Overcoming Fear and Intermittent Fasting Q&A

Time codes/Topics

6:40 Jezza well update

7:00 Want to be interviewed?

8:25 What kind of fear?

10:45 Facing the fear

13:50 Taking action

16:15 Negative visualization and fear setting

17:45 Getting the facts.

23:00 I fear I won’t be able to keep it off.

26:55 How do you balance “taking the long view” and “taking it one pound at a time”? I’m struggling with that.

28:35 Get rid of your fat clothes.

29:10 Visualize the future.

29:35 Give yourself a weight goal window.

30:25 What about longer fasts like 48 hours and beyond?

32:35 OMAD for the rest of my life.

33:25 My biggest fear not succeeding with my weight loss journey. especially because i feel like more people know i am trying to lose weight this time. my whole family is curious and watching me to see.

37:15 Kayla’s history of weight loss.

39:15 More on family feelings and keeping it in perspective.

40:15 Afraid to transition.

42:25 Curious to know if you’ve done any 48s or 72s or longer at any time during your journey

43:50 5 day fast for cancer prevention?

45:20 Can you recall how long it took for you to not eat as many sweets? I know you don’t restrict them at all but you’ve said you don’t crave them as much now. I’m still wanting them a TON!

49:25 Don’t worry about the praise or lack of it.

50:00 Have whatever you want to eat with OMAD.

50:20 How long does it take to walk 6 miles?

51:05 I was omad’ing successfully all summer until kids went back to school. Now I keep sneaking bites of the dinner I make them. I’m not hungry for it, as hubby & I go to lunch daily. How to get over it?

51:58 How long did it take you to notice that this is working?

54:45 Focus on consistency.

56:50 My goal is to stop eating any of my omad in bed…I’m single and live alone so I’ve gotten into a bad habit of that and watching tv while I eat.

1:00:25 Getting past snacking.

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