just over time and it sometimes it does this boom you know and boom so you know I would be patient with it and just stick with it it especially if it’s something that you think like okay I can stick with this and just be patient you know I had that I mean in 2016 my goal was a pound a week and that’s pretty much where I was I mean like that’s that’s what I lost about one point one six pounds a week okay Karina you said what increments did you increase your fasting time very gradually and as I felt ready I mean sometimes it was only like 30 minutes sometimes it was an hour but it was all about like okay I think I could do this a little bit longer and a little bit longer and like I said once I got to OMAD I think there was a jump there like I was probably at a 20:4 I mean I might have even been I think I was really more like at 20:4 and then you know just bumping it up to basically a thanks for being my Fitbit buddy and motivating me with the challenges oh you’re welcome you’re succeeding with OMAD and have lost Deborah that is awesome that oh man that’s exciting to me you’re you’ve lost that is awesome under 200 I bet you’re feeling good right now huh okay Stephanie I’m envious of the beautiful walks you’re going to be taking during your travels oh I know I’ve already oh my gosh just on just today like we were driving from north northeast georgia up to – we just we’re just above Chattanooga and everything right now like we’re in Grundy County so the the views of the mountains have been spectacular even from the interstate we’re on like 24 I think and it’s beautiful and the rocks like on either side like you’re just going through a thorough mountain and there’s rocks on both sides it’s amazing just the drives have been amazing I can’t wait to get on some walks out here okay hi Jennifer let’s see Albert you started at 244 in November now you’re at 204 you’ve been doing different methods of intermittent fasting you’ve been about the same weight for a few months now goal weight – was 200 you might go a bit lower when you do hit 200 yeah that’s I think it’s really good to have kind of a a general idea of where you want to be sometimes a number itself can be kind of arbitrary like I used to say well I think 135 but that’s pretty arbitrary and I’m not going to be upset if I can’t get down to 135 so but that’s good Albert thanks for sharing your results congratulations 40 pounds down that’s awesome Deborah you’re a diabetic and you had a heart attack in 2016 you could hardly stand up and when you started you fell often now you’re stepping sometimes up to eight miles a day that is awesome that is awesome Deborah congratulations you know man you’ve changed your life right that is that’s awesome congratulations that that’s that’s just great let’s see Albert six foot tall 71 I didn’t know you’re 71 years old Albert six feet tall that’s awesome Deana how tall am i I am 5 foot 6 Joanne you did 6 miles on the elliptical this morning so proud of yourself ate breakfast ate lunch would that be considered intermittent fasting okay so intermittent fasting all it means is that you have some sort of time boundary on food and you know there you know there is no police out there they’re gonna say well that’s not intermittent fasting and arrest you or anything so the way I would define intermittent fasting is you just have a certain time of the day where you don’t eat I would say most people would say a you know I started out with like eight hour fast I was like you know let me just sleep through it and that’ll be that’ll be a boundary and it worked for me you know it’s all about getting control of my eating so so I would say like so if you’re saying you’re eating say breakfast and lunch just every day breakfast lunch breakfast lunch yeah that’s intermittent fasting yeah okay and awesome about six miles on the elliptical that’s pretty challenging ellipticals kicked my butt so I’m proud of you too Debra hang in there Albert started at 240 now down below 200 that’s right it can be done Jennifer you found IF to be the easiest thing you’ve tried in a long time Oh amen to that I’m doing an 18-6 been on this two months and I’ve only dropped a few pounds well right and you know Jennifer uh here’s what I would say like it depends on where you’re at weight wise too like some people don’t have much to lose and so the weights gonna come off slower like at this point I’m in a normal weight range for my BMI so if you plugged your numbers into the BMI and you’re at a normal weight you know I would say it might be that your progress would be that slow if you’re trying to increase your you know your rate of loss you know then you could you have options there you know pushing your window out a little bit further even you can do that or you know you know some people like to kind of try you know higher protein and all that stuff but I’ll leave that to you you didn’t really ask for my opinion did you but yes but but the thing is I mean it’s easy that that’s what so great to me is like it’s so easy that I’m like well it’s not even hard so I’m okay with slow let’s see yes you get that question for people they’re trying to be kind but it can get annoying yeah I tell them I’m fine with my weight but that I keep on trying to be the best version of myself that can be that’s a great answer um and I and I think it depends on the who it’s coming from too as far as like you know that it I think generally speaking people have their heart in the right place there sometimes I think people are trying to pay you a compliment you know you got to stop cuz worse you’re too skinny now you know like I think they mean it that way most times I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt and try not to think there’s any kind of like under undercurrent there of like an ulterior motive or anything so I think that’s good that you just you have that good answer Albert trying to cut out sugar and stay low carbs not keto lifestyle change right yeah exactly like lifestyle change that’s what it’s all about I think is getting that point where you feel good about you know your body and you are you’re feeling good with