Live Intermittent Fasting Q&A

[spoiler title=’Click here for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] let me know okay I think we’re live hopefully the audio is coming through and the video is coming through if it’s not if you can’t hear me if my lips are just moving please let me know in the chat that you can’t hear so welcome to this intermittent fasting Q&A live my name is Kayla Cox I am the owner of this channel six miles to supper the name six miles to supper pretty much sums up how I lost weight I was obese and I lost down to a healthy BMI and I did that mainly by walking six miles a day and eating once a day my my meal was OMAD sorry my meal was supper OMAD stands for one meal a day so that’s what I would do and so I’ve written a book about it called the laid-back guide to intermittent fasting I also wrote an additional book called overcoming weight loss obstacles which is all about the harder parts of the weight loss journey the mindset stuff and you know what to do during plateaus and everything so right now if you have a question please put it in the chat and I will get around to answering it you can also visit my website at and there’s lots of information there about intermittent fasting my husband is in the chat as six miles to supper moderating everything and getting questions over here to me so and thank you J for doing that so with that there was already a form that I posted on the community tab where people could submit questions so I’ll go ahead and start with those as people get in here so how did you have no limitations on food and food types but still ensure you stayed in your calorie range so I think that’s a great question because a lot of times and I was certainly this way probably my whole life really I had it in my head like you can’t just eat whatever you want you have to like eliminate food groups a lot of times or it eliminate certain kinds of foods in order to lose weight but that never worked for me over the long term I went back to eating those foods which would then mess me up because then I would just you know like it was like I had no self-control around those foods so this last time that I lost weight so like in 2014 I said okay I’ve got to get my weight under control I was obese at the time and and so I decided I was gonna change like how I thought about everything I thought I’ve got to figure this out so that I can do this for the rest of my life like no more saying I’m never gonna eat cake again because I’m gonna eat cake right and so so during that course of time like from like 2014-2015 I learned about intermittent fasting at the end and in 2015 I really like I was not consistent I would do intermittent fasting some and then I would quit and never you know go on to something else and one thing I did was I counted calories and so what I started to notice was like you know well it was really frustrating to me first of all to try to count calories because I was using my Fitbit as like the thing that was telling me how many calories I was burning and I was also like using the Fitbit app to log all of my food and and so even though I was trying to like be in my calorie deficit and all that I wasn’t losing weight now a couple of things go with that like I don’t know back then I was really in a hurry I was really in a big hurry to lose the weight so I didn’t give myself weeks and weeks of like experimentation and saying okay I’m gonna stick with this for like six weeks you know being on this certain kind of you know regimen or whatever I was just in a hurry and so I quit a lot it wasn’t consistent so it’s hard to know but one thing I do know is that counting calories drove me crazy because it just felt so restricted by everything was like so disheartening like you get the little chick-fil-a cup of chick-fil-a sauce and then it’s like so many calories and then it was just like I couldn’t enjoy food so so it kind of flipped I said okay instead of paying attention to calories I’m going to pay attention to how full I’m feeling so because I just I kept fed up with counting calories and so like I think that was October of 2015 I said I’m not counting calories anymore and I’m just gonna eat whatever foods I want and I’m gonna stop when I feel full and and I haven’t counted calories since then and so I still even lose weight so the point is count to me a calorie is a calorie and so when you don’t have limitations on the types of food so in other words I let myself eat whatever I want to eat so that’s cookies I’ll eat cookies if it’s protein and I’ll eat protein or you know whatever it is I just eat it and I don’t try to tell myself like you’ve got to take it easy on this and by doing that it helped me to gain just this self-control around food like it took away all the I don’t know like mental games or something I guess that that go on and so it worked out really well but again you know I think it’s one of those things that it can become this kind of self limiting belief like if you think I will gain weight if I eat that thing then like because it’s become this thing like you think I’m gonna gain weight then you kind of do because you just can’t it’s like there’s too many head games that you play with yourself or at least that was the case with me so so okay so hopefully that answers your question well okay and to ensure that I stayed in my calorie range so basically what I told myself is I’m gonna look at the scale what is the scale doing the scale will tell me the truth what I found was the Fitbit I mean you know I don’t know I don’t know why you know like I it looked like I was in a deficit but it wasn’t you know losing or I was just losing really slowly and probably that was more than the case like I was just losing really slowly but but certainly not not as quickly as I would have been not as quickly as I thought I should have been losing based on the deficit that it told me I was in if that makes sense but um but the the scale told me okay you’re in the right calorie range because the scale is moving down which is what I wanted it to do okay so the next question is hello I’ve been doing intermittent fasting and OMAD on and off for about two months now and have been feeling and looking better every day but now I’m going to do intermittent fasting as my lifestyle to help me finish losing weight and maintain it for the long run how often I should allow myself to eat dessert after dinner during my plan while I continue to lose weight I don’t want to restrict myself but I also don’t want to gain weight do you have any tips thanks for your help well here’s what I did and I and it worked for me and like I said it was this type of thinking that helped me to gain control around food that’s not how I planned it really but it is what worked for me so I didn’t make a rule for myself about