Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: July 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] it’s time for July’s progress report so I do these progress reports every month because I want you to see what does a weight loss journey look like you know what are the actual numbers like month in and month out let’s talk about challenges for the month of July there were a couple of family birthdays so you know I took those days off to you know make cake and enjoy the actual birthday and we also had a family gathering at lunchtime so you know I took that day off too let’s talk about my walking results I have the goal of walking six miles every day and I did that my total step count for the month was 560,248 which is a total of 242.52 miles now let’s talk about my weight I wanted to lose two pounds for the month of July my seven-day average as of June 30th 2018 was 145.86 and my seven-day average as of July 31st was 145.2 so that’s a total loss of .66 pounds which you know that’s not a whole lot but I’m happy with it now let’s talk about my fluctuations because that’s you know something that I really want people to understand is your weight is like a heartbeat or at least mine is it goes up and down and up and down and it’s really more about the trend is it trending down or is it trending up so my highest single day weight was 148.2 and my lowest single day weight was fluctuated within a given week was 5.2 pounds so let’s talk about victories for July one thing was I got my lowest single day weight since I started losing weight and I also got my seven-day average as low as it’s ever been so let’s talk about my goals for the upcoming month my goal is still going to be to try to lose a half a pound a week at so two pounds total for the month of August I want to end the month of August at a seven-day average of 143.2 and my plan as always is gonna be eat once a day Monday through Saturday cheat day on Sunday and walk six miles every day one thing I really try to do and try to keep myself really disciplined with is to behave as if I do not have a youtube channel where I’m gonna be checking in with people about this so I even though at towards the end of the month you know my weight the average was going up a little bit and I knew I wasn’t gonna hit the goal the temptation is always there to say well you know I really want to hit that goal for the audience to really try to you know do things that maybe I wouldn’t have normally done but instead I just stuck to what I was doing so how is your July leave in the comments below like what are the results we’re having what’s your plan are you are you on track for the year to hit your goals or you know you you know trying to reconfigure your plan let me know how you’re doing okay thank you for watching be sure to LIKE comment subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Challenges for this month:

  • 2 birthdays in our family, so I took those days off, to thoroughly enjoy the birthday with them
  • A family gathering day at lunch time, so I went off plan that day, intentionally

July 2018 Walking

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


  • I hit my step goal every single day
  • I walked a total of 560,248 steps
  • That’s a total of 242.52 miles

July 2018 Weight

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 143.86 by July 31, 2018 (a total loss of 2 pounds from my 7 day average as of June 30, 2018 at 145.86)


7 Day average weight as of July 31, 2018: 145.2

Total loss of .66 pounds for the month of July. While I didn’t hit my goal, I’m still happy that I had a loss!


  • Hitting my lowest single day weight yet on this journey: 142.4
  • Hitting my lowest 7 day average on this journey: 143.83

Other weight statistics

Click this image to see an enlarged view, which shows my daily numbers for July
  • Highest single day weight:  148.2
  • Lowest single day weight:  142.4
  • Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 5.2 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For July:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of  143.2 by August 31, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your July? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

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