the the food that you’re eating all that stuff Jennifer the scale goes up and down huh isn’t that the truth your in-laws live in Northwest Georgia yeah interesting yeah I grew up in Northeast Georgia Sonya how do you know if you’re eating too much do you ever think you’re eating too much when you sit when you eat your one meal okay so how do I know so if I’m eating too much I think you mean like well that’s kind of a difficult question because that you might be asking like you know like if you’re think if you’re gaining if you’re gaining consistently I’d say you’re probably eating too much so maybe your windows too long and you’re able to you know overeat or you just you know you’re stuffing yourself too much and the one meal I try to whenever I sit down to be relaxed to take my time to enjoy the meal to think about what I’m eating I mean I don’t sit in from TV and eat generally speaking like we have one family night where you know we might grab a pizza and have you know have it in front of the television it kind of depends but and then just it’s been a process okay because I used to sit down and just Gorge myself and I would just when I got up from the table I would hate myself like why did I eat so much but over time I’ve been able to learn like okay you know I’m starting to get full I want to eat enough though that it is I mean it’s kind of a balancing act because you want to eat enough or I do I want to eat enough so that I have plenty of energy for the next day it feels easy the next day I don’t feel like crap I did not eat enough you know um so it’s a process it’s a learning thing it’s all a lot of it too is really checking in with yourself after the meal saying like okay how am I feeling right now like think about like okay how much they eat just then did you know like what it was I stressed you know like if you find that you’re overeating a lot of times what I found was I was just stressed you know like I would I would I would sit down to my my meal and I was stressed and then you know I would over eat I try to get that under control beforehand I tried to not sit down stressed I try to deal with my stress before my meal so yeah hopefully hopefully I answered that question it’s very rare now for me to overeat like where I’m just like oh you know I I hate myself like even even now I’m kind of proud of myself because this past two weeks you know I was with family sometimes it was like a larger group I tend to feel more uncomfortable at things like that I tend to you know just eat kind of mindlessly or you know whatever we went out to eat a lot but I can’t think of a single time where I was like miserable afterwards I felt like I just ate I ate enough so okay Sophia hi Kayla does it matter if the steps you do are through brisk walking or they just have to be 14000 steps for me just the 14,000 I’m a slow Walker I don’t have any like any pace goals generally I’m about three miles an hour so that’s I think most people would be like oh gosh Kayla walk faster than that but I just like to walk you know and especially in the beginning I was probably slower than I know I know I was slower than that and I took frequent breaks in the beginning too like it was all about just like okay stand up and get a few steps in you know and so I’d walk around my house and I would sit down again you know my rule was always you can go as slow as you want to go as slow as you want to go you just got to get up and get those steps in that was it uh Trudy so funny that you asked that you said maybe you can walk the Appalachian Trail sometime and we were just talking about that with my brother-in-law he has actually lost some weight with intermittent fasting too and he has done parts of the Appalachian Trail and so he was telling us all about his experiences on it it made me really want to do it but probably what I would like to do is wait till my kids are older and my husband had this idea before like we should do it with our kids and be like a big family thing but after hearing those stories it’s like okay our youngest needs to be 12 at least before we attempt that so cuz it can be pretty challenging so okay white and grey boutique I get nauseous when I work out on an empty stomach I can only get in my workout in the morning how do I avoid the nausea okay so that is not something I’ve experienced again because I’m not really you know like it sounds like you’re probably working out right and I’m just not um I would say you know probably more than likely and now some people have had success like lean gains that was where I first learned about intermittent fasting and he talked about taking a BCAA BCAA powder like branch chain amino acids is what those are and he said that I mean because he’s like a personal trainer and he was talking about how that would help with if you’re fasting if you’re working out fasted um you know if it were me though I generally don’t do like supplements and stuff so I might if I was consistently doing that I could let’s see if I could only get my workout in the morning I’d probably eat something beforehand I just would I would just eat you know a small something I wouldn’t care that was not OMAD I know I can’t remember now I think you’re at OMAD so if you’re doing OMAD though you know like I would just say well I’m just gonna like you can create your own rules and your own plan like I really hope everybody like customizes it completely to them you know cuz that’s what I did I mean most people say well you can’t have half and half in your coffee and you know like I just made up my own rules um so I think what I’d probably do if I found you know I’m getting nauseous all the time because I hate feeling nauseous okay that that’s not fun and I and I would I would think I probably won’t stick with this over the long term if I’m feeling nauseous every day so what I really do is you know fix myself a sandwich beforehand that would probably be what I’d do I’d probably like make it a PB&J and work out and just but you know being really disciplined with it being you know just that one thing and otherwise I’m not eating all day that’s just me but I’d say you