Monthly Progress Report: January 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] it’s the easiest month ever to lose weight let’s talk about my January numbers so it’s time for the monthly progress report I like to do these reports because I want to show you you know just what my daily numbers look like you know in the month how much they fluctuate and just you know I’d like to track my progress overall like the goals that I set am I able to hit them and and that kind of thing so first let’s talk about January’s challenges really there weren’t that many January tends to be a really easy month because everybody’s kind of in weight loss mode and they’re setting up goals and it’s great at least for this month the only real challenge was my kids are really getting into baking they love to make sweet stuff so that can kind of be a bit of a challenge so let’s talk about my walking goal first I always have that goal of 14,000 steps a day that’s six miles for me and I hit that goal my total steps for the month was 472,838 which is 203.92 miles and now for my weight numbers so last month I ended the month at 157.94 if you remember that was a gain for the month of December but as of today which is the last day of the month my seven-day average is 154.86 and so that’s a total loss of 3.08 pounds and that also means I did hit my goal my goal was to get down to 155.94 and that would have been a two pound weight loss so I did make my goal and I actually exceeded it this month which I’m really happy about so let’s talk about my fluctuations cuz I think that’s always important to talk about my highest single day weight was 158.8 my lowest single day weight was 152.8 and the most that my weight fluctuated with in a single week was 4.6 pounds so let’s talk about the upcoming month it’s February and so a couple of big ones for me are gonna be Valentine’s Day which is also coincidentally my anniversary we’ve been married for 14 years now and also this month a couple of planned lunches so that will mean that you know I actually have lunch and supper instead of only supper so that’s gonna be fine you know I already know those are gonna happen and so I’ll just stick with my plan otherwise and of course my plan is as always walk six miles a day eat once a day cheat day on Sunday so for February my goal is going to be again have a half a pound weight loss each week so that’ll be a total of two pounds that I want to lose by the end of February which means I want to be down to 152.86 as my seven-day average by the end of the month so I’m curious for all you guys out there who are watching how is your January was it great did you get on track did you just set some goals what’s your plan how’s it going thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

January Walking Results

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


I did walk at least 14,000 steps each and every day for January

I walked a total of 472,838 Steps

That’s a total of 203.92 miles

January Weight Results

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 155.94 by January 31 


7 Day average weight as of January 31: 154.86 (Exceeded my goal!)

Total loss of 3.08 pounds for the month of January

Other weight statistics

Highest single day weight: 158.8

Lowest single day weight: 152.8

Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 4.6 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For February:

  • .5 pound loss per week
  • 7 Day Average Weight of 152.86 by February 28

My Plan

Good old reliable:

How was your January? Did you make some progress? Was it hard to get back in the groove? Share it down below!


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