What is OMAD?


[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] what is OMAD today I want to talk about what is OMAD specifically like how do you do it what are the rules and how do you get started with it first of all let’s talk about what does OMAD even mean it just simply stands for one meal a day and it really is that simple and people can make it more complicated than that but one meal a day is exactly what it sounds like you eat one meal per day and this is how I’ve lost the bulk of my weight I’ve gone from 207 down to below 140 simply by eating one meal a day I do not count calories I do not count carbs I don’t do any specific style of eating other than I sit down to my one meal a day and I just eat until I’m full and I found that this way of eating has many benefits even over you know say intermittent fasting in general I found that when I went to OMAD it just made my life even simpler there’s no keeping up with windows there’s no you know figuring out what time you need to be eating you just simply eat one meal per day and I keep my meal at about the same time every day but I don’t even have to worry about that it’s just I eat supper every day I’ve found it simplifies my life and it gives me a lot more time because I only have to think about food once a day and it’s super easy because there’s only one rule to keep up with which is just eat once a day and for me this is what has worked I don’t have to think of any other rules except for just did you eat once today then you did the plan and I even drink coffee with half and half three times a day aside from my one meal there are a few challenges that come with OMAD one is this is so different than how most people eat that it can kind of be challenging to explain what you’re doing to other people also you know you might feel a little left out during meals you know if the rest of your family is eating breakfast lunch and dinner together sometimes it can be kind of challenging to only eat one meal with them and if you go from eating you know three or more meals a day down to one that can be very challenging both mentally and physically there are lots of different ways to get to OMAD you know you can take it the very easy way which is what I did I just very very slowly pushed out my first meal until my first meal was supper other people have had success simply by going from eating you know their regular way all the way to OMAD immediately the challenge there is it can be pretty uncomfortable you might feel really hungry for several weeks before your body adjusts but what I found is once you adjust to it it is super easy to stick with I’m feeling this takes no effort at all so that’s how you eat OMAD a lot of other people do this some people you might be familiar with our General Stanley McChrystal pro NFLer Herschel Walker and record-setting runner Nolan Shaheed so if you also do OMAD let me know in the comments below did you go really aggressively to it or did you just kind of take your time and eventually arrive at it I know that when I first started I didn’t even know it was a thing I actually had to google it and figure out is it even okay to eat once a day okay thank you for watching and be sure to like comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

OMAD simply stands for One Meal A Day, so eating OMAD is just that. You just eat once a day. I have found that this plan is super simple to follow because

  • I don’t count calories
  • I don’t count carbs
  • There is no window to keep up with

Getting to OMAD can be a quick transition or a slow one. It’s up to you. People have had success both ways.

Do you or have you practiced OMAD? Let us know in the comments below.

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