know experiment with it see what makes you feel good you know I don’t know if you do protein shakes and all that that I don’t because I did protein shakes and I was like I don’t know 13 14 for the zone diet I will never well never say never but I don’t want to ever drink another protein shake for as long as I live okay Joanie I love the averages that’s what’s helping so I’m not done with this week’s average this week to average it yet so I guess I keep plugging away that’s what yeah that’s so yeah as the five why’s exactly yeah and also to clarify I keep the average running okay so I don’t do it just week to week I keep the running average okay so I’m like so every day I have a seven-day average that that I can look at so hopefully that helps you and I’m glad that was helpful okay Lisa yeah the weighing app the happy scale is awesome averages your weight loss and sets small weight loss goals for you that is apparently a really good app they only have iOS so I haven’t been able to test it out because that is one that I would love to see like how does it work and what does it do but I don’t have iOS devices actually I might have an old iPhone I could maybe try it out on Henrietta I can’t exercise because of a tear in your knee you do 18 hours fast no problem 17 pounds gone awesome in six weeks so proves exercise doesn’t matter on a weight loss plan what do you think I think you’re absolutely right henrietta there are lots of people actually that have told me you know like I don’t exercise at all I only do you know intermittent fasting and that’s working for me and I say fantastic whatever works for you a lot of people think that the reason I have success with OMAD is because I walk six miles every day and I always try to say look I don’t think that’s it I think the six miles keeps my head in the right place and it keeps me feeling good and it keeps my joints feeling good and all that so it’s like reinforcing it but but I think it makes me hungrier too you know like by the time I sit down at my one meal I have at least walked six miles that day and so it you know I think it increases my appetite and so then I’m eating more so then you know I’m not gonna lose so in other words I think you kind of cancels each other out a little bit but that’s just my opinion I’m not a doctor but I think that’s great Henrietta so thank you for sharing that because I think that it’s something you know some people they have very busy lives like people all right well how long does it take you know two hours I’m not doing that like find don’t do it I don’t you know I’m just saying what I do but um that is great and I’m so glad that you’ve lost grey boutique I don’t take any you asked what vitamins or supplements do I take- I don’t take any none I thought about the multivitamin still don’t know there’s I don’t know I’ve read research on both sides and I still can’t come to like yes I feel 100% convinced that I should or that I shouldn’t so but let’s see you’re not gaining though the scale kept going up before I started IF so that is good right I want to know about exercise and water okay so Jennifer I love how you’re staying on the positive side too – I I always that’s another thing I always look for victories no matter what the scale is doing I’m like I’m gonna find something to be happy about you know like if I if I’ve earned a weight loss badge or you know one thing that really helped me in the beginning like when I was losing you know occasionally I’d plateau a bit that’s when I would go and do a personal best in my walking or you know just other things like that to just really do something get a victory somehow or you know you know and just looking back at the progress I’ve made so far you know saying okay well man but look at this time last year where I was at or look at this time last month where I was at it really helps if you can do those things so that’s really good okay but exercise and water a pretty vague question so I’m just gonna assume you’re gonna ask me you like or you’re asking how much water do I drink I drink to thirst so when I’m feeling thirsty which I am right now I’ll drink water this is actually coffee but I will drink water or I’ll drink you know La Croix or tea I don’t do the thing where you just pump yourself full of water I just don’t I feel like we’ve got an instinct there we know when we’re thirsty like every animal knows when they need to drink so I mean when I’m out in Florida or if I’m out hiking in the summertime I am I’m you know I’m drinking the water it’s when I’m thirsty but yeah that’s just that’s what I do let’s see Deb its truly so easy doing OMAD for the first time I can recall I’m free of carbs controlling me I don’t feel like a crazy addict that’s awesome I I think it is great to not feel controlled by food and I can’t remember if you’re doing keto or if you’re just eating whatever but cuz I eat whatever but it is freeing to just you know like food isn’t controlling me I control the food that’s a nice place to be let’s see will overeating at the meal slow the process down well Jennifer you know like so I do the one meal and I eat whatever I want I eat however much I want and I mean I try not to make myself miserable it’s a fine line I think I can let’s see I think the question is you know can a person sit there and overeat at that one meal and I just haven’t been able to basically I think is the thing like so far up until this point I eat whatever how much I want at that one meal now I get this sitting down I sit down I eat the meal I stand up and I start fasting again I don’t open my window up for an hour or two and just continually graze like I’m just sitting there for the one meal so I don’t know but for me that’s what’s been the case I think anybody that’s you know you know doing it you know give it like six weeks eat how much you want to eat and see what your results are giving myself that freedom to say however much you want counter-intuitively helped me with you know not overdoing it I don’t know let’s see Carolina I don’t know what you’re saying there okay Lisa OMAD revolution recommends to set your plate in front of you and