Note: In December 2018, I did a 5 day fast, but allowed myself black coffee. If you’d like to compare my experience below with that, you can watch the three videos I made about it here: 5 Day Fast Experience Quick Recap and My 5 Day Fast Experience and 5 Day Fast My Experience Q&A.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on the Internet. You should consult your physician before doing any fasting or changing your diet or exercise routine.Â
I took it upon myself to do a 5 day (120 hour)Â water only fast. My rules:
- Absolutely no food.
- No liquids except plain water (occasionally with added salt and potassium) according to thirst.
- No medicine.
- Quit if at any time I feel I am putting myself in danger.
- Walk 6 miles a day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Why would you do that to yourself? one might reasonably ask. I did it for myself. I’ve been intrigued by the new scientific studies that have been done that seem to point to extended fasting providing cancer prevention benefits. After doing lots of research about this type of fasting, I decided that there was very little downside and a tremendous possible upside. The upsides I hoped for? Possible cancer prevention, increased mental toughness, and a closer relationship with God.
I kept a journal of my experiences so that I could remember in more detail what this experience was like, and so that others who are curious about extended fasting might benefit from it as well. I finished eating my last meal before my fast on Sunday, February 2, 2020, at 10 am. I had three homemade chocolate chip pancakes with butter and maple syrup, three eggs sunny side up, and around four pieces of turkey bacon with a cup of coffee with half and half. I jotted down the time and commenced the fast.
Monday, February 3, 2020 – 5:30 pm (31 hours of fasting): I didn’t take my second cup of coffee yesterday. I hoped that I’d spare myself a caffeine headache by stepping down. I’ve drunk water according to thirst and one 20 oz bottle of water with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp potassium. Nasty. I did this mostly to try to prevent any leg cramps from happening at night. I slept solidly from 9 pm to 6 am, only waking up to go pee. I woke up this morning with a mild headache, but it faded after trying a couple of techniques that normally help. (One method: concentrate on the exact location of the headache, then when you’ve mentally pinpointed it, decide what color it is, then decide what shape it is. Another method: sit on your bottom with your feet flat together, like a meditation pose.) This morning my husband J was warming up a corndog in a frying pan and it smelled amazing. He has decided to give up coffee during my fast, as a show of solidarity.
I felt very hungry at 10 am, but it passed after about an hour. I read the rest of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne BrontĂ«, which took up a large portion of my morning. My headache had grown worse, and I had a bit of a lower backache. J and I went out for our six mile walk. I hoped that would rid me of the headache, but it did not. I felt a wave of nausea after the walk, but it subsided within a minute or so. I am determined to only have water during this fast, though if I’m feeling truly bad, I will stop. After my walk, I took a shower. My headache grew worse.
We are staying in our RV at a campground with only water hookups. No electricity. This means there’s no background noise, no hum to drown out the kids’ voices. My youngest was having a hard time with his math today. This made my headache worse. My eldest made homemade brownies, but they don’t tempt me. My kids want me to sit with them while they eat. I think the fasting is harder on those around me than it is on me. J has been eating more than usual. He says it’s because he’s eating for two now, ha ha! One of my kids said they didn’t like the idea of me fasting for five days, because it’s like I’m disconnected from the family. It’s true. There’s a connection that happens when we all sit down and all eat, and I dislike missing out.
Sitting at dinner with the family was fine. They had one of my favorites, buffalo chicken sandwiches with blue cheese. I didn’t feel hungry or tempted at all. My headache appears to be finally fading. I truly dislike the salt and potassium in water. I didn’t feel very good after drinking it, kinda bloated like. I think I’ll discontinue it for now. I wonder how my sleep will be tonight.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 – 8:45 am (46 hrs, 45 mins fasting): Last night my headache grew worse and worse. We went to bed with the sun (6:30 or so) and J knew I was in pain. He asked if I’d stop the fast early if I woke up in the morning with a headache, and I said I didn’t think I would. But as I laid there, I pondered what I would do if it got worse or refused to go away. I considered everyone’s comfort. We’re already without electricity and this fast is making them uncomfortable. Two of my kids said it kinda tortures them that I’m not eating. If I’m visibly in pain on top of that, it might be too much for them. One the other hand, the headache itself was moderate. The trying thing about it was how relentless it was. Of course, there was relief available in the form of Tylenol mere steps from where I lay. I decided to try to fall asleep and then reassess my options in the morning. J massaged my head and by 8:30 or so I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to go pee at midnight, and my headache was blessedly gone. In fact, I was so excited to be free of the pain that it took me a couple of hours to fall back to sleep. Since we have no electricity, I have to save my phone battery as much as possible so that we have it available for emergencies. I tried to use that time to pray, but my mind continually wandered. The heightened focus so many fasters experience hasn’t shown up for me yet. J told me he prayed last night that God would take the headache from me and give it to him. I hit the jackpot when I married that man.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 – 8:45 am (70 hrs, 45 mins fasting): Yesterday was uneventful. I felt good all day. I had no headache, and only a slight lower backache. I’ve been much more sensitive to cold. I assume that’s the body’s reaction to having no foodâit tries to burn as little as possible, therefore I’m not as warm. My skin felt a little raw, kinda like when you have the flu. I had slight nausea in the afternoon, but nothing severe. J and I walked our 6 miles, though a bit more slowly. My calf muscles feel weak and I’m afraid they’re going to cramp on me at night if I overdo it.
