Youtube Live: Q&A About Intermittent Fasting, Walking, and Weight Loss In General

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] okay it says we’re live but I don’t know if we really will be okay I don’t know like I don’t know if it’s the YouTube app that’s giving me problems or if it’s my internet connection or what I’m relying on a data signal here so I didn’t have any problems the first time I did this but we’ll see if maybe hopefully people can join this and I’m really sorry for all the technical difficulties but getting back into it we were celebrating the weight loss of Sonya and of Kathy you guys are awesome thank you so much for letting me know your results and all that stuff that to me is like the coolest part of starting this channel I was hopeful that like maybe one other person out there would say oh hey if she can do it surely I can do it so I think it’s awesome yeah Kristen we’re back so so if you have questions I’m happy to answer anything at all intermittent fasting walking weight loss general mindset stuff goal-setting OMAD specifically one meal a day a cheat day I was gonna start talking about cheat day I think when the feed froze it’s like a cursed topic or something because it just keeps stopping when I start talking about cheat day Kristin you have about fifty pounds to lose at 37 worried about skin sagging I did a whole video about loose skin um because you know like it’s a thing I was really worried I mean at the time I was 222 pounds and I thought I need to lose probably 60 pounds and like what is my body gonna look like I was really afraid it would look worse and I thought I mean I know that’s vain but I told myself to get myself over that mental barrier I said okay if I lose down the weight and I and I have all this loose skin I have several options at that point one I could gain the weight back cuz that’s really easy sorry there was an ant that just bit me um I could gain back the weight which is really easy and I knew I could do that so if I really hated the way my skin looked I could just gain the weight back or I told myself I could get surgery if I really disliked how I looked and I felt bad about cuz I think that’s certainly valid a valid option for people and then the last option that told myself was uh maybe I’ll like it and maybe I’ll be okay with it and that’s what happened to me like I just found I i I really am proud of the way I look and yes I’ve got stretch marks and yes I still have excess fat like here but that’s okay I’m really really happy with where I’m at I’m proud of myself it’s like showing me you know what I’ve accomplished basically so yeah and Kristin I mean I can’t make any promises but ultimately I think I think you’ll be happy with it so don’t let that prevent you let’s see Melissa asked when you do eat do you eat as much as you want yeah I do I eat however much I want I and I try to get full full like I don’t want to be over full it’s like this fine line that I’ve had that I have to walk I want to be full and satisfied but not overly full and miserable but yeah I eat whatever I want so I eat carbs or you know in any kind of meal I don’t try to eat any particular macro combinations I don’t have any forbidden foods at all okay let’s see Karissa oh you gotta go charge your phone well you can catch the replay okay bright girl should I worry about not eating enough calories I’m trying to lose weight well my understanding of losing weight is you have to eat fewer calories than your body needs okay so in other words you have to be in some sort of caloric deficit to really be able to lose weight um and so you want to walk that line between eating enough so that you you don’t feel bad but not eating so much that you’re maintaining because if you’ve got like just as much energy coming in as it’s going out then you’re just gonna maintain so um I have found for me personally I can eat plenty of calories so that I have plenty of energy but at the same time a few enough that I can still lose weight so it’s a fine line but it’s all for me about eating enough but not too much so that I’m still losing weight so you want to be you have to be in some sort of deficit let’s see but bright girl like um here here are some signs that I have found and I’m not a doctor but the things where I can tell I’m not eating enough are if I’m just feeling like I don’t have any energy if I’m feeling nausea at all or headaches or not sleeping well to me that’s always been a cue like hey you need to eat more so I do but I can I can get all of my calories in one meal because I’m just I love big portions basically let’s see okay um let’s see does eating once a day mess with your hormones excellent question Darlene one that I was very very concerned about with in the beginning it was really the thing that made me not want to try longer fasting in the beginning like I saw one like infographic one time that said don’t do more than a 14 hour fast if you’re a woman and so I kind of that kind of always stuck in my head so I was always hesitant to get like at 16 what I have found because I keep track of my periods and and you know all that stuff and I have not found that it messes with me hormonally at all I’ve been very regular hopefully that’s not too much information for people but like no no hormonal problems that I found and I I think probably you know from an emotional standpoint I feel like I’m on a more even keel when I’m doing intermittent fasting than I did beforehand but that could just be because I’m not overweight anymore so let’s see let’s see I might have missed it but what time do you eat your o meal OMAD I homeschool it’s hard not to eat while the kids eat ooh yes okay so I homeschool as well so awesome from another home schooler um so I do mine at supper and that’s around 6:30 it’s kind of loosey-goosey around here especially with a full-time RVing kinda depends like if we need to go to the dump station and all that stuff’s so I try to keep it very flexible but my one meal a day is