how often I could have dessert I think it’s a kind of a quirk of my personality that if I said one dessert a week I’d want 2 and if I said 2 I’d want 3 I mean it’s just how I’m built so but by saying whenever you want it it was like I mean occasionally I might crave dessert you know but I really don’t anymore and it’s just the weirdest thing and I think it does go back to because I have that complete freedom I can choose however much I want it I just don’t want it that often and it’s really weird but that’s how it worked for me and so I think you have to know yourself well like some people do really well with that to say okay once a week like that makes them feel good and and it like works for them but there’s people like me who it just it just kind of backfires so I think know yourself well and also you know you can experiment you can play with it and I think that is you know a really big part of weight loss is just experiment and find what works for you you know you could try saying to yourself you know okay once a week and how does that work for you like are you feeling deprived are you feeling like ah I really want it to two times a week now or or are you doing really well with that is like oh yes I love having that one dessert a week it like gives me maybe you appreciate it more right like that’s that’s something that happens you really appreciate the dessert once a week if you eat it more than last week maybe you don’t enjoy it as much so so there you go okay next question let’s see I’ve just started OMAD one week in I suppose my question is centered around centered around alcohol how do you and others feel about having alcohol during your eating window do you find it prevents you from losing weight or does it knock you off your plan and that’s from Ronan well Ronan that’s a great question and I can’t speak for other people I don’t really watch any other intermittent fasting channels or anything like that I just stay focused on like what I’m doing in my own life and it drives me crazy I’ve tried a couple of different times to watch different videos and it just it I’d start to overthink things so so alcohol my attitude about alcohol has always been I will I will drink it when I want it like I had no rules about like only once a week or you know only one glass I will say I’m a lightweight when it comes to like alcohol I can have a glass of wine and I’m like that’s enough like because I get I can get tipsy just from that so um and especially so one thing about OMAD is being in that fasted State you have to I mean for me I have to be careful of that because if you’ve been fasting for basically 24 hours and then you just start and have your wine before you’ve had any food on your stomach I mean it it can like really it kind of knocks me a little bit for a loop so I I tend to if I’m gonna have a glass of wine generally speaking I’ll eat eat some and and start to drink with the meal instead of having like a whole glass first but um a couple of things with that though so alcohol one thing is it can and this is just in my own experience it can lead to overeating like what I noticed was what can happen is you’re just not paying attention and like so I was in the habit of eating fast like that was just like every as far as I can remember I’ve been a fast eater and I’m and I’m getting better like I still am actively working on eating more slowly enjoying the food more I feel like I’ll always probably have work to do on that but alcohol is like a disinhibitor it just made me eat or could tend to make me eat even faster so what I would start to see sometimes is like I would if I wasn’t paying attention I would end up feeling way overly full after a meal with wine so I learned okay well I need to be more careful about that which meant slowing down slowing down also you know as I’m drinking the wine but also slowing down the food and just be more aware of that just saying okay I’m gonna remind myself when I have wine I tend to want to eat a little faster or at least even if it’s not eating faster it’s maybe continuing to eat after the feelings of fullness start so and then another thing with alcohol is what I noticed about myself was if I had on its own like right before bed so in other words maybe we had a meal had my OMAD and then went to bed or right before bed my husband I would have a glass of wine and my rule for that was I will have the glass of wine if he asked me to have a glass of wine before bed I will totally do that so what I noticed though is if I had wine with no food right before bed I tended to feel some nausea at the next day just just a little bit but it was like not pleasant I don’t like to feel nauseous ever so and this kind of started to like what was going on I was in maintenance so what I would do is if I was gonna have wine I would have cheese with it just to give me like a little I don’t know a little bit of protein or something and it seemed to the next day make it so that I wasn’t I didn’t have that little hint of nausea so so there you go Elizabeth what’s the number one tip you would give to someone just getting started so Elizabeth’s my daughter’s name so um you have a nice name okay so number one tip for someone who’s just getting started I was like you didn’t say with weight loss or with intermittent fasting so I’ll just take it well it’s really kind of the same I would say be patient be patient with yourself be patient with the process don’t be in a hurry because I found when I hurried that’s when I made mistakes that’s when I didn’t have good progress when I finally slowed myself down and got okay mentally with this is gonna take a long time and this is a lot more about changing my whole life the whole lifestyle than it is just about trying to figure out how to drop a few pounds like I had a lot of bad habits I had the habit of being sedentary I had the habit of overeating I had the habit of stress eating there are all these things that I was doing that were not good that it took a long time to get out of those habits and to change to better ones so and it takes a lot of patience so being patient with yourself which a part of that is also not being a perfectionist anymore that was something that I’ve really had to work on I used to have this like all-or-nothing mentality so either I’m on the plan 100% of the time and I’ve got to be perfect on it but that like one time I mess up then plans out the window I had to get okay with things aren’t going to be perfect because this is about for the rest of my life keeping the weight off so there are gonna be times where I’m gonna mess up I’m you know the weight will fluctuate I’ve got to get okay with that and I gotta just stick with it so yeah so I would say patience patience patience patience that’s really really important happy Jack’s good morning