Getting Headaches While Intermittent Fasting?

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] what should you do if you’re getting headaches when you’re intermittent fasting now one thing that can happen during your fasting window is you may experience headaches and this has happened to me from time to time but I’ve learned that in my case at least the reason why a headache appears is because I did not eat enough during my eating window or I didn’t eat enough at my meal if I’m practicing OMAD so ultimately for me the key is if I am having headaches that means I need to eat more at my meals or at my one meal each day and that is kind of tricky because what I’ve found is that there’s a very fine line between you know if you cross that line you’re gonna be maintaining it if you cross it too far you’re gonna be gaining weight and then if you’re if you’re eating not quite enough if you’re below that line you’re gonna be experiencing headache and fatigue and just being grumpy all the time but if you can find that line and it’s difficult to find but it’s worth it to really experiment with it until you find it you’ll be losing weight and you’ll feel really good and that’s really important the temptation and I faced this a lot when I was losing was the temptation was you know you find that line where it’s I okay I’m feeling great and I’m losing but I’m losing really slowly and so the temptation is to say well I’ll just eat a little less at my meals and then you start to feel miserable in the fasting window you’ve got a headache and you’re tired so then intermittent fasting starts to feel difficult and that’s not what you want you want intermittent fasting to feel really easy and so what I’ve had to do is to remind myself it’s okay to go slow because this is about permanent lifestyle change this is about keeping the weight off for the rest of your life so if you find yourself in this situation be patient with yourself and continue to experiment until you find that line and one last thing not everybody does well with intermittent fasting some people’s bodies I’m convinced just don’t go well with intermittent fasting my husband is one example he does not do well when he goes long periods of time without food he gets headaches he feels nauseous and that’s not sustainable and there are plenty of other great ways to lose weight so if you find yourself in that position where you’ve really tried intermittent fasting a lot and just you’re kind of miserable on it I would encourage you go find some other technique to lose weight there are plenty of them out there so keep experimenting and find what works for you thank you for watching that video I hope you found it useful and if you’d like more information about intermittent fasting head on over to my website and you can find tons of information on how to lose weight sustainably and keep it off for good [/spoiler]

Video Notes

  • You should not regularly get headaches with intermittent fasting.
  • In my experience, a headache means I didn’t eat enough at my meal or during my fasting window.
  • There is a fine line between eating too much (your weight is going up or you’re maintaining) and eating too little (you’re losing but you’re getting headaches or feeling nauseous and tired)
  • It is worth it to find that line!
  • Remember, you want intermittent fasting to feel easy. If it feels easy and you’re feeling good, you’ll stick with it for the long haul.
  • Focus on keeping the weight off for the rest of your life (permanent lifestyle change)
  • Be patient
  • If your body doesn’t do well with intermittent fasting, experiment with different ways of eating until you find something that works for you.


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