set a timer for five or ten minutes wait for the timer to go off before you eat help slow yourself helps to let’s say helps you to slow your eating down stop gorging yourself let’s see so you set your plate in front of you like are you talking about like your food in front of you for five or ten minutes and then you eat I don’t know I’ve never done that because my kids would start eating and I’d be like hey wait for me do you ever exercise barefoot I don’t know how to pronounce your name Jean maybe um yeah actually I love barefoot hiking I got into it in Florida and it was kind of like the springtime so the ground wasn’t too hot but then as the ground got hotter got to the point where I really couldn’t do it consistently just the other I think it’s yesterday I did a little bit of barefoot hiking in the park where we stayed in Gainesville in Gainesville and I love it I prefer and when I was house walking I was barefoot walking all the time in my house I never wore shoes I just prefer it I mean I’ve always had trouble with my knees which I’ve noticed even now like even though I’ve been wearing shoes for the past several months when I’m getting my six miles in I don’t notice any kind of knee pain so I think that’s probably because I’ve lost 80 pounds but okay so I love barefoot exercise absolutely Joanne Smith what type of food do I eat all the food like any type the only things I don’t eat I don’t eat pork I don’t eat shellfish but that’s not for dietary purpose is that is a religious thing yeah like I eat carbs when I want carbs I eat you know like I just eat anything I don’t nothing is off the table as far as I’m concerned if I went dessert I’ll eat dessert if I want bread I’ll eat bread rice and beans and you know meat and cheese and every everything vegetables of course fruit everything everything is on the menu all the time beating obesity do you ever get the urge to pick up and do some jogging you know occasionally but I fight it no no I know I don’t fight it um I just I have in the past I’ve had so many problems with my knees I just I haven’t tried it since I lost weight basically occasionally like the other day we were I was doing laundry and you know since we’re camping it was at a building and I had to just grab our bag of laundry and sprint to our RV because it was starting to rain and it was pretty fun like it made me remember like I really enjoy sprinting more than jogging I used to jog like three miles every day even when I was 222 pounds and so we’ll see I’m not at the point where I want to change anything I really i’m really just curious about this certain plan like just doing it until I just have no more results and then I’ll start messing with you know the exercise maybe Deborah how did you figure out your walking speed also your stride for Fitbit for Fitbit the stride they give you instructions on how to do that on their support page I think the walking speed you know one thing was I just walked I just walked at a pace that I wanted and I don’t to be clear I mean that’s just a round like you know I think it’s about three miles an hour because it takes me about two hours I don’t keep track of it if I want to walk slower I will if I want to walk faster I will but and one thing I I kind of know the pace because of just walking on a treadmill at the gym I would do that and so I kind of knew like okay a three kind of feels like this but yeah let’s see I asked in general because I get this asked this too I’m not counting calories I’m trying not to stress myself with counting calories yeah like I did yeah yeah I I think that I have to just tell people my experience which is you know like I’ve just like so far I have not gotten to a point yet where I have to say okay Kayla you only get one plate of food or you’re gonna start gaining weight like I’m just like sit down eat what you want to eat and you know still still losing though slowly let’s see take electrolyte powder if you feel sickly that helps a lot yeah Henrietta yeah good point um I’ve heard for like extended fasting which I’ve not experimented with yet like salt a little salt in the water even can help with like the just blah feeling people get after a couple of days of fasting Isabel hi when you go off plan intentionally are you more mindful of what you eat sometimes go off plan but I find it hard not to turn it into a full-on cheat day okay that’s a great question when I go off plan intentionally am I mindful of what I eat I try to always be mindful in that I try very hard not to just sit there and mindlessly eat I don’t eliminate I don’t say well since I’m going off plan I’m now eating keto I don’t do that I just say okay I’m going off plan today you know so like if it’s a family lunch we just eat the lunch I just I pretty much just eat like I would normally eat and generally what that means too is like let’s say I have lunch then supper time I’m not gonna be as hungry that’s what I’ve found but yeah so not turning it into a full-on cheat day I haven’t struggled with that I think because I’ve done it for so long at this point I think what you have to do you know try to be as intentional as you can with it and say okay my plan is this and heck you know here’s what I would say if it’s that you say okay you know what when I start eating it you know like the lunchtime thing I’m just gonna you know you know that about yourself like I’m just gonna keep on eating until supper then say that’s the plan today I’m going you know I’m giving myself this window eating and try that cuz that at least gets rid of the guilt you know it gives you permission to just take the that that part of the day as just a cheat time or a cheat day or whatever or a break from fasting some people have been talking about they don’t like calling it a cheat day and I get that and so yeah call it your break from fasting this I’m breaking from fasting for this period of time I’m just intention just be intentional with it whatever you’re doing that’s what I would say Ramas hi hi I’ve been doing 16:8 for a month and a half and I’m down 10 pounds that’s amazing Wow however I hit a plateau do you have any recommendations