Video: Rydell Lost 124 Pounds in 14 Months Eating One Meal A Day Intermittent Fasting Success Story

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] Rydell Bain has lost a hundred and twenty four pounds in 14 months eating one meal a day thank you for being here today Rydell why don’t you take a minute just to introduce yourself let everybody know who you are and what you do okay hello everyone my name is Rydell Bain and I retired three years ago so now I’m a full-time Uber and lyft driver that’s what I do right now all right and so why don’t you give us a little rundown of how you’re finding success with weight loss like how much have you lost and how long has it taken okay I lost 124 pounds and it took me about a year to lose the 100 and then I lost past few months I basically just I didn’t put a time limit on it and I just I just did it and just didn’t want to put restrictions on it on through the holidays I stayed with my 1 meal a day I did that mostly but I did most of it intermittent fasting what I did mostly I stuck with that and it’s worked for me I started out February 6 that’s when I decided to I woke up o ne morning February 6 2019 and I walked in the bathroom and I said that’s it and that’s what it was I didn’t eat any sugar or any bread for six months Wow just cold turkey and and I started doing intermittent fasting and I started with 16:8 and all that stuff and I’ve always done it anyway I just never called it that I’ve always been a big guy even at childhood but I’ve always carried it pretty well so people never would say anything about it because I was always big guy even my doctors never believed how much I weighted when they saw me cuz I carried it well my body can carry it you know and I just got tired I was 50 at the time when I started I’m 54 now now I said well you know what it’s time to get this weight off of me and I think when you’re losing weight until you’re ready to lose it you’re not gonna lose it right and so I was I was tired of you know going to big and tall store one thing I couldn’t I couldn’t order stuff off the internet I wasn’t sure is it gonna fit this and that and so I say you know what this is it I’m going ahead and get this over with so that day you just you woke up had anything like upset you the day before or was it just like you just woke up one day and said that’s it well I got into my doctor because I had I have a regular doctor and then I started going to another kind of doc another doctor my wife’s a teacher so we started going to a clinic you know through her teachers job or whatever and and she kept trying to give me high blood pressure medication which my blood pressure wasn’t high and she kept saying I think you may have diabetes so I’m giving you this I said well no you can’t just think I have diabetes and give me medicine she’s one of those doctors you just want to give you medicine you know and I said I’ve never had a problem with any of that stuff and so we got into it I said she said well I’ma check and see and I said ok and I went home and I said know what I shouldn’t even be close to having this conversation and I went home I went to sleep and I woke up next morning and I said you know what I’m done with this weight thing if I don’t do it now the older you get the harder it is right you know so I just got up I just started doing it and see it for me um intermittent fasting there’s no big deal with me I only ate one meal a day half the time anyway because my job was so intense I used to work for american airlines so my job I had was very stressful and everything so I’m getting to eat one time a day and um but now I do it I eat one time a day no restrictions I eat what I want to eat there’s no what do you say cheat day because because I eat within that hour hour and a half whatever I want to eat but I don’t snack during the day I eat that one time but now I do a lot of rowing I row a lot i think the rowing and the fasting was the key for me cuz i’m not a runner but I can row all day right so on your routine like your daily routine are you are you rowing every day and if so how much are you rowing I try to row three to four times a week and I’m probably doing maybe 6,000 or 7,000 meters so that’s about maybe five miles four miles I guess something somewhere in there every other day and I lift weights as well okay and so I just started doing that and doing uber and lyft I can stop and do it anytime I want to because I have a lot of freedom to do what I want to do right so it worked it works for me and I weigh myself every day because I do it every day so I can see you know cuz your weight goes up and down right it’s high today I didn’t drink enough water yesterday you know I kind of watch it that kind of way and but what I think the problem was your body you can’t lose weight in inches at the same time well what I’ve been reading has to be one or the other so sometimes I go man I’ve been busting my tail and I haven’t lost any weight then I go pull on a shirt or a pair of pants I’m like whoa you know so so you can’t get hung up on that and no it was a lifestyle change not a diet this is a lifestyle change so I wanted to do something that I could do rest of my life without without thinking about it you know I’ve never been a calorie counter because it doesn’t make sense to me oh I ate the Hamburger but did I have the cheese the bun that’s not me no so it was very good for me I found something that I wanted to do and I feel good and I stuck with it and even today it kind of slowed down I think my body I think what happens is when you lose so much weight your body needs time to recuperate right and so and when you’re working out and losing weight it slows