Podcast Ep 57: The Benefits of Taking Breaks

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Over the years I have learned that taking breaks from my plan or different aspects of my plan has helped me have a more successful and happy life. In this episode, I talk about how I implemented breaks and what it meant for me and how taking breaks may benefit you.

Mentioned in this episode:

The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

This podcast is brought to you by:

The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting. In that book I share the way I practice intermittent fasting, and what my overall journey looked like. (To view all the retailers this book is available at, click this link.)

The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting Workbook. This workbook is the companion to The Laid Back Guide to Intermittent Fasting. I walk with you on your weight loss journey, from setting your goal weight, all the way to the day you see that magic number on the scale, to what to do to keep it off for the rest of your life in maintenance. The activities in this workbook are based on my lived experience of my 80-pound weight loss journey with intermittent fasting.

Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles: How to Keep Going When Things Get Difficult. That book goes into more depth about the difficult parts of weight loss, such as facing the fears associated with losing weight, how to handle self-sabotage, and dealing with body image issues.

The Laid Back Guide to Weight Loss Maintenance. This book takes you through the weight loss maintenance journey, step by step.

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