well good morning to you too what made you choose six miles okay so there are a couple of different factors one factor that I remember clearly is there was this article that said this celebrity trainer because I used to look at articles like that all the time back in the day she said I make all of my clients move three miles a day and and that will you know keep them at a good weight basically and so I thought to myself because I was convinced back then I had a slow metabolism thought I have to double it I have to double it and if I doubled that then there’s no way that I could basically remain obese you know if I’m moving six miles a day that’s gotta you know bring the weight off of me and so that was one part of it but the other part also why so I injured my back doing a deadlift and that was I can think July July of okay I got to do some sort of exercise and at that point walking was like the only thing that didn’t hurt I tried a couple of different times as I healed to go back to lifting heavy but it just wasn’t working I’m gonna try to do walking and I got consistent I got really consistent with it and I was trying to come up with like the right goal I thought the right daily step goal and ten thousand I was at ten thousand and then I pushed it up to twelve thousand steps and I was like hey this feels pretty good and I think at that point I looked at my Fitbit about the distance and it was like really close to like six miles like I thought okay I’ll bump it up to six miles six miles was 14,000 steps and six miles there’s just something about it for me that said hey that’s an accomplishment every day like I could tell that it would be motivating to me to do that like I just I thought it’s challenging enough but not too much of a challenge where it’s like I’m not gonna be able to do that on a consistent basis and so that’s how it picked it I thought okay six miles a day that works and and I and and and I told myself like okay I’m gonna commit to it and we’re gonna see how this works for you know like I think I said in my mind probably like two months and I started to see like yes I can do this and once I started to see that yes I can get this in it takes effort and reconfiguring my day and yes it means sometimes I’m like in the early days I was like getting my last steps at midnight because I would procrastinate all day long so um so yeah so that’s how it came to six miles Carmen your book was life-changing well thank you I’m so glad that it was helpful that makes me glad that I wrote it so Lori you know really that you’re you’re the one who should get the thanks for changing your own life because ultimately that’s that the key you gotta take action right so so congratulations for changing your life um Laurie’s storfor hi from Florida well I’m in Florida – how do you get past the hunger is the mantra you say the morning hunger I can deal with is the hunger after Oh after the window closes that gets me crazy so that’s interesting so how do you get past the hunger so that’s a good question because in the beginning for me it was like a I almost kind of felt panicky when I would feel the hunger I think because I had it rammed in my head for so many years like if you feel hunger that means like your metabolism is slowing down and I was just thinking oh no if I feel hungry then that means that my metabolism is slowing down them actually gonna gain weight so so I had to kind of get it into my head that’s really not true that for at least at least in my experience that’s not true like feeling that a little bit of hunger is kind of a signal like your body is saying ok if you don’t feed me I’m gonna have to like use my own resources here and and so that’s what it does so that’s one thing I started to do was kind of to tell myself okay feeling that a little bit of hunger says I’m on the right track because I’m not I’m not eating enough to actually maintain my weight loss like my body’s gonna have to burn its own resources in order to keep going so so that’s one thing keep looking at that little bit of hunger differently no I wouldn’t because you know I I don’t there may be people out there who are going too far in that direction like starving themselves that’s not good like you have to kind of say a little bit of hunger is good too much hungry cuz then you’re gonna start feeling bad if you’re not eating enough to like function then you really will start to feel like I don’t feel like moving around like there’s like this fine line where you want to be just a little hungry you want to have plenty of energy and it’s kind of a fine line walk but you don’t want to do anything unhealthy so kind of reframing what I thought about that initial kind of hunger the next thing is dealing I mean because a lot of times I found for me hunger that feeling of hunger was stress like I would you know I would I would have been fasting like in the routine of fasting right just like okay certainly in the morning time I wouldn’t be eating just on a consistent basis but then all of a sudden you know one day I would just find myself in you know looking through the pantry it’s like 10 o’clock good morning like what am i doing and I would realize like because that’s why I’m standing here but then when I’m kind of work backwards like why did I start feeling hungry right now because I knew about myself that on normal regular days my body adjusts pretty quickly to that window like okay and I’m not eating right now so I don’t expect food until whatever time you know like when when I would be eating I’d say from 2:00 to 6:00 like I don’t get hungry until 2:00 really so what’s going on at 10 o’clock what just happened and what I found was a lot of times it was just I got stressed out about something I mean you know the kids misbehaved or the budget meeting we just had a budget meeting and like oh it’s not looking great my husband was like at that point he was in real estate so that straight Commission job so you know sometimes the budget would stress me out like oh no you know there’s no money coming in this month so then I would you know and it’s your body is trying to like comfort itself and say okay we’ll just let’s have some food and calm down and and it does happen I mean as far as if you are feeling stressed out and you eat food you usually do like feel less stressed I mean it it is a biological thing that happens and it’s a very powerful thing to overcome and so how I overcame it well first of all just be real real stubborn and committed so in other words like not gonna eat right now I would just tell myself no like no you’re not eating so let’s do something else a lot of times it was in the early days I would just start walking I would just say okay look yeah you’re hungry but you got to get your steps in anyway so lets get your steps in and that would