Last night I didn’t sleep well. I woke up at midnight to pee and then I couldn’t go back to sleep for hours. I finally did and then the youngest woke up around three and got in bed with us. I had a hard time going back to sleep. When I did, I woke up again around 4 am because our house battery was dead and the fridge couldn’t kick on and we needed to start the RV so that it could. I was awake for a while before I finally fell back asleep. Everyone woke up with the sun (around 7 am).
I miss the connection of eating with my family. There’s something very special about it. I made turkey bacon and hot chocolate for them yesterday, but it doesn’t tempt me. I don’t feel hungry. I currently have a slight headache, but it’s blessedly mild. Yesterday I didn’t do the potassium and salt in water, but today I’m going to do it. I’ll do 1/8 tsp of salt and 1/8 tsp of potassium with 20 ounces of water. It’s much easier to drink that way. I’m still lacking brain clarity, and I’m assuming that’s due to my sleeping troubles. My plan for today is to stay busy, but to rest if needed.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 – 5:00 pm (79 hrs fasting): I didn’t feel up to doing much at all. I sat with the youngest while he homeschooled and walked my six miles. I want to stay busier, but I’m so tired from the not sleeping.
Today’s been sorta miserable. A slight headache has been hovering in my brain all day. My lower back hurts, right at the hip bones at the base of my spine. J’s been so sweet as to rub it for me whenever I ask. I have been very sensitive to cold all day. At one point J said he could feel the heat radiating off my body, even though at the time I felt cold. Overall I’ve been tired and weak. I blame that on a lack of good, solid sleep. Two more nights. I kinda dread it, but I’m hopeful that tonight’s sleep will be sounder.
I felt exhausted before our six mile walk, but I gradually improved as we went along. J floated the idea that I’ve accomplished something great by fasting as long as I have, and that even if I stopped early, I could be very proud of myself. He was, of course, giving me a way to gracefully bow out of the fast, but I told him I wanted to keep going. My backache basically leaves when I’m walking, but my calf muscles are weak feeling. I also get winded going up slight inclines and overall my pace is much slower than my usual three miles per hour pace. I rested a few times when I felt like I needed it. When we got back to the RV my youngest read to me for an hour. As I write this, I can smell the French toast cooking. It smells incredible. I am not hungry, but I am really looking forward to eating again. I’ve started making a list of what I want to eat. Steak, Doritos, and peanut butter M&Ms on date night and cinnamon rolls on Sunday for starters.
Thursday, February 6, 2020 – 8:30 am (94 hrs 30 mins fasting): Last night before bed I did an Epsom salt foot bath, which was very relaxing. We went to bed with the sun, but I woke up at 9:30 pm because of a problem with the fridge. I finally fell back to sleep after an hour and a half. Then I woke up again at 12:30 am. I stayed awake until 3 or so. I woke up for good at six. My back was aching terribly last night before bed, but eased off as the night wore on. I realized my sense of smell is much more sensitive now. I’m guessing that’s the body’s way of helping me find food in cases of actual food shortage. I’m glad I don’t have that heightened sense all the time. It’s not pleasant.
When I got up this morning, J and I fixed the fridge, then we came in to do our morning routine (Bible reading, modified five minute journal). My back is seriously aching as I write this. I can’t get easy. (Note: J has informed me this is a southern phrase, so let me translate: it means I couldn’t get comfortable.) Also, I have a dull headache that keeps making brief appearances and then leaving. Better than staying the whole time, I know. I have no mental clarity at all. Maybe it’s because of the lack of sleep, maybe it’s because of the headache and backache. My skin isn’t magically clearing up like some fasters experience, and in fact, I got a zit yesterday. I’m tired and I’m weak, though my calf muscles feel better today than they did yesterday. I’m not hungry. I’ll be glad to be rejoining the family in eating soon.
Thursday, February 6, 2020 – 6:00 pm (104 hrs fasting): Today, in a word: miserable. After the last journal entry, I had a headache come on that lasted until 4 pm. I took 1/8 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp potassium plain and drank water separately. I felt some hunger around 3 pm. At 4 pm I felt some slight nausea, but it quickly passed. But the worst part of today has been my lower back pain.