I wish I could do it OMAD but you can’t since you’re breastfeeding okay first of all you’re down ten pounds pat yourself on the back that’s that’s awesome a month and a half down ten pounds that’s like that’s almost 2 pounds a week I think that’s fantastic and yeah and yes baby comes first okay breastfeeding baby comes first you’ll have plenty of time when you’re not breastfeeding okay so baby always comes first the supply comes first I was I breastfed all three of my kids and so I’m big supporter of that um so what was your question I got I got off on my breastfeeding tangent okay so plateaus so here’s what I say with plateaus I first asked myself am I being consistent with my plan okay so if you’re doing a 16:8 and hopefully you’ve talked to your doctor and got the go ahead and all that and you’re feeling good then say okay am i doing my plan and the answer is yes I’m doing the plan then I say give it six more weeks I’d even say give it two more months but six weeks and see where you’re at my bet is you’ll find that the scales gonna move down it it’s a weird thing I think with the body it like it’s like you can be trucking right along and then your body says oh wait I don’t I don’t know like what you’re doing here and it just like kind of holds on for a while and then you’re gonna you’re gonna find that it’ll move down again that’s what if this happened to me that’s why I always publish all of my progress reports how my weight is going down and on my website – on how I lost 65 pounds with intermittent fasting it shows like my chart and it’ll show you like how my weight you know it’s like heartbeat let’s see Sonya you eat whatever you want awesome okay you eat at work it saves your oh I may be do you get it like is it free maybe um Amy I’m 51 and I’ve been taking a multivitamin for the past year when this package is gone I’m going to give it up but I don’t think there’s enough research support to support its needed either yeah I after doing one of these lives I somebody was asking me about the multivitamin I thought why did I stop taking a multivitamin cuz you kind of vaguely remember so I looked it up again and yeah I’m not convinced delayed eating uh oh hey mr. BB Thanks you’re always so nice at least it helps to tell myself I can eat whatever I want just not right now yes that is that was the key for me like Kayla you can eat whatever you want if you can just hang in there till supper time or whenever my eating window opened in the earlier days and it worked okay waiver wait oh waveRipper6 said what is an extended fast you know people might have different definitions I would say anything longer than a 24 hour fast like some people do 48-hour fasts some people do five-day fasts gosh I’ve heard of even 21-day fast which I don’t know about all that but that’s just all it means it just means doing it for longer than a day which you know you got to be careful I mean you always have to be careful with fasting but especially the extended fasting you want to make sure you’re in a good place to do that Sana do you take any coffee or tea while you’re fasting why yes I do thank you for reminding me to take a sip I do coffee with half and half probably three times a day it depends on the day but three times a day with half and half so half and half for all of you non Americans out there because I didn’t even realize that as an American thing it’s basically cream just I mean call it cream it’s really half cream half whole milk is what we would call it again I don’t even know how this dairy translates back and forth across country lines because apparently a lot of people have no clue what I’m talking about when I say half-and-half like it’s a very common question so basically cream in my coffee no sugar just cream tea I’ll do unsweetened tea like iced tea but that has no calories but yes my my coffee does have calories in its you know half and half in it and I’ve always done it that way sonna actually in the beginning I would have a a little bit of sugar in mine which people will say don’t do that but I did and I eventually got rid of the sugar but Lisa do you find yourself eating healthier now oh not for the past two weeks I’ve been eating restaurant food which is not the best for you I’m sure I think yes overall now people still get on to me about what I eat everything as far as in the comment section some people get really angry but um yeah I think overall certainly because here’s the thing I don’t overdo it on food in general anymore which i think is very much healthy or healthier and like junk food I just don’t like the other day my mom was giving out ice cream sandwiches to everybody like all my kids I’m telling you before I lost all this weight I would have been eating one of those things I was sitting there though I was full and I just said you know no and it was no big deal because I gave myself permission you can have one if you want one but I just didn’t want one and stuff like that happens a lot more often now so yeah I think overall I’m definitely choosing healthier foods and choosing just healthier ways of eating you know and I’m not eating because I’m emotionally and stuff like that WaveRippper how long do I fast for its almost 24 hours I do one meal a day OMAD so it’s almost 24 hours by the time I finished you know cuz I sit down and eat my one meal so if I eat at 6:30 every night and it takes me 30 minutes to eat let’s say then that’s like 23 and a half hours of fasting Trudy drinking mineral water while fasting helps with electrolytes great point Perrier right has minerals in it they make a like a sparkling water that I really like do you think it’s the fasting or the walking that is doing more for my weight loss I would say I am 95 to 98 percent sure that it’s the fasting the reason why I say that is this in was jogging three miles day okay three miles a day I was 222 pounds at least and I was just not losing any weight you know like I was doing that what I would call the exercise side of the equation but I just couldn’t I couldn’t outrun my fork you know so I but for me the walking is necessary I think like I want the walking in there I I