help usually because I would start to think and be more proactive and like there’s just something about getting up and walking around that really helps me so it was like the hunger would kind of fade because I’m doing something and thinking of it later on I started to really deal with the things that we’re stressing me out so like you know being proactive look don’t just sit there and feel helpless like say okay this is the reality so this is what we need to do like if it was you know a budget thing is like okay now we gotta increase the income somehow so what do we do like I would do like a usability testing and things and so just learning how to take action on those things that were stressing me out start to eliminate that hunger now another kind of thing that would happen so I was always stress eating sometimes what I would find is I would get hungry cuz it didn’t eat enough the day before so especially when I was going to OMAD that was kind of a tricky thing like how do I eat just enough enough so that I feel full until supper the next day but not too much and not not enough food because I wouldn’t sleep well the next day so what I found with that the best because I wanted to stay on on schedule like I didn’t want to just you know start being inconsistent so what I would usually do what that was I would just not eat and stay busy so just be really productive that day you know certainly getting my walks in and stuff were helpful but also just stay busy read a book you know learn and you learned American Sign Language or I’m still learning that but just doing things to keep my my mind active anything other than eating basically just filling up my life with things other than food so let’s see Yvonne asks the smoking hinder progress during intermittent fasting you know I’m not a smoker my dad is but I would say I don’t see why it would because to me really like intermittent fasting it just is it’s a way to cut calories and ultimately that’s what it comes down to so I mean you know smoking doesn’t have any calories to my knowledge at least I don’t think that it would but you know I think some things to explore might be if you’re having trouble like if you’re if you’re doing intermittent fasting and it’s just not working look at your stress levels look and see if like snacking it to me or in my experience snacking was directly tied to emotional eating so just you know maybe there’s something there you know are you how are you feeling after your actual meals are you feeling overly full or are you eating just the right amount and just play play with it until you until you start getting results so and okay you also asked could you please recommend some OMAD plans well to me it’s like the simplest plan in the world this just eat one meal a day and just go ahead and eat whatever you normally eat like I don’t have any kind of plan as far as like I eat this on this day and this on this day and this on this day no like my my plan has always been whatever my family is eating so that meant spaghetti with meat sauce that meant chicken tenders with fries or you know lasagna or biscuits and gravy or you know like man pleasing chicken with roasted broccoli or beans and rice I mean it’s all the food and really OMAD really is as simple as you eat one meal a day you just sit down you eat your food and you get up and you start fasting again and you just have one meal a day there’s like there’s no need to overthink it it’s really that simple and yeah so I mean the thing about it the thing about OMAD is going straight to OMAD is for most people some people do it with no problem I didn’t do it this way some people go straight to OMAD they’re just they woke up one morning heard about OMAD and they get on OMAD but I very very very very gradually just pushing my fasting window out further and further until eventually I got to one meal a day so so there you go so I would say just don’t overcomplicate so many people make it complicated like they want a meal plan and everything it’s like just eat whatever you’re eating because for one you know you like that stuff right like that I think that’s another part of weight loss it’s like sometimes you’re trying to force yourself to eat food you hate I just don’t see how that’s well it was never I will say this it was never sustainable for me over the long term it just wasn’t so Carmen loved the simplicity and flexibility of the plan and yet also has very clear boundaries yeah boundaries with food really is what it comes down to a lot of times it’s just having I mean and so with intermittent fasting it’s just a time boundary around food you know a lot of people who practice intermittent fasting they don’t have other kinds of boundaries as far as like there’s no like oh you gotta eliminate this whole food group or anything it’s just time boundary and so there you go Yvonne will the body get used to the OMAD then go into starvation mode and reduce the metabolic rate hasn’t for me I practice in I’ve practiced intermittent fasting like I said I started inconsistently in actually my big big worry in the beginning when I first heard about I thought oh no that’ll wreck your metabolism gonna be just ridiculously hard and it’ll be bad it’ll be bad for my body and I had also read an article that said women shouldn’t fast longer than 14 hours so I was really scared to do anything longer than that and so it kept me waffling it just kept me like I can’t I can’t commit to it because I it was like I just I didn’t I was I was really worried about the metabolism thing so I told myself you know I’m just gonna try it and instead of being worried about the metabolic thing I’m just gonna if I if I see that like oh suddenly my metabolism is horrible then I’ll stop but so in 2016 that’s when I got very consistent it’s intermittent fasting at that point I was like at a 16-8 18-6 and at the beginning of the year by April I went down to OMAD and that was year I lost the bulk of my weight and I was slow loser like a pound a week on average is what I lost even even on OMAD and so maybe I started with the slow metabolism but I really don’t think it has changed at all I mean as far as I can tell I feel much better nowadays like feel much more energy like when I was obese a lot of times I was cold all the time but now I’m you know nice and warm I sweat a lot so so I’ve never been tested and I think if it’s something you’re worried about you should certainly talk to your doctor Jason Fung he’s a doctor so he would be a better better person to ask he has some stuff about metabolism and intermittent fasting and things and I’ve read you know as much as I can on it and to me it doesn’t seem like there’s really a problem there but in practice I practiced OMAD from you know in 2016 doing a lot of you know like sometimes I do OMAD sometimes I