Taking Responsibility – Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Topics and Timestamps

1:38 The importance of taking responsibility.
7:30 Stop complaining.
9:30 Take action.
10:40 Be grateful.
13:04 How did you get started with walking 6 miles a day?
18:40 Handling the habit of complaining can be more difficult when you are around complainers.
19:20 Can I have wine during intermittent fasting?
20:40 French press best coffee, but Drip most of the time for ease.
21:25 How many steps is 6 miles for you?
23:20 ​You definitely have to hold yourself accountable in every aspect of your life! One of my goals the last few months is to be accountable for my actions. Whether it be weight loss or just life in general
25:17 I’m still having a hard time with the sweet n low in my coffee…..in my fasting hours
25:55 Do you fast 16-8?
28:50 I dislike when people say fasting is a vegan thing. I fast and eat a lot of meat.
29:20 I live in Fiji and a lot o people fast here for religious reasons.
30:15 ​Hey friend! Just want to say thank you for your videos and insights, I am down to 160, from 207. In 7 mo.
30:45 I had a goal of 14,000 steps a few years ago and did great for awhile doing it but got away from it and 1 of my resolutions is to get back to the walking. Thanks for the inspiration
31:55 Thomas from Sweden here! Thank you for the inspiration! You tried a 5 days fast.. have you considered longer fasts? 7days, two weeks?
33:47 I do 10,000 steps in just at work each day so that’s what I’m doing. runnining, Haha. if you ever see me running you should be running because something you don’t want to encounter is chasing me.
34:25 Have you cut out any food groups?
36:00 Is digestion better on Omad?
38:20 I used a weaning method to get to black coffee. When I got to half a pack of Splenda per cup- I asked myself was it really doing anything substantial to the taste? Then I was able to let it go.
42:25 Losing a pound a week.
42:50 Kayla I will definitely let you know how I do. I know I can do it but I need to make it a priority and quit making excuses!
43:20 I struggle just to do 16/8 and 5,000 steps a day. ?At least I am not getting fatter…
46:20 ​I like your thinking because it’s a lot easier to be able to eat anything when living with other people.
47:35 Coffee needs sugar, but tea is okay without it.
49:20 Do you think it’s important to eat at the same times each day?
52:25 I have been weighing myself daily and as long as my weight each day is less than the weight the week before on the same day I am happy. Seeing the downward trend is awesome motivation
52:45 I find the shorter windows harder actually. I clock watch a lot. Especially on 20/4. I’m having a great time just sticking with a meal at ‘supper’ whenever that happens to be that day.
53:25 I think once I get consistent the weight will trend down. At age 55, my body isn’t as accommodating as it was at 25.
55:20 Hi Kayla! What a great topic to reflect on as the new year approaches. Goal setting. https://tim.blog/tag/new-years-resolutions/
57:40 Intermittent fasting has been the easiest for me. I do the 16/8 and have lost some weight.. I have days I lose track but I just get back into it..
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