mean at this point would I start to gain weight if I continued doing what I was doing and I stopped walking I don’t think so but walking keeps my head in a good place it keeps me feeling good and so I like it and I’ll keep it but it’s just been my overall kind of observational you know thing because I’m asking people you know it comes up in conversations people say well I’m getting my steps in but I just I’m not losing any weight and you know they haven’t changed their eating so I think I think if you’re gonna only change one change the eating side of the equation okay Sophia does coffee not break your fast it’s great if you still if you still have been able to lose weight yeah so I’ve lost 80 pounds and I’ve had my half and half in my coffee the entire time so does it technically break the fast you know there’s a thing called fat fasting and I don’t know much about it I just I just heard Jason fung kind of mention it but it’s this idea that if you’re eating pure fat your body can still be in a fasted state now I don’t understand all that but but kind of my theory is maybe the half and half since it has so much fat in it and that’s mainly where the calories are coming from maybe that’s why I’ve still been able to lose the weight or you know some people might say well maybe it’s just youre consuming fewer calories overall because you’re just consuming at the one meal maybe I don’t know all I know is that I’ve still been able to lose the weight alright let’s see I believe in the set point for your weight that doctor fung talks about Trudy I think that that is probably a thing too like the idea that you can kind of get to a weight and it takes a while to like move on from that point or that you know once you get to a weight and you maintain it for a while that it’s almost like you can be looser with it and you can still maintain I think that is a thing but you know I haven’t done a lot of research on it I know someone who calls it their feast day instead of their cheat day yeah that’s a good one I like that Karina yeah Karina I hope I said your name right uh yeah I think that’s a good name you know feast day or yeah resting from fat yeah resting for fasting day that’s a horrible name for it right its too much of a mouthful oh thank you Ramos I’m glad you like the content did it work without walking six miles okay so wave Ripper I never tried it without walking the six miles when so in 2015 I was doing some stuff with intermittent fasting okay I was like you know I kept getting in a hurry and so I’d change everything around I was just not being consistent with anything in general but all during that time I was doing some form of working out I did CrossFit I did power lifting I did you know running I did sprinting I did jogging I did you know everything so I have never tried it without but I will tell you there are lots of people out there that have shared with me personally like you know I’m not exercising at all I’m only doing intermittent fasting and I’m having these results and they’re great results so so that would be my that would be my best why I say I think you could do it without walking six miles but you know I can only tell you what I’ve done let’s see Henrietta I put my scales in the trash oh no now you go to weigh at your pharmacy every two weeks it stopped me going nuts yeah with the scales going up and down up and down and get a true reading that way yeah so Henrietta I I understand what you’re talking about because it can be easy to get obsessive with the scale and weigh multiple times a day and everything um the why I do it the way I do it so I weigh every day but I really I almost I would say I almost ignore that single weight I look at my seven-day average so I’m just plugging it into the spreadsheet and then it’s showing me like on average what did you weigh this week you know the past seven days what have your weight been and that kind of helps smooth that out but I think whatever is working for you you know if if that’s what you can stick with with that I think that’s great because what I have found now for me once I stop weighing it is very hard for me to get back on the scale like I’ve gone on vacation before you know while doing this whole thing and you know being off the scales for a week man it drove me crazy and I kept thinking oh what’s weight gonna be what’s the weight gonna be it wasn’t that bad once I got back on there especially if I’ve taken all that time off but there was that fear there so I like to keep the scale like its there you know every day it’s just part of my routine every morning I wake up I put it in my fitbit app and then I go on about my day it keeps me accountable but whatever works for you I say that’s what you should do so let’s see waveripper great idea how do I find the time to walk 2 hours a day I just I don’t watch much TV I read somewhere that the average American watches I don’t know like ah I want to say it was four hours of TV a day but let’s just say it’s two hours cuz I think a lot of people that’s pretty common right like you start watching at 8:00 you know you watch for a couple hours and go to bed around 10:00 so I just said well if I’ve got time to watch TV or most people have that much time to watch TV I’ve got enough time to watch or to walk and so that’s just kind of how I did it just said I really don’t have an excuse I can find the time so if that’s what a lot of different ways depending on what I was doing in my life at the time what it looks like right now my husband and I wake up about five o’clock in the morning and we walk for two hours so by seven o’clock we’re done with our steps you know so that’s what we do now but in the past it’s been I get a you know a thousand here and a thousand there and by the end of the day I mean there were days though that it would be like it’s ten o’clock and I’ve really got to get my steps in now and I would just you know do my steps so hope that helps so blessed I’m I’m glad you found the channel too thank you have a good night Joann thanks everybody that’s so nice alright yeah but you love tea that’s good saying it yeah or just saying it sana I’m