supper time I do that because it was simply the one meal a day that would have been a really big deal if I didn’t eat because my family does you know we sit down together at the table every night for supper we don’t like we’re not all eating at different times during the day or anything it’s just like we sit down and we do that so to me I knew like I was not gonna be able to stick with it if I tried to skip supper so breakfast and lunch however were two meals that were kind of you know with homeschooling especially it’s kind of like or we are kind of like unstructured in that way like people were getting up at different times for breakfast and then you know lunch same thing like it was just different times of the day so I decided okay supper can be my one meal a day and that’s how I oh but oh so yeah it’s hard not to eat while the kids eat that is so true as far as like before intermittent fasting I was certainly a grazer and it was just like I never had a good reason as to why I shouldn’t graze you know like it made me think of it there last night my husband we got sent some a box of coffee and they had included this like handful of Hershey’s Kisses but it was during my fasting window and so my husband handed them to me and I didn’t eat them and I it triggered me to remember like before intermittent fasting I would have eaten all of those like they would’ve been gone but because I’m intermittent fasting it gives me a reason to say not right now I’ll have them at my one meal today probably but not until then so it just gives me some boundaries and it’s about you know getting the stuff the self-discipline really to just not eat during that time it’s about boundaries with food so it takes time but you know but it can be done and it gets easier too let’s see Elaine I’m doing 16:8 I feel great thank you for the this channel you’re an inspiration well thank you so much Elaine for let me know I love it when people will comment and say like I’m doing this and here’s how I’m feeling because I mean I’m one person you know and so a lot of times people be like well yeah she can do it but you know not everybody can do that well I love it when people jump in hey I do this to you so I appreciate you for adding that Allie how do you keep up excitement and motivation with your Fitbit and Fitbit challenges like going above and beyond occasionally from your regular goal that’s a great question Allie so one thing especially in the beginning now I haven’t done this very much lately because in the beginning I really needed the challenges to to be consistent with my goal so like in 2016 when I said okay six miles a day another thing that I did to keep myself motivated was I would say I’m gonna break my personal best every month and that was a challenge it started to get up higher and higher in the steps I think my best day ended up being like to take up too much of my time and I got so much in the habit I didn’t need that anymore it was exciting enough just to say hey six miles everyday I’m doing it and I have found it just so like it’s like an intrinsic reward right like it it’s getting my miles in and I feel so good afterwards that it’s like I don’t need that other challenge but I do enjoy like being on the challenges on Fitbit there was one the other day we’re on the Pohono trail and there was somebody that was like coming up behind me was like no I want to win this thing and I did win it but I still am a competitive person so that I think helps motivate me too you let’s see but yeah so Ali like keeping up excitement to me it is like you got to figure out some way to challenge yourself in it and there are other things too that I may do like I thought the other day like I wonder if I just like entered into a 5k like how would I do I’m walking six months every day but I’m not jogging at all so I just thought that might be a cool experiment but I don’t know okay hopefully that answered your question bright girl I homeschool as well and I just try to stay busy yes what the kids eat lunch yeah so bright girl brings up a very good point staying busy that’s like the key to I think – intermittent fasting is during your fasting window you gotta stay busy especially when you’re first getting used to it um after you sit like now it’s a lot easier for me to just be like okay I can sit here and read this book all day if I wanted to but in the beginning I need to be up doing something so that I would not eat so staying busy so important and also if you’ve got kids that are of making their own food and I’m very much of the persuasion you should make your kids do as much for themselves as they possibly can you know they can make their own breakfast they can you know if they’re old enough and it’s safe and everything but like they’re capable so let them let them take up the slack so that it’s not so hard on you let’s see Oh Joanie says who’s your favorite podcast okay they’re too many to count but I’m sorry I keep I need to look at this little camera right here but I’m looking all around um my favorite so far it’s like impossible to choose but Tim Ferriss’ podcast is awesome the only thing is he uses some horrible language sometimes so that is the one thing that this stuff with my kids but he touches on some topics sometimes too that we’re not kid-friendly so but the people he interviews are it’s just really good as long format I listened to it on 2x speed but there have been a lot of things that I have learned from that podcast just mindset things he he really interviews top performers in in various fields and so there’s so many different types of people in there it’s just very informative and I really like that smart passive income with Pat Flynn let’s see I really like him eventual millionaire like her Jaime Masters is her name uh gosh the abundant artist they’re like I like a lot of like business type things too so okay I think I answered it I’m sure I’m forgetting Oh Stuff you missed in history class that’s another good one let’s see good khadijah