Is Intermittent Fasting The Perfect Weight Loss Plan?

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]is intermittent fasting the perfect diet plan nope perfection is a myth okay there is no such thing as the perfect diet because let’s imagine what would the perfect diet be I would imagine it would be effortless and immediate like you could just wake up tomorrow at the perfect ideal weight and you could eat whatever you want but the thing is that doesn’t exist so what we’re left with is trying to find the good enough plan right and so the thing is there are so many different plans to pick from really probably every single plan works as long as you stick with it and that’s the key for me is finding the thing that you’re gonna stick with over the long haul even when you find a plan that works for you you’re gonna be constantly faced with the temptation to switch your plan and go for that other plan that you see somebody else doing that’s giving them better faster results I still just struggle with this even though I’ve lost 65 pounds I’ve kept it off and I’m maintaining it and I’m even still losing but I still get tempted I’ll see somebody else who dropped like eight pounds in a week and it’s like whoa what are they doing and I’ll look at it but I don’t switch my plan and here’s why back at the end of 2015 I made a decision I’m only gonna do those things eating wise that I can foresee sticking with for the rest of my life so whenever any other plan comes along and I see somebody having success I ask myself could I do that plan for the rest of my life and if the answer is no then I just don’t even look at that plan anymore and so far I haven’t seen any other plans that I can foresee myself sticking with over the long term so in case you’re looking for the right plan and you’re trying to figure out you’re good enough plan I’ll walk you through how I picked my plan so I sat down and I asked myself and this is a Tim Ferriss question it’s what would this look like if it were easy so what would weight loss look like if it were easy like what what would my diet look like and so I tried to be very honest with myself and very realistic and not too optimistic so here here are some things that I came up with first I knew that I loved big portions like I love to sit down to a big meal small little meals like six small meals a day it just leaves me feeling deprived I never feel like I really ate a lot so I just don’t like that plan another thing that I thought man that’d be really easy would be if I could just eat anything I wanted like no restrictions on the actual foods like no having to buy low fat or low carb or anything like that just regular food no restrictions I wanted to be able to eat the same food my family was eating at night and the last thing I decided was I was okay with slower progress if it meant that I could keep it off and so after I had those things all in my mind I kind of looked around and I saw intermittent fasting for me that checked out the boxes I could eat whatever I wanted all I had to limit was the times that I ate not what I eat but for you it might be totally different sit down and really be honest with yourself what are the ideal things like you really want to be able to what eat these certain things or you know you’re okay with you know small meals or you’re okay with all meat or all vegetable or whatever and really sit down and find that ideal thing that looks really easy to you and think in terms of good enough okay just good enough for you and remember there’s no perfect plan also when you’re sitting down and you’re writing out your perfect plan it’s also helpful to look back if you’ve lost weight in the past been successful with it but then put it back on ask yourself why is it that you stopped eating that way before is it you know was it too hard to stick with over the long term and then try not to make those same mistakes again so I’m curious to know what kind of plans have you done in the past that you have really been able to stick with over the long term thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

There is no perfect diet plan. It’s easy to get tempted to constantly chase after the “perfect plan.” I have found lasting results by just sticking with the good enough plan.

Steps to finding your good enough plan:

Step 1. Ask yourself, “What would this look like if it were easy?” (Hat tip, Tim Ferriss Warning: his blog contains adult language and topics).

Try to be very honest with yourself, and not overly optimistic. Example, even though I know I could tough out a no carb diet for a while, I know eventually I’d go back to eating sweets and pasta and all the rest.

Step 2. Write down the things you really want to be able to eat.

You have complete freedom here. For example, my husband makes homemade pancakes for breakfast on Sundays, so when I was forming my “good enough” plan, I decided I wanted to do a cheat day every Sunday so that I could partake. I also wanted no food restrictions at all. In other words, no cutting any food groups or types, even junk food, out of my diet.

Step 3. Write down other aspects of your eating strengths/weaknesses.

I for one love big portions. I’m also good at delaying gratification.

Step 4. Look at your list. Now find a plan that fits you.

And hey, if you find your good enough diet doesn’t exist yet, create your own diet! Just write down your rules and stick to them. I’ve known people who have lost tons of weight just by getting rid of one thing from their diet, like chips, or soda. Heck, this guy even created his own “McDonald’s Diet” and lost 56 pounds. The key is to have a written plan, stick to it, and track your results.


Perfection doesn’t exist. Pick a plan that’s good enough, for you. The good enough plan is the one you can stick to.

What’s your good enough plan? Have you found a plan you can stick to that feels effortless? On the other hand, what’s the hardest diet you’ve ever tried? For me it was counting calories and weighing my food.

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