How To Walk 6 Miles A Day

[spoiler title=’Click here for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]I walk six miles everyday in my house and I don’t have a treadmill and you can do the same thing if you want to so in the process of losing 65 pounds and maintaining that weight loss I have basically had two parts to my plan the first part was intermittent fasting that’s my eating plan but then the other part which I think is almost as important is the moving that I do and that’s I do six miles walking every single day now I will say when it comes to exercise my tendency would be I enjoy high intensity heavy weights you know really difficult exercise but what I found was I can’t stick to that consistently over the long term I just you know I started out strong and then I kind of fizzle out I tried CrossFit I tried a lot of different things powerlifting I enjoyed all that but I always tended to get injured or just didn’t stick with it or I would find ways to make excuses but I kind of landed on walking out of desperation because I was injured and I couldn’t really do much else and when I started to consistently walk I realized I felt a lot better and I’ve just been able to stick with it over the long term and I was able to kind of just excuse proof my workout routine so how do i excuse proof myself well I even when I started walking even though it’s very easy there are a couple of things that I knew that would hold me back from doing it every day and the first one was paced so I’ve told myself I can go as slow as I want like I don’t worry about my pace like if I just feel you know tired one day I’m like well you can just get them in real slow today if that’s what you feel like I also decided to start walking in my house I went before when I started getting steps and consistently I started to notice that I would still have an excuse like for example if I waited too late in the day to start getting my steps in I felt weird about being outside in my neighborhood like really late at night walking around like I thought that I looked suspicious so I didn’t like to do that so that kept me from getting my steps in so one day I just said all right you know what I wonder if I can get my steps in all of them in my and then that’ll just show me that I never have an excuse and so that’s what I started to do when I realized that I could do them in my house then I knew that weather could no longer be a factor that basically I would have no excuse not to get my steps in and so that’s what I’ve been doing for the past couple years now I just consistently walk in my house and it’s just been a great way for me to be consistent now let’s go ahead and get it out of the way that walking doesn’t burn a whole lot of calories as far as the amount of time it takes to burn calories is longer okay but a good rule of thumb did I’ve you know researched like how many calories are you burning it’s about 100 calories per mile now that depends like if you’re lighter and you’re walking slower that’s gonna be less than when you are heavier and you’re walking faster so if you’re walking six miles a day this is like about 600 calories which is really pretty good considering that like ever in an article about CrossFit for example that’s a much more intense workout and you’re burning about 260 calories is in consistently over time walking a long distance you’re burning a lot more calories that being said calorie burn is important but really you can never outrun or out walk your fork so it’s very easy to just consume those calories back in which is why I really consider the eating side of the equation to be really more important I don’t know how many people have talked to and they’re really frustrated cuz they’re walking they’re getting steps in but they’re not losing any weight and really what I found was I didn’t start to notice any kind of weight loss results until I changed my eating so as far as time commitment goes cuz it is a thing people wonder like how long does it take you that’s a very common question I get and it’s about a couple hours everyday now it could be shorter if I wanted to speed walk which I do not so I just like to walk around and get steps in like I don’t I don’t put pressure on myself to walk fast but I just want to get those steps in every day and I usually don’t do it all in one long session I generally break it up throughout the day and you know I’ll get some in in the morning when I first wake up I’ll get some a little bit later in the day when you know during the morning there’s usually a period of time where I’m just kind of like I can’t focus so I just get up and get some steps and same thing in the afternoon generally there’s that laggy time so I could get up and do some more steps and then I’ll get the rest of them in in the evening okay now I know walking for two hours probably seems really boring but what I found is I had to bribe myself at first I just told myself okay you’re gonna get these steps in but if you want you can watch as much Netflix as you want so I watched Netflix and Amazon Prime and I just walked around my house watching Netflix and I was able to binge watch and not feel guilty because I was you know getting my steps in so that was something that allowed me to really when I was getting into the habit I just had to bribe myself another thing that I do sometimes is I’m on social media while I’m getting my steps in because again I don’t feel guilty if I’m up walking around you can also listen to audio books like audible you can get on there and get a subscription and just listen to audio books while you’re walking so even like a comedian stand-up routine like Jim Gaffigan is on Spotify and it was hilarious like I was walking around laughing you know listening to him and it just made the steps fly by another great way to spend your time when you’re walking is to talk to somebody on the phone like if you you know to if you like talking on the phone I’m not a big fan of it but there are some people who refuse to text and email that I’ll call and catch up with and that can be fun it can be a great way to make the time go by quicker and then lastly what I really love the most right now is podcast I love listening to podcast there are so many good ones it’s like no matter what you’re interested in there’s a podcast for that so if you’d like to get started walking here’s what I would do so first you need to get a pedometer I personally have a Fitbit Alta you can see there and I love it but you could also just use your smartphone as a pedometer and so when you do that pretty much with any health app you can set step goals and things like that set a goal like make it something that you can be proud of yourself for it like something that’s to motivate you for example for me six miles a day I feel proud of that it’s like no matter what no matter how crappy – otherwise I know that I accomplished six miles and that still makes me proud even though I’m very used to it and it’s just not as big of a challenge as it used to be it still feels like a great achievement every day and so when she said if your goal commit to it just tell yourself I’m gonna do this and really it takes about 66 days to get a habit engrained I know a lot of people say 21 but I was just reading a book the one thing by Gary Keller and he pointed out their studies that basically say 66 days is kind of the median sometimes it even takes longer than that but basically take at least 66 days of this to really get it ingrained as a habit so once you’ve made a goal and committed to it it’s just time to start walking just get up and walk around your house and you just put one foot in front of the other until you reach your step goal it’s just that simple so I hope that helps clarify like how I do my steps and everything if you’d like you can be my friend on Fitbit I’ll leave the link and the description below and also if you have some tips and tricks on how to make walking you know easier or more enjoyable leave it in the comments below another thing I do I forgot to mention I work out what I’m gonna say in these videos while I’m walking around I just make notes on my dry erase board and then just you know I’m working while I’m walking I’ve also found that I can you know go through emails and make calls and things like that while I’m getting my steps in so I hope that helps be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

DISCLAIMER: This article contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!

Links to stuff I talked about in the video:

Be my friend on fitbit

This is the fitbit I have (an Alta)

The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan:

Get a 30 day free trial of Audible (audio books subscription service)

My current favorite podcast app is Podcast Addict

Recap of ways to make walking more fun/feel faster:

  • Watch Netflix or Amazon Prime Videos
  • Listen to good music
  • Talk on the phone
  • Look at facebook/other social media
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Work (answer emails, make calls, etc)
  • Listen to audiobooks

Do you walk every day? Do you have any fun things you like to do while walking? Leave it in the comments below!

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