It’s been a few notches below excruciating. I could not and cannot get easy. I walked my six miles with J in two sessions, very slowly. I feel so weak, and I get winded much more easily now. My back hurt worse after the first session. J massaged it, then I laid flat on the floor, sometimes with my feet against the wall and my knees bent at a 90 degree angle. That helped, but I couldn’t nap like I was hoping. We went back out for the second session and when we were done, lying on the floor didn’t help the pain. J massaged my back again, and I relaxed and even drifted off to sleep for a few minutes. A shower provides temporary relief, but I only take one a day, because I do not want to fill up our gray tank.Â
My back stayed good until after supper, but it’s hurting again as I write this. It’s supposed to storm tonight with lots of wind, so we’ll have to keep the windows closed. It will be hot. We shall see how I’ll sleep, if at all.Â
Friday, February 7, 2020 – 7:45 am (117 hrs, 45 mins fasting): Last night’s sleep was terrible. We went to bed with the sun. A storm was due to hit in the middle of the night, so we had all the windows closed. The ceiling vents were opened, but we couldn’t use the fans because we don’t have electricity and need the battery for the fridge. It was hot and my head was throbbing. My back was aching awfully. I could not get comfortable. I tried to fall asleep on the floor, but I could not.
I fell asleep in bed, only to wake up an hour later. I finally fell back asleep, and then woke up when the storm hit. The thunder and lightning were all around us and shook the RV. The rain pounded on the roof, and the gusting wind swayed us back and forth. When the storm left around 1 am, I fell back to sleep and then woke up at 2:30. My head had started to throb. I finally fell back asleep, but then woke up for good at 3:30. My headache refused to ease off, and my backache came and went.
As I write this, my head and back feel much better. I feel very weak, especially in my arms, which I find odd. I am definitely ready to eat, though I’m not hungry. I’m curious to see if my back feels better after eating. If it doesn’t, I’ll pop a Tylenol. I’m still not hungry. 2 hours and 15 minutes to go.
Friday, February 7, 2020 – 10:45 am (45 minutes after breaking fast): After my last journal entry, and until I ate, my back pain was excruciating. I broke my fast at 10 am on the dot with leftover spaghetti with ground turkey meat and spaghetti sauce, with a cup of delicious Peet’s coffee with half and half to drink. I ate very slowly because I didn’t want to get sick to my stomach. It’s amazing what restraint you find during a fast. As I ate, I felt both energetic and also like I could take a nice restful nap, if given the opportunity. My body heat instantly returned and I simply felt fantastic. My back pain was gone by the time I finished the meal.
*************End of journal********************
As I look back on this fast, the word that keeps coming to my mind is “miserable.” This fast was not fun. I had planned to read a lot to pass the time, but my backache and headaches prevented me. Appropriately, after I’d finished the BrontĂ« novel, my next selection was Hard Times by Charles Dickens. I’d hoped to pray a lot, but my prayers were woefully sporadic, disorganized and more me-focused than I had planned.
I think the biggest contributing factor to my misery was the lack of sleep. The lack of electricity also threw me and my whole family off, and made things mentally tougher than they would have otherwise been. Missing the connection with my family, especially during a time when they felt a little off-kilter, was challenging. Each night at supper we’ve started doing a thing called rose and thorn. We go around the table and each person says the high point and the low point of their day. Each night at least one kid said their thorn was that I wasn’t getting to eat dinner with them.
This fast did teach me some things about myself. Ultimately, I was able to endure, and I think that’s a useful thing to test on occasion. I learned to be more grateful for my everyday life and health. Right after I ate I could walk around without getting winded. I even twirled around and leaped with delight. I had taken for granted that I can do that on a regular basis. I am grateful to have an abundance of food in my house. Not everyone does. I am grateful for electricity and the ability to pop a Tylenol when I need it. And I am grateful for the connection I feel when I sit with my family and we share a meal. Everyday life is very good.
Even though I broke my fast with spaghetti and coffee, I suffered no ill effects digestively speaking. I felt awesome for the rest of the day. We moved to a different campground that had electricity. We had date night. J fried me up a delicious ribeye steak, and we had Doritos and peanut butter M&Ms. I enjoyed every single bite. I fell asleep around 9:30 and slept until 5:30. I woke up today refreshed and ready to go.
I didn’t do this for the weight loss, by the way. Previous to the fast, I was at a healthy weight. All told, I “lost” 13 pounds, which is basically what I “lost” last time. However, if this time is like the last time, half of that will be back within a week, and the rest will be back within a few weeks. I do not recommend extended fasting for weight loss. It’s very difficult, miserable even, and the loss is usually temporary, unlike when you lose sustainably with permanent lifestyle changes.
When I did my last five day fast, I had planned to do them quarterly, but it took me over a year to do my next one. Going forward, I plan to only do this type of fast at most yearly. Quarterly is simply too often for me and my family.