I’m glad you found the channel too do the wave ripper you said you can do the fast hardly eat it is the walking you’re having trouble with yeah and look I’m all about whatever feels easy like however you’re feeling good and whatever is working for you whatever you can see yourself yourself sticking with over the long term can you do this day in day out and then just see you know and and record your results so you know this is working or this is not working I think let’s see all right let’s see how long did it okay how long did it take me to lose the weight and how much weight and are you still trying to lose okay so it kind of happened in phases okay 2015 that’s when I first got on the scale by February 2015 I got on the scale and I weighed 222 pounds I started going to the gym everyday actually I was going to the gym everyday at that point so going to the gym every single day doing everything I could learned about intermittent fasting in about 15 or so pounds that first year maybe up to 17 but by the end of the year and started to creep back up so Iwas in 2016 beginning of January 2016 I was about ready to give up I thought forget it I’ve been killing myself at the gym I had injured my back doing deadlifts so I just felt kind of defeated but I got stubborn I said no I really want to lose this weight so in 2016 January’ 2016 I was at about call that 50 pounds of weight loss in about 11 months 50 pounds down okay I maintained that for a year because I thought am I gonna be able to keep this off because I was really concerned so I kept it off for until September 2017 that’s when I started this channel and I said you know I’m still a few pounds overweight like BMI wise I was like three pounds or so from being you know in the normal zone I said I at least want to get down into the normal zone get good and secure in there at this point I’ve lost like 80 pounds so I’ve lost an additional what’s that like let’s see well about 12 or so pounds is that right I so that’s how long it’s taken me so it’s not that it took me that long to lose eighty it just took me a while to figure out what worked and and then I maintained for a year before I said I wanted to lose more am I currently still losing I am still losing currently very slowly about a third of a pound a week and so I’m at a point now where if I never lost another ounce I’d be super happy where I’m at so I think that answered all your questions if I missed something let me know does your family join in with fasting if not it must be tempting to sneak in food while cooking their meals it’s a great will power well thanks Catherine you know so I’ve got three kids a 12 year old nine year old and a six year old they don’t fast it’s not that I think that that’s necessarily a bad thing you know like you know because other cultures they have different eating patterns but for my kids they eat you know whenever they want they self-regulate really well so my husband tried fasting and he’s just not a good faster like he he’s a very skinny guy and like in order to fast a lot of times I think in order to feel good while you’re fasting you need to have some body fat on ya and he just really doesn’t have body fat so he doesn’t really fast he did though for a while and you tried OMAD for a while and as far as cooking or eating while cooking yeah eating while cooking um I don’t really cook breakfast and lunch okay my kids are old enough where they can they can fend for themselves on those two meals so for supper time you know like and if I need to taste something I will like I’m not that like oh I can’t eat anything until I sit down like it’s like if I’m gonna taste you know to make sure if something’s got enough salt I’m just gonna be fine with that yeah so but in the beginning that did take a lot of willpower because occasionally I would cook my husband breakfast and he he got to feeling so bad about it he was like just don’t just don’t I’ll I’ll make my own breakfast but it was hard in the beginning but now it’s easy I can sit there and make stuff all day and just I just don’t I don’t feel the need to eat let’s see an American Home said do you believe that having your eating window during daylight hours is important like making sure that you don’t eat too late at night I don’t I mean you know that’s just me I kind of tested that theory I would say I tested it pretty well because when I was maintaining for that period of time I ate late at night you know like that’s how I did it I would like eat supper and then I would eat snacks at night and I loved that pattern and I was still able to maintain I didn’t gain a bunch of weight but I think it’s worth experimenting with like if it’s something where you feel really good eating at night yeah I say try it you know European people eat a lot later than we do and they don’t have nearly the problems that we have over here in America with obesity so at least that’s my understanding when you do eat what type of Tibault do you eat I think you meant food I think you said abby but do you limit your portions okay I don’t limit my portions I don’t limit anything anything I want to eat is on the menu like so like high carb that’s fine with me I’ll eat rice and beans I’ll eat pancakes I’ll be you know chicken and vegetables I’ll eat hamburgers and fries I’ll eat anything anything is on the menu I that was the one thing that I was really going to figure out is how can I do this so I don’t have to do any kind of special food I don’t have to restrict anything and so that’s what’s worked for me and I don’t restrict portions I try to not make myself completely miserable when I eat so I try to be mindful of like okay I’m actually full now so let’s stop eating like according to our natural circadian rhythms I think I answered that right okay this is great I’ve got the cat out bye Henrietta thanks for joining us okay do I have any rules like not eating after this point is I eat one meal a day okay so that just means I sit down I eat that one meal with my family I stand up from the table I start fasting again and i won’t eat until supper the next day now when I had like a fasting window I still didn’t