
Video: Avoiding Winter Weight Gain

 [spoiler title=’Click For Video Transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] anonymous writes I’m concerned about staying on plan in winter every winter I gain the weight I lost in the summer the winters are cold and dark here any suggestions or tips for staying motivated throughout the winter so this is a common problem this is something […]

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How to Get Up & Moving

 [spoiler title=’Click for transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] how do you become a consistently active person if you’re sedentary right now let’s talk about it so in this video I wanted to talk about how you can go from being sedentary to being active and you know I’m just gonna base it on my own experiences

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Simplifying Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting is simple, and because of that, there is a powerful temptation to make it more complicated. I was guilty of this in the beginning. I thought I needed to do intermittent fasting, but also count calories and “balance my macros” and cycle my carbs (which I never really understood) and lift heavy weights

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Intermittent Fasting Success Story Jim Caldwell 184 Pound Loss – 2 Year Maintenance Update

   Jim Caldwell lost 184 pounds in 14 months and has maintained that weight loss for a little over 2 years. Jim’s Video “Imagine A New Life”  Jim’s YouTube Channel Beating Obesity Jim’s Twitter Jim’s Email Kayla’s Available Courses: Slow And Steady Success Academy including Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101  Kayla’s Books: Overcoming

Intermittent Fasting Success Story Jim Caldwell 184 Pound Loss – 2 Year Maintenance Update Read More »

How To Walk 6 Miles A Day In Your House: Viewer Q&A

 How do you walk 6 miles in your house? Are you walking on a treadmill, or walking up and down the hallway, or marching in place? I would like to implement this, but I don’t have a treadmill and walking outside the house isn’t usually possible due to my schedule. What tips do you

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111 Pounds Lost: Intermittent Fasting Success Story: Brian Heinz

 Brian Heinz lost 111 pounds in 6 months through eating one meal a day. He found himself at 372 pounds on January 7 and knew he had to change something because he wasn’t happy with what he saw in the mirror. After having lost a significant amount of weight, and gaining it and more

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Do You Walk In A Fasted State?: Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q&A

 Today’s question is from a Monique: I am not sure if you’ve already answered this on your channel but do you walk in a fasted state to improve fat loss or did you walk whenever you had the time, regardless of whether you were fasting or feeding? Do you exercise in a fasted state?

Do You Walk In A Fasted State?: Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q&A Read More »

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