asks how do i distract myself even though I’m not hungry how do I distract myself even though I am NOT having trouble understand your question I think you mean I think what you’re asking is maybe you’re saying like you’re just wanting to eat out of boredom maybe like you’re not really hungry but you need some sort of distraction I would say make your life as full as possible like when I started doing this on a consistent basis I started learning American Sign Language I started reading lots of books like just making a concerted concerted effort to really stay as busy as possible you can always clean house and go for getting my steps in that was one big thing like are your steps in no then you need to get up and you know do your steps instead of eat so hopefully that answered your question I hope if not you can maybe rephrase it I’m sorry if I didn’t understand it do you count your six miles of steps throughout the day or all at one time Steph asked so Steph I count however many I get during the day the regular course of the day however lately in this Florida weather since I’m needing to walk outside now I will go and get my six miles in in the morning so I do the entire like 14,000 steps and so then I’m probably I know I’m getting extra steps throughout the day but you know bottom line as long as my Fitbit says 14,000 steps at the end of the day it’s a victory and that’s what I count and there were there were days in the early days especially like I was getting number 14,000 like at midnight because I was like pushing it until the last minute so I’ve gotten better about that then okay Ally thanks for answering that was so exciting to have your answer oh thank you that makes me feel better because you sort of gave me permission to not constantly break records because yes it does Ally like seriously I was like okay it can only go so far right because I’m the type of person if I’m gonna like break the goal I really want to really break it not just felt like one step so it can get too time-consuming so I’m glad that helped okay hello Jiganathan I hope I pronounced that right hi from Greece your great inspiration oh thank you Kiwi I heard local kiwi alien that’s awesome um ah Greece I would love to go to Greece I’ve never been but it looks beautiful so thank you for saying hi Khadijah you said thank you so hopefully that didn’t answer it let’s see Celeste asked when you first started did you do six miles right away or did I work up to okay I get asked this a lot um I worked up to it I guess you would say here’s the thing about walking six miles most people I would say like as long as you’re in reasonably you know like you don’t have any kind of disabilities and you’re and you’re you know like in fairly good health I think pretty much anybody could go there and walk six miles like it doesn’t take like building up to it physically but mentally I think is the thing you kind of have to mentally wrap your head around I’m doing this I’m doing it every day like physically you can do it like I mean now there are some people that maybe are it would be physically you do have to but I would say like the majority of people can probably get out there and start walking six miles every day it’s just that physically I mean get me out there or mentally sorry two hours every day you know it takes building up – I think so in 2015 that’s when I I got it at the end of 2014 I was sedentary like 1300 steps a day and then I started saying well you know 10,000 that’s a good goal and so I would occasionally hit it you know I mean I could go out there that first day and do 10,000 steps but I just couldn’t be consistent with it and then I and then like if you look at my chart for that year I mean it was like a heartbeat you know I’d be really great and then I’d have like days or even weeks where it was you know just a few thousand eventually I got to the point where in 2016 in January I said okay six mile every day once I set that goal then I just went right to doing it and so I went from not walking 6 miles a day to just walking 6 miles a day so I feel like most people could do it but I think the better option would be if you’re if you’re wanting to work up to it say okay I’m gonna work on being consistent with a lower goal first and then I’m gonna work my way up like consistency is the key and then over time it builds discipline and then you can work your way up to six miles let’s see see okay I found your channel at end of May of this year since then I’ve bought six miles a day oh that’s awesome season six miles a day since May 30th that is great I’m so happy to hear that it’s so good for you okay Joanie self-discipline planning leading to financial freedom layoffs better financial better family relationships I I totally agree with that self-discipline it’s like weight loss affects so many other parts of your life and it’s good it’s all good things self-discipline so so so important I find eating small bites of either nuts and seeds instead of doing the day along with the coffee really helps my hunger keeps my hunger away do you ever do that also get extra nutrients in um I don’t I don’t eat anything except me I have my coffee I don’t do anything else because again I am a grazer and I just know myself and I’m the type of person who you know like a couple of nuts and then it’s like oh you know then it’s like a handful and then it’s like whole jar full of nuts and you know and I would definitely gain weight doing that way so like again it’s all about for me those boundaries like I like having that clear line of no eating right now um maybe one of these days I’ll get to the point where I have that kind of self-discipline but there is a scientific thing once you have a bite of something you can kind of activate your hunger and so that that’s just what helps me but I would say this I think whatever works for you that’s fantastic I know like a General Stanley McChrystal he does OMAD he eats once a day and he will have a handful of pretzels whenever you