the process too because your body is going through this transformation you know the muscle and all that others stuff which didn’t bother me and I think most of time when people have a problem with losing weight they get too focused on how fast it’s taking or how long it’s taking and just relax and just if I lost one pound a month I’d wish I could lose more but if I’m going down that’s my mentality if I lost one pound I was happy so do you have anything else you do every day so you weigh every day you’re doing intermittent fasting every day right is it it’s not OMAD every day it’s just some sort of form of intermittent fasting or OMAD every now I say OMAD every day so what happens is when I get stuck like I don’t feel like I’m losing weight I mix it up I eat regular one day then I’ll go to 16 and eight it just depends on what mood I’m in like right right sometimes you would know this if you don’t eat enough the day before you struggle the next day right right yeah so what I do instead of torturing myself I eat I catch up tomorrow right yeah because stress is in the first place what caused me to eat in the first place right stress and boredom so I don’t need either one of those in my life so you said you’ve always been kind of heavy right like when you were a kid even and so so it’s always been a bit of a challenge huh mm-hmm yes since I was a kid and my mom took me to the store and we had to buy husky pants I remember that husky I hated that that’s way back where’s your Husky section and I play football and everything else I’m in the best shape now that I ever been in you know I hate running but with this whole shut down all the gyms closed right up to running you know so I started doing that I just want to stay active because I come too far to fall back you know right right believe me or not people who tell you ah it was easy they’re lying to you because it is hard it is it is not easy you know I agree it’s a lot of work people go ah I lost a hundred pounds piece of cake they lying cuz it’s not it’s not it is not you know so so then that what keeps me from pigging out on something because I said ah I can’t do that because I don’t want it to creep back up and another thing I did I will buy clothes like I got rid of all my clothes mhm and then what I did was I would only buy clothes that could be at my next level so I may have only a pair of shorts and a shirt until I lose that next X or whatever so I buy clothes that it may be like oh there’s 4 X so I would buy 3 X clothes and I couldn’t fit in them so my goal was I can’t keep buying clothes I got to get into these clothes so I’ll work harder now I’ll get down into the 3x then when I reach 3x I’d only buy 2x clothes so now I’m at I’m wearing 1x now and 2x depends on what brand or whatever but that’s fine with me you know but that’s how that’s how I did it you know and and it’s it works for me and it’s funny how people are people will ask you Rydell how did you do lose the weight and I’ll tell them and they get angry with me I’ll say you asked me how I lost the weight not not what you can do this is what I did well you can’t do that you’ll get sick I’ll say well I did do it and I didn’t get sick well people get mad at you when they ask you a question how you did it well you can’t do that that’s not healthy huh I don’t know it worked for me yeah right is it better to be obese I don’t know exactly you know yeah ok so it sounds like you’ve got just an awesome positive mental attitude and everything but is there anything that you still struggle with or any challenges you still face yeah you know boredom and stress trying to eat when you’re stressed um but another thing that helped me out I cut out a lot of television because you sit down you watch TV you click the remote control you eat some chips you know so I cut out TV which helped me out a lot because now I’m not watching TV I got time to exercise or go for a walk just staying active I remember one time you said you know you just just walk around the house I think one time you said that walk around the house so staying active I used to count my steps you know if I didn’t row this day okay I get 10000 steps in this day just doing something that kept me going motivated instead of sitting down watching TV right people say well I’ve binge watch television I mean you’re been you’ve binge eating too I can guarantee you right yeah so all that stuff goes together for me it did for me yeah so but the boredom you know sitting bored you know you see the commercials comes on you go to the pantry oh there’s some cookies whatever and and I selectively eat you know cuz for example I don’t eat a lot of sugar stuff or I do but say tomorrow we’re having a get together cake so that means I will save those calories for that cake I want you know chips I just move it around right right so you don’t deny yourself anything not anything because if I did eat it a piece or whatever so what that’s I’ll start over tomorrow I’ll do it again tomorrow I mean it’s not the end of the world I think when people are on a diet they go oh I ate the hamburger I’m done it’s one day so what start over tomorrow and I think that’s the mentality that got me through this whole thing was I’m gonna do what I want to do and people say uh oh Rydell you gonna struggle when the holiday season come up no I didn’t I stayed on my one meal a day now when my time came up when that 24th hour or that 23rd hour came up I had a hour hour and a half to eat what I want to eat and I did it and I lost weight through the holidays now wasn’t as much as before but I lost weight and I wasn’t deprived of anything so people said well how you eat that cake you know and losing weight I