would do like a loose with my plan because I was just wanting to maintain then 2018 I did OMAD or end of 2017 through like October I didn’t notice any kinds of ill effects from it nowadays sometimes I’ll do OMAD pretty consistently but again because I’m just trying to maintain at this point and then other times I’ll kind of do like I’m more of an eating window type thing it really depends on what’s going on in my life as far as what I do when I really need to be productive and if I’ve got a lot of kind of chaos going on in my life then I like my OMAD plan just like just let’s just do OMAD I keep it really simple gives me lots of time to work and stuff when I have more you know like when there’s everything else is kind of more orderly than I like to have a bit more chaos in my eating plan so that’s just what I like let’s see so do you recommend changing the fasting and feeding hours I don’t because for me that always made it way too confusing like when I was doing a window I just kept it the same every day so in other words like I was doing a let’s say like a 16-8 just to make it easy this 8 hour eating window I would just say ok from 12 to 8 everyday that’s my eating window I don’t do the recalculation thing because I can’t hardly keep track of what day it is so like trying to keep up with what hours I ate the day before and then trying to do the calculations it was just that was too complicated for me so I just said ok this is what these are my hours that I eat and it just kept it the same all the time that was just what could keep me consistent but you know if you’re gonna have a person who prefers that kind of like I like to calculate you know the the fasting and you like to change things up because otherwise it feels too boring well then change it up like there there’s a lot of perfectly good ways to do it actually my brother-in-law he travels and so what he found for himself when he was starting to practice intermittent fasting was trying to keep it at the same time every day was just impossible because of his travel schedule because he was like going through different time zones also having to meet with families and eat with them and everything and you can watch- I did a success story interview with him oh gosh it has been probably a couple of years ago you know his name is Roger maybe J can link to it in the chat but so he had to just kind of figure it out like for himself and some days he would do a long you know fast if sometimes he does like multiple day fast other times he has a really short eating window and he just has to change it up all the time because that’s his life and it worked for him so so I would say you know just experiment for yourself and see what works let’s see Yvonne you also asked been OMAD since the past five days but my daughter says I don’t eat enough you know well yeah I know like that is something I think a lot of people they get you know and especially people who love you are gonna be kind of like whoa you know this is maybe too little and here’s you know I think this is important first of all always know how much do you weigh and do you actually need to lose weight because there is a thing called body dysmorphia which is where a person who is a good healthy weight looks in the mirror and sees a fat person and and and and because of that they will starve themselves and and being underweight is just as dangerous as being obese actually a little bit more so so according to the research I’ve done so so my point is like I the thing that I don’t want to basically be like is like oh it’s you know like it’s don’t listen to them you have to and be able to discern like are they saying something that’s true because you know sometimes people will say like oh I’ve got to really lose you know how many pounds and I look at them and think you’re already skinny you know like so so I just want to caution you like you know like know what your BMI is and you know and I think that’s a pretty good indication and yes people will say well no that’s not perfect nothing’s perfect like I think it just gives you a nice range and it can tell you are you in a good range are you in a healthy range are you obese are you know overweight are you a normal weight or you underweight and if you’re underweight then you don’t need to lose weight and really if you’re in normally I would say you probably don’t need to lose weight but once you get into you know overweight and obese I think for me at least my experience was certainly when I was in that obese range man it was I was kind of miserable like as far as like physically I was tired you know I just didn’t feel like I could move around in my in my own body the way I wanted to by the time I get into overweight range it was like okay I can tell kind of difference once I started getting down in the very low overweight range to normal that’s when I started feeling normal and I don’t think it was just because like oh well this the BMI scale is telling me I’m normal I think it was just like yes my body feels good here I can move and I can keep up with everyone and like going to the store doesn’t feel like this taxing thing I mean still don’t like to shop but like walking across the parking lot no big deal nowadays so there you go let’s see happy Jack’s I started walking because of this channel oh not to be out done now you do seven miles a day well now I’m gonna start doing eight and then I gotta change the name of this channel and my website it’ll just be horrible hey and you’ve lost so you’ve gone from typo or is that for real that is that is awesome that Wow that is man congratulations that is that is changing your life that is that is great man that’s great oh wow congratulations that is that man that is that’s good okay Yvonne does intermittent fasting work alone or is exercise like walking or going to the gym absolutely necessary to see progress with you know weight loss so that is a great question and people have lots of strong opinions about this and okay so first of all I’ve talked to lots of people who lost a lot of weight with no exercise at all and I know that gets some people up in arms but it’s true it’s like some people just get their eating under control and it really it is about cal again I think it’s about calories in calories and calories out get your calories down where they need to be then extra exercising just isn’t necessary per se however in my own journey I think that the walking was very important like I don’t think it was important for the calorie burn I just don’t because I really do I believe and I mean based on my own just observation of myself my appetite increases as my activity level increases okay so it’s like it kind of cancels each other out so I don’t think like I think that you know in hindsight like what if I didn’t walk that six miles