Monthly Progress Report: February 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]it’s time to review February’s numbers I’ve got one word to describe this month plateau so I do these monthly weigh-ins monthly check-ins progress report things because I want to show you how numbers my numbers at least fluctuate how my you know weight tracks and that kind of thing and my process is always to you know make goals at the beginning of the month you know try my best to stay on plan and then at the end of the month look back and say you know did it work did it not what happened so in January I had a really good month you know I lost like three pounds which was more than what I was planning on and for this month I wanted to lose two more and really you know there weren’t many challenges for this month that I could foresee I knew that we had Valentine’s Day / our anniversary which I knew would be a day where I would be off and I had a couple of lunches that I knew would happen so those days I would be you know off plan at least I would be you know just eating lunch and supper so one thing that happened at the beginning of this month which I did not foresee was we all got really bad colds and that was like the first two weeks was just interrupted sleep people coughing you know me you know having to be up with kids and stuff so it was you know bad sleep the first two weeks and then also in the last week of February that was one of the most stressful weeks I’ve had in recent memory so there were there were no real big you know as far as eating plan I feel like I stayed on plan I did not cave into any stress eating which I’m really proud of myself for but let’s look at the numbers because that’s really the more interesting part so I did walk at least for the month of February was 434,847 and that’s a total of 187.58 miles so now let’s talk about my weight I ended January at 154.86 but I ended February at 155.03 so that’s a total gain of .17 pounds so basically I was at a plateau for the month of February so my highest single day weight was 158 my lowest single day weight was 153.2 and the most that my weight fluctuated within one week was 4.8 pounds so when I hit a plateau I always do try to say to myself first did I stick to the plan it you know did I not walk like I’m supposed to or was it not eating like I was supposed to if those answers are honest yeah I really did stick to the plan then I tell myself okay just give it more time and sometimes it takes the scale a few weeks to really catch up to what I’ve been doing at least that’s my experience and so that’s what I’m gonna keep doing I’m not gonna change the plan I’m just gonna keep eating once a day cheat day on Sunday walking six miles a day and if it comes to a point where I realized wow I cannot lose any more on this current plan I’m gonna have a decision to make and that’s either gonna be I’m going to continue on the plan and just maintain or you know maybe I’ll change something really small and see if I can get the scale to move again but for now I’m keeping everything the same and we’ll see what happens in next month’s weigh-in so how was your February I wonder you know February is kind of a challenging month a lot of times if you’ve set some weight-loss goals up at the beginning of the year you know by February a lot of people kind of fall off the wagon so how is your February and if it was good well let me know in the comments below if it was bad let me know so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below[/spoiler]

Video Recap

February 2018 Walking 

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


I did walk at least 14,000 steps each and every day for February

I walked a total of 434,847 Steps

That’s a total of 187.58 miles

February 2018 Weight 

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 152.86 by February 28, 2018


7 Day average weight as of February 28: 155.03 (goal not met)

Total gain of .17 pounds for the month of February (I ended January at 154.86), so I basically plateaued for the month.

Other weight statistics

Highest single day weight: 158

Lowest single day weight: 153.2

Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 4.8 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For March:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of 153.03 by March 31, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your February? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

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