said because I’m saving all those calories all during the day I said there’s no way I can eat all those calories in one sitting I do that and I’m happy I mean it works for me but people still tell you oh you can’t do that and thing about it is one thing I will tell people is that don’t listen to people who haven’t done what you’re trying to do right yeah good advice people who are who probably to lose weight you know then you got somebody who’s 500 pounds gonna tell you how to lose weight no only talk to people who’s done what you’re trying to do right and remember it’s your body you know what you can do you know but first until you got it in your head it’s not gonna work no matter what you try to do if you’re not ready you’re not gonna do it I was ready like I say I woke up that morning and I’ll never forget the date February 6 I woke up and said I looked in the mirror and I said that’s it I’m done with this overweight stuff and all this I’m done with it I was ready it took me 54 years but hey that’s right yeah okay so what is one piece of advice you would give to somebody else maybe they’re out there they’re just starting out trying to lose weight what would you tell them be consistent and flexible set your goals just be flexible how you get there I always use analogy you know you’re driving on the road and you’re going to church or you’re going to school whatever and there’s a detour you don’t stop and go back home you may have to go back but you’re gonna get back to get to your destination so what if it took you a little bit longer to get there because you’re the only one worrying about it no one else is worrying about it it’s you so be consistent and be flexible in what you do and I think it’ll work but I think we’re so hard on ourselves you know you say oh I had a piece of cake that cookie so now you stressed you’re depressed you’re eating again no just say hey I ate that yesterday today started back over getting back on the horse there you go so I can say to people just do that don’t don’t be so hard on yourself so did you have anything else about your journey you’d like to share no I just think it was you know I still got 35 more pounds to lose but I’m in no hurry to lose it because I come I’m working out and I’m feeling more with how look than what I weigh right I’m gonna I’m gonna lose more but I feel good and that’s okay well this is enough but I think I want to get down to 200 pounds just to say I got down to 200 pounds I think at this point I’ve come this far I’m gonna say yeah I made it okay now I may go back up a little bit to be comfortable you know and so but my doctors all those guys oh well you know you gotta be careful bla bla bla but here’s the thing and I don’t mean to be disrespectful to any doctors or nurses but now one person in my doctor’s office is underweight they’re all overweight every one of them and not even a little bit they’re way overweight breathing all hard and sweating and everything and gonna tell me how to lose weight so I’ll just say I listen to those guys so I got on internet looked up and studied my body how the body worked I studied how the body worked one thing I can leave people with is do not get over too much information because it will drive you nuts because now you’re going like oh eat this don’t eat that intermittent fasting it will drive you nuts yeah you start eating cuz you’re stressed out again so take what you take what you want and filter out the rest right and and just do what’s working for you if it’s working for you do it you know cuz you could you be if I ate pizza everyday and I lost 10 pounds a month it’s working for me now a doctor may say hey it’s not healthy but it’s working for me yeah you gotta do what’s good for you really you know and just and just stay with it even even if you got a small achievement if you lost a half a pound last month that’s the half a pound you didn’t gain right that’s what you’ve gotta do you gotta have that mentality you gotta keep chugging along and chugging along eventually it’s gonna break but you gotta remember for me I didn’t gain all this weight in two months it took years to gain this weight and so that’s why I didn’t put a time limit on but with the intermittent fasting and the walking and the rowing you started seeing changes in your body but you gotta change your bad habits you can eat the ice cream every now and then you can but not every day you just can’t so if people would like to connect with you is there a way that you’d like them to do that yeah they can call me I got a email they can email me after CrossFit it’s and they they can email me and I can talk to them I’m a life coach as well and so so you could tell I’m comfortable talking to people you know so especially about the weight loss because I’ve done it and I think a lot of it is just the motivation and have somebody you can talk to who’s not gonna not gonna judge you well how did you get that big well you don’t want to hear that you know but yeah any time they want to send me an email I’ll email them back you know and it’s fine with me all right thank you so much Rydell for sharing your story it was a lot of fun and just thanks for being here no problem thank you for having this platform people talking and everything I like it it’s really good yeah thank you for watching that video I hope you found it helpful be sure to head on over to my website for more information about intermittent fasting walking and sustainable weight loss [/spoiler]

Rydell Bain lost 124 pounds in 14 months eating one meal a day, also known as OMAD or Intermittent Fasting. If you’d like to connect with Rydell, email him at

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