a day so I’m I’m burning fewer calories but I think my appetite would have been lower so probably I could have still lost the weight except the walking kept me in a good mood it kept me going it prevented me from stress eating because I would say to myself well I’m not gonna stress eat cuz I still have steps like I need to go get my steps first so it was like not even an option he’s like I got steps so I’ll just go do those first and and so for me it was really really important to do the walking but I think again that that goes also back to I was an emotional eater and that was a big part of why I was gaining weight why why I had gained weight and and why I found it hard to lose I think was because I would just because I was always obeying my hunger was you know that stress was manifesting as hunger thank you I went off with my sixteen eight fast I can’t afford to go without the evening tea that too with sugar please help me get back on track I’m tracking my weight and I’m not losing nor gaining well okay first of all that’s actually not a bad place to be cuz that shows you that you know you can maintain like with doing what you’re doing you can maintain right there that’s actually not bad because it sounds like you’re not doing any fasting maybe so okay so you went off you’re sixteen eight and basically what you’re saying is you need your evening tea with sugar and I get that so let’s see so what I’m wondering is why can’t you just have the sixteen eight and go ahead and have the tea with sugar like like like why can’t that just be in your window that’s what let’s see I’ll just keep looking at the camera okay I’ll be I mean I’m looking at the questions to to make sure that you’ll need to re answer her tea thing I believe okay the tea okay do you think that’s what she was asking like basically I don’t know if she was saying that she’s off fasting altogether okay yeah okay I’m trying Okay it looks like maybe we’re okay we’re back sorry about that you guys I think what happened if my husband’s right the my answer to Trina I don’t think anyone heard it so so Trina you asked about you went off your 16-8 fast and you can’t afford to go without your evening to with sorry tea with sugar so please help me to get back on track I’m tracking my way I’m not losing nor gaining and I said it’s not a bad place to be when you’re not losing or gaining you’re maintaining which is you know like that’s a skill you have to have once you get down to your goal weight that’s learning how to just be in in you know a range and keep that range so that it’s it’s good to be there but so it sounds like to me and I’m not sure is it that you are doing the sixteen eight and then you had this cup of tea with sugar outside the fasting window sorry outside the eating window and then you just kind of said well I’m not doing the fasting right so then you just quit on the whole thing that that’s what I got from it if not you can tell me like no you misunderstood in the comments and I will change it I’ll change my answer based on your information but if that’s the case if it’s just really it was like I can’t be perfect doing the sixteen it cuz they keep having this cup of tea with sugar in it outside of my eating window I would say just let that be your plan you do a 16-8 and then during your fasting window you allow yourself that cup of tea with the sugar and look there’s no intermittent fasting police I know people get so so up in arms about things but to me it’s like you do it however you need to do it however you can negotiate with yourself like for example when I was starting out with intermittent fasting my negotiation with myself was you can have your coffee how you like it which back then it was a half and half and a tablespoon of sugar in it and I would do like three cups a day during my fasting window and I still have cream sorry like half and half in my coffee during the fasting window that I’ve done that this entire time and I mean I slowly got rid of the sugar that was only to make the fasting easier though so my point is like I think you could have results I think if the issue has just been like you’re afraid that by having that that’s gonna mess you up I would say don’t worry about that just be consistent like try that for six weeks do a sixteen eight if that’s what you want to do a 16-8 and keep your cup of tea with sugar for you and see if you have results because really it’s the fasting the fasting overall that will get you to where you want to go because this is about you know eliminating calories and stuff I think I don’t think there’s any magic to it like having that little tiny break in your fast or whatever I really just don’t think that it’s as big of a deal as some people would make you think it is basically write down your plan stick to six weeks and track your results green eyes says my daughter is on me for not eating enough also but you okay but I am obese okay so yeah to me it’s like the results will bear that out like if you’re not eating enough you’re gonna be miserable like if you’re actually not eating enough then you your body will let you know in my in my experience like there is a point where you like if you’re not eating enough you’re gonna have headaches and you’re gonna feel tired all the time but if you’re feeling good I think that’s a good indication that you are eating the right amount and as long as you know in a good rate of loss is like when you are obese one pound a week maybe two if you’re very obese and then what I found is as you get down to a normal BMI most people find that it’s like a fraction of a pound week maybe a pound a week some lucky Souls continue to lose a pound a week but for a lot of us I’ve talked to a good number of people it’s like fractions of a pound a week once you start to get down to that amount so I think what you can tell people though is you know like if you can reassure them honestly look I’m feeling great you know I’m being really careful I’m tracking my weight I am obese right now you know and being just really upfront I mean I know it’s difficult to talk about those things depending on you know your relationships and stuff but you know to me you know when I was going through all that stuff I mean I I really kept it to myself people didn’t really know because I didn’t share it with people I just like thoughts on this I didn’t do an extended fast that I’ve like multiple days until I got down to a weight that I knew that’s where I want to be I don’t want to be any lower than this I’m happy where I’m at because I knew that kind of thing wasn’t gonna be sustainable for me multiple day fast it was like it’s shortcut I could I could tell that for for me it would be like a shortcut and I kept thinking I can’t do that I have to do the things sustainably so so in other words to me OMAD was