know he you know whenever he needs it and it’s not a big deal to him and he just does it whenever he needs it and I think that’s fantastic it’s just for me can’t do that just yet okay let’s see do you drink coffee in your eating window yes I do Kristen I drink coffee three times today I do you have it with half and half my husband and I do a show called a coffee coffee coffee on YouTube where we just review coffees because we both love coffee so okay khadijah says I know she knows you didn’t hit the correct okay but I understood yeah okay good so we did communicate awesome distract yourself by learning something new you’re so simple and straightforward hey I try to keep it as simple as possible let’s see nonna oh you made it home in time yeah I’m so glad thank you for joining us Nonna so sweet I love like all the encouragement I get from you people I tell you it means a lot not everybody’s nice on YouTube comments so it it means a lot mrbb33 you’ve been around for a long time on here like you’re one of my first commenters I think so thank you for that uh did you have any issues with being lightheaded when you first started the longer stretches of fasting no um let me wait let me think no I at least not on a not on a regular thing if I ever did experience any kind of negative feeling or if I felt like normally my thing is sound so much being lightheaded although my husband will do that my thing is like headaches and not sleeping well so if I experience either those and in the beginning especially when I got to one meal a day I had to really figure out how much do I need to be eating because there’s this fine line I found between you know either not eating enough and then feeling miserable the next day or eating so much at the meal that you’re just miserable after the meal so I have to hit it just right now now it’s easy for me to do that but in the beginning if I ever had negative symptoms I was always like okay that means I need to eat more so okay so hope that answers your question so and I would I always tell people try to go as slow as you can with it don’t don’t be like don’t be in rush don’t make it hard make it feel easy so you know if you need to lengthen your you’re eating window a little bit back out until you start to feel good that’s what I would do okay JS says our stories are so similar you are such an inspiration Thanks IF is amazing I OMAD daily I’ve had a ton of success thank you for all you share well thank you for sharing that I I love it when I hear people say like you know like we have so much in common and it’s just it’s so nice to know that there are other people out there who experience and are experiencing the same things as you are and so thank you for letting me know that and for your kind words okay so Allie says my toddlers are starting to go a little crazy we’re gonna have a dance party go get some steps and that sounds like a really good plan toddlers are crazy I’ve got a almost six year old now and he’s sometimes he still acts like a toddler said toddlers are fun though okay thank you Coffee Coffee show he’s that’s my husband on our other channel he’s probably in here moderating comments okay hi from Canada you’re really doing a great job communicating on this thank you so much Thank You Adena I appreciate that I tried to oh and if you guys have any like videos that you want me to make like certain topics you want me to go into more depth on please always let me know you can either do that in the comment section or on my website there’s a contact me form I always want to know what else are people wondering about so let’s see my daughter tricked me into wearing a pair of shorts with the cotton bunny tail in the fourth of July except they had a fire sparkler inside my tail and lit it funny prank or should I disown them them that’s a pretty funny and random thing and I would say I think funny prank I think it’s funny prank that’s pretty funny actually that’s kind of dangerous but funny prank okay uh okay Khadija I already Oh constipation issues but after starting IF it’s become more okay so what can you do okay so again not a doctor don’t play one on the internet but here is a couple of things that help me one drink more water basically my understanding of it is if youre constipated you don’t have enough water in your system that’s what makes the stool softer so um so try drinking more water and try getting more vegetables one thing that can happen is if you eat too much fiber it can also cause constipation so I don’t know how much you’re eating as far as vegetables go but you know making making sure that you’re drinking enough water and getting enough fiber in your diet which fiber you know can kind of fill you up so I have found like it’s a little bit tricky with intermittent fasting and fiber sometimes you can kind of under eat so just make sure you get plenty food when you’re doing that so hopefully that helps you okay let’s see I think I answered all the questions so I think now it’s probably a good time oops – uh just sign off Wow I’ve been going at this for watching oh my gosh that’s so funny this I’ve never had that happen to me I know maybe decide about it I’m pretty good sport about crazy stuff that’s uh there’s something about fire that’s pretty scary so okay well thank you guys for ohh magnesium you gotta be careful with the magnesium tablets they’re not sorry that makes me think of just one time cuz you know how at least when I was first trying to lose weight I was like you know reading about everything it’s like oh maybe I’m deficient in magnesium maybe that’s why I’m so overweight so I had no idea how quickly magnesium would work because I took – I got some at the store pop – those those tablets and just be near toilet that’s all I’m saying like it was it was an eye-opening experience I’ll just leave it at that so okay so thank you guys for joining I really appreciate it I’m gonna I think I’ll try doing these [/spoiler]

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