do like a you know I have to be done eating by 6:00 p.m. I just set my my window up so like maybe my window would go from like 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. let’s say that would be a 20 hour fast I never I never made it so it’s like oh I got to be done eating early in fact I think I mean it’s hard to say it’s been a couple of years now since I was at that point I tried to actually kind of push the eating later so that I could have a snack so that the morning fasting would be easier that’s what worked for me okay how long after you finish your meal or meals does the fasting window start one hour after finishing two okay let’s see you finish your meal does the fasting window start so for me I would just say as soon as I stop eating see so cuz I’m doing OMAD so when I when I say that I just you know sit down eat my meal I stand up and I start fasting again now I’m not timing it okay I don’t because I’m at OMAD my only rule is I just eat supper everyday so I just sit down and eat supper I’m not really watching the clock and everything but when you’re doing intermittent fasting and you have a window so like you know let’s go back to the eating window that was for a while that was a thing I did you just I would say at four o’clock I can start eating and then but at eight o’clock but I need to have eaten my last food so I do not eat past eight o’clock so like if I want to eat something at and be done chewing about 8 oclock that’s how I would do okay thank you American said I love the country wine shirt you have worn so often oh ok so my sister’s winery sweet acre farms winery I know I know that shirt you’re talking about probably the grey one I wear it quite often on here and they are in Alto Georgia my sister owns her own winery they make their own wine they are fruit wines they are amazing if you’re ever in Northeast Georgia you should go check them out they also ship their wine now too I think that’s their web address if my husband is on here maybe he’ll put the link I don’t know okay Peter we’re talking about OMAD and intermittent fasting would would I ever shave my head or do something special for charity actually I have plans to do I’m gonna try to do a hundred thousand steps in a single day and I want to do a fundraiser for a charity called kinship United and I want us to try to raise money to dig a well for them but more details to follow I don’t know exactly which day I’m going to try that but I’ll give you more details as I have them so thanks for asking that okay yeah dr. fung says heavy whipping cream is okay in coffee that’s right yeah okay well yeah and I’ve done heavy whipping cream in my coffee just not very consistently if I have it on hand I love it my coffee I think it tastes amazing okay so I think that’s enough for today we’ve been live for over an hour so thank you guys so much for joining me if you want to continue the conversation you can go over to you can post on the forums over there I try to be pretty involved over there and people are really great about helping out different with different questions and stuff and they share with what’s working for them so Lisa yeah whatever works for you okay well and thank you so much for joining me and we’ll do this again next Wednesday I don’t know where I’ll be well let’s keep them what [/spoiler]


7:00 How many calories do you burn walking 6 miles?
8:08 Do you put stevia in your coffee or is it okay to do so?
11:34 Have you decided on a goal weight? If so, what protocol will you follow? Will you go back to 2-3 meals a day? How will you maintain?
14:40 What are your favorite podcasts to listen to while walking?
17:04 Do you always feel energized when you are fasting?
17:55 How to get motivated when you’ve gotten off track and you’ve gained some weight back?
20:25 Do you come across people telling you that you’re thin enough and should stop trying to lose weight?
21:40 What made you decide to do OMAD?
25:38 In what increments did you increase your fasting time?
28:18 How tall are you?
28:25 What is intermittent fasting?
31:30 Lifestyle change?
32:00 How do you know if you’re eating too much? Do you ever think you’re eating too much at your one meal?
34:50 Does it matter if your steps are brisk or not?
36:20 How to avoid nausea?
39:45 Do you think exercise matters for weight loss?
41:14 What vitamins and supplements do you take?
41:44 What do you think about exercise and water?
43:45 Will overeating at the meal slow the process down?
45:38 Do you ever exercise barefoot?
46:46 What type of food do you eat?
47:24 Do you ever get the urge to start jogging?
48:25 How did you figure out your walking speed? Also your stride for fitbit?
50:09 When you go off plan intentionally, are you mindful of what you eat? Sometimes I have to go off plan and it’s hard not to turn it into a whole cheat day.
52:20 Recommendations for weight loss plateaus?
55:20 What is extended fasting?
55:50 Do you drink coffee or tea while fasting?
56:55 Do you find yourself eating healthier now?
58:08 How long do you fast for?
58:40 Do you think it’s the fasting or walking that is helping you most to lose the weight?
1:00:14 Does coffee not break your fast?
1:01:12 Set point with weight?
1:04:45 How do you find the time to walk 2 hours a day?
1:07:00 How long did it take you to lose the weight? How much did you lose? Are you still trying to lose?
1:09:28 Does your family fast? Is it challenging to not sneak in food while cooking their meals if not?
1:11:10 Do you believe having your eating window during daylight hours is important? Making sure you don’t eat too late at night?
1:12:08 Do you limit portions?
1:13:15 Do you have any rules like not eating after a certain time?
1:14:15 How long after you finish your meal does the fasting window start?
1:15:30 Where did you get your country wine shirt? Note: My sister’s winery website url is:
1:16:10 Would you shave your head for charity?

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The live Q&A sessions on Youtube happen every Wednesday at 3pm EDT. You can find the live feed here at this link.

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