a sustainable thing like it was I can do this I can do this around my family this is something I can do for the rest of my life if necessary because it fits in with my life well an extended fast does not and so but I but I did want to do them I did I’ve done two five day fasts and they’re like a year part but here’s what I found with the and I’m really glad I did it the way I did it because if I hadn’t done it if I had tried to do like a five-day fast to lose those last way times it was like oh man because idea like I could probably drop ten pounds if I just go in a five-day fast because that is what generally happens to people and I thought hey well if I just get down and fast to the ten that you know drop that last ten real fast I could probably maintain that and so you know it’s like a shortcut but I was just really determined to not take a shortcut because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could do it in a sustainable way so but when I did the five day fast I’ve done two of them I’ve done videos on them too so I’m gonna go on my memory here but I’m pretty sure on both of them I lost like 11 pounds and I regained that weight really quickly that after I broke the fast so I think it was both times I think it was within two weeks of the end of the fact of back to the weight that I started that or you know within a pound or so what I noticed for myself at least what I feel like there’s like this rebound effect on this rebound that’s what I call it where it’s just like my appetite man once I break the fast and the actual fast really not hungry on it I mean it’s like after the first day it’s just not there’s just not hunger there but once I broke the fast and went back to just okay I’m back on you know my regular maintenance kind of plan it’s just like this incredible amount of hunger and I really do think it’s my body’s way of saying you lost weight too quickly you need to get back up here cuz your body doesn’t like to lose weight really fast like it’s trying to keep you alive for as long as possible right so so I don’t like multiple day fast just to try to pull the weight off because first of all there is a lot of water weight that comes off and comes right back and look even with my like I feel like I’m mentally in a really good place with my weight I feel like I’m really mentally a lot better with the scale than I used to be I used to be very afraid of the scale very stressed out let’s go I’m a lot better now but it’s hard it is hard even when you’re expecting this the scale I mean cuz I did it you know the first time like wow that was really crazy to watch the scale rise by like ten pounds in a couple of weeks but then you’d think that the second time it’s like okay mentally prepared for that it’s not gonna be a big deal it’s still like oh man it’s like crazy really like oh man it comes back on so fast so I’m just saying I would just stick with what you can do in a sustainable way okay so Yvonne you said so basically you’re worried about like not even a fruit or salad rice and bread and gravy and fried chicken and vegetable well I think you know again you can you can incorporate those things it’s kind of weird I get it like but I will do that like when I’m just eating OMAD a lot of times I like incorporate different weird foods that normally otherwise get and you can make it whatever you want it to be I mean you can have an apple with fried chicken and you know like a salad and whatever you want but I don’t I don’t get as like with the whole nutrition thing on what’s healthy what’s not I look at like the Amish people and what they eat and they’re pretty healthy people and they eat a lot of stuff that we would call unhealthy and they’re just not they’re not obese by and large and they have pretty good longevity so okay well maybe there’s some stuff we don’t really know they’re very active and they eat a lot of homemade foods so Buffy said how to break intermittent fasting I just eat whatever I’ve even on my five-day fast I broke it I think with a cheese plate the first time cheese there’s like a cheese plate but like meat and cheese and everything bread peanut butter M&Ms I think this last time I broke it with a plate of spaghetti so so not what people will tell you I people that got me kind of ease back into some bone broth never had bone broth in my life that’s just not me so I would say just whatever you want especially on OMAD I just you know whatever I’m eating that day that’s what I break it with Carmen I thought I could never do six miles I was more like one mile in good days last night when going to bed my pedometer read 14,026 steps it was not hard at all it’s doable and enjoyable I agree it is crazy like how your perspective can shift like if you just do it one day it’s like wow that was not hard like once I did all my steps inside one day it was like wow I did six miles in my house like I could always do six miles in my house it’s like a very doable thing and I would like break my personal bests like that was the one thing I did in 2016 I would beat my personal best for steps and that really made the six miles a day it seemed really really doable because it’s like there would be some days where I do a lot more than that like I think I got up to thirty thousand steps in a day that year like that was my personal best and then in 2018 to 2017 2018 I can’t remember what year that was at the hundred thousand steps I was like wow you can do a lot of steps a lot more than I think I can so okay well in congratulations Tiffany you’ve lost 15 pounds that’s great okay so um lastly Ronan you said if you start each meal with a large healthy salad it prevents you from overeating during the window – yeah and I think that’s it like there’s lots of little things you can do like that like if you just start with a big you know like lots of greens and stuff like that for me some things that helped for not overeating instituting a rule of no screens no like so in other words no TV no phones at the table when I’m eating and focused on the eating when I’m watching TV I’m focused on watching TV like whatever I’m doing that’s what I’m doing and learning how to not distract myself when I’m eating has been really helpful also to pay attention to where my mind is while I’m eating because sometimes what I’ve noticed is like even if I’m sitting even if there no screens I can still be like thinking through all these things in my head and kind of shoveling in it so trying to be very present with the meal whatever it is so okay well you guys this hour has flown by as it always does thank you for joining me I hope it was helpful and I will see you guys the next time I clicked end stream so we’ll see ok thanks we’ll see how long it stays since it’s not yet responding it’s not yet responding there’s a possibility [/spoiler]

