Monthly Progress Report

Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: October 2018 Progress Report

Video Recap Challenges for this month: October was a stressful month, mostly because of the writing and publishing of my book. Several (intentionally) off plan days. October 2018 Walking Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day Results: I hit my step goal every single day I walked a total of 476,059 steps That’s a total of 205.27 […]

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: September 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] let’s do September 2018s progress report September was a very interesting month I started out the month doing the fundraiser for Jezza as well and so that actually caused a lot of stress I was I put a lot of pressure on myself to get those funds

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: August 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] last month changed my life let’s do August’s progress report I do these videos to show you just what a weight loss journey looks like how the numbers fluctuate and just the different challenges I face and the month of August had lots of challenges actually we visited

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: July 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] it’s time for July’s progress report so I do these progress reports every month because I want you to see what does a weight loss journey look like you know what are the actual numbers like month in and month out let’s talk about challenges for the month

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: June 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] June was hot let’s do my monthly progress report so I do these progress reports every month because I want you to see what does the weight loss journey look like for me especially now that I’m getting down to more like my goal weight how slow the

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: May 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] May was an amazing month let’s do my monthly progress report I do these progress reports to show you just exactly what it’s like to go on this weight loss journey you know what my numbers do on a day to day basis how much they fluctuate and

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: April 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] April was a life-changing month so it’s time for April’s progress report you know I do these reports every month because I want to you know show you my process of reviewing my goals setting new goals talk about the challenges I faced and just so you can

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Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: March 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click here for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]did I break the Plateau let’s talk about it in this month’s progress report so as always I like to do these videos to show you the numbers see what it’s like day in day out for you know when you’re on a weight-loss journey and so last

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Monthly Progress Report: February 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]it’s time to review February’s numbers I’ve got one word to describe this month plateau so I do these monthly weigh-ins monthly check-ins progress report things because I want to show you how numbers my numbers at least fluctuate how my you know weight tracks and that kind of

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Monthly Progress Report: January 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] it’s the easiest month ever to lose weight let’s talk about my January numbers so it’s time for the monthly progress report I like to do these reports because I want to show you you know just what my daily numbers look like you know in the month

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