Questions & Timestamps

2:28 How did you have no limitations on food and food types but still ensure you stayed in your calorie range?

7:17 I’ve been doing intermittent fasting and OMAD on and off for about two months now and have been
feeling and looking better every day but now I’m going to do intermittent fasting as my lifestyle to help me finish losing weight and maintain it for the long run how often I should allow myself to eat dessert after dinner during my plan while I continue to lose weight I don’t want to restrict myself but I also don’t want to gain weight do you have any tips?

9:28 I have just started OMAD, 1week in. I suppose my question is centred around alcohol. How do you and others feel about having alcohol during your eating window? Do you find it prevents you from losing weight or does it knock you off plan?

13:35 What’s the number one tip you would give to someone just getting started?

15:26 What made you choose six miles?

18:32 How do you get past the hunger? Is there a mantra you say? The morning hunger I can deal with, it’s the hunger after the window closes that gets me crazy. How do you get past the hunger?

24:38 Will smoking hinder progress with intermittent fasting?

25:55 Can you recommend some OMAD meal plans?

28:16 Will the body get used to the OMAD then go into starvation mode and reduce the metabolic rate?

31:39 Do you recommend changing the fasting and feeding hours?

33:40 What should I say to someone who’s worried I’m not eating enough?

37:00 Do you recommend changing the fasting and feeding hours?

39:10 I went off with my sixteen eight fast. I can’t afford to go without the evening tea with sugar. Please help me get back on track. I’m tracking my weight and I’m not losing nor gaining.

45:21 Do you recommend multiple day fasts to speed up weight loss?

50:04 How do you break the intermittent fasting?

51:55 Tips for not overeating during your eating window.

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