Intermittent Fasting Q&A Live on Youtube

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] hi everyone so this is my first youtube live and I really don’t know what to expect as far as you know how many people might show up to this or what so I didn’t announce it ahead of time it’s just kind of an impromptu thing we were just live on my other channel coffee coffee coffee and so I thought you know see what it’s like on here hopefully I think there’s like a storm brewing behind me so maybe it’ll all be okay out here but so just to let you know a little bit about me just in case you’ve never seen this channel before I’ve lost over 75 pounds with intermittent fasting and with walking and so I do these videos and I thought you know I’ll do some Q&A so if you have any questions about intermittent fasting I do any questions just let me know let’s see hey good see you live you’re such an encouragement well thank you crimCakes enjoy doing these videos and I’m so glad that people get value out of them that people enjoy them I really get super motivated when I see other people having like fantastic results it’s really an encouragement to me and so I’m glad that people enjoyed them Thanks let’s see I guess I could talk about some frequently asked questions that I get asked ones is people asked me do I limit carbs at all and the answer is no I don’t I just eat whatever foods because I found that I’m sure that you know low-carb diets are you know great and people have really good success on them but I just could never stick with it over the long term I did the zone back in the day and that’s a very high protein low carb diet and I just couldn’t stick with it over the long term so that’s why I do what I do people also ask me a lot of times how many calories are you eating and I simply don’t know I I don’t count the calories I just eat whatever I want at my 1 meal a day and so sometimes you know it might be really high carb sometimes it might be really high protein sometimes it might be you know high everything so it just kind of depends but be sure to you know comment with any questions you have I’m happy to answer anything that’s on your mind or anything I don’t know hopefully the the signal stays good I’m out here at Oscar Scherer State Park in oh there’s some more comments and where am I Osprey Florida hi from Denver to Carson I so love carbs to you let’s see someone I think I mean hopefully I can see what that comment was I think they were asking about diet something let’s see do I think diet soda breaks a fast um you know people have all varying opinions on you know what breaks a fast I’m very kind of laid back in my approach and I think it also depends on the type of artificial sweetener your your diet drink might have you know some people say it starts the insulin response I don’t you know I don’t I don’t really get into all of that because really the thing for me is I think the big way that I’ve been able to lose weight with intermittent fasting is just not eating during that window I really don’t think it makes a difference you know whether you’re you know even if you do create a little insulin response I just I think you’ll be fine I’ve I’ve talked to other people who do diet do drink diet soda and and they’re fine you know they can still lose the weight you having trouble letting go yeah my my dad and mom love diet cokes I’m not a big fan of them I found diet drinks like that make me really hungry like I remember you know several years ago actually when I kind of realized this like I would order something really horrible at McDonald’s you know some sort of way too much food and then I ordered the diet coke to go with it and man I would be so hungry afterwards and so then I started ordering just the regular old coke to go with it and I found that I filled up a lot quicker so from that I kind of said okay maybe diet drinks don’t agree with me that well so I just started saying you know if I’m gonna have a soda it’s gonna be the real sugar stuff or you know high fructose corn syrup or whatever and that’s the way I do it but again you know other people they they have it with no problems so uh you’re watching two soccer games at once oh thank you Hilde hey I want to am I pronouncing that right Hilde I think I think that’s right but I hope you’re doing well I can’t wait to watch your update video whenever you put one out so yeah let’s see diet cokes but again you know I’m not I’m very laid back with the fasting window I’m all about just whatever can help you get through the fasting window so if that means you know having I mean like for example I had sugar in my coffee to begin with when I was starting intermittent fasting I eventually weaned myself off of it but I I did that very gradually and the only reason I did it was because I found that I was hungrier uh-oh hey Jin thank you for watching both of our channels coffee coffee coffee and this one that’s great Hilde I’m so glad that you’re you’re doing well and and check her channel out too she is she is man she is brave because she’s going through the actual weight loss journey on YouTube I waited until I had had 65 pounds down and maintained it for a year before I could get the courage to make this this channel so does sixteen eight let’s see I’m picking up this there we go you say you’re doing a 16-8 work second shift and you work out at 11:45 p.m. and here for that last meal at once oh yeah that’s a cool thing right you’re able to doing it you’re able to do it at night you know that that’s a great way to to be able to fit it in I think that’s awesome and congrats on working nights I mean my hats off to you because my husband did that for a long time and lifestyle I think I mean I guess if your body you know can handle it and everything but I remember it was just it was hard on him and us as a family I missed what your window is okay so my window evolved so I started out with what was barely a fast I mean it was basically saying okay I’m gonna stop eating at 8 o’clock at night and then I’m gonna wake up and have breakfast and that would you know like at 8 o’clock and that’ll be a 12-hour fast I mean that’s barely a fast but it was just about putting boundaries up and so then I pushed it out further and further now I’m at OMAD which is one meal a day so I don’t even watch the clock anymore I just eat at supper time generally speaking that’s about 6 o’clock so what I do is I sit down with my family and we eat and we talk and we don’t watch TV or anything we just sit there and talk and so I’m guessing that meal lasts about 45 minutes but I don’t again I don’t watch the clock I don’t say hey you know you know we gotta we gotta wrap this up cuz of my eating windows closing I just sit there for as long as it takes so that’s you know that’s what I do so so that’s my window now it’s like maybe you know 45 minutes long um let’s see I’m trying to get the comments back let’s see Suzy you said you are starting tomorrow any tips take it slow so many people try to make this way too hard I try to go way too fast with it and then it feels really difficult so my whole like mindset through this whole thing is try to make it as easy as possible on yourself so take it slow make it feel easy like don’t push out your window until it feels easy for you and then give yourself permission for it to take a long time because for the first year when I was trying to lose weight I was doing all this stuff trying to you know lose 5 pounds a week and everything and I was just not doing anything after awhile you know it’s so frustrating but in 2016 I said ok this is gonna take a long time and I hope I can lose a pound a week but even if I lose a half a pound a week that’s ok because that means it’ll take me two years to get off you know 50 pounds and or 60 pounds that’s really when I started have consistent results it took all the pressure off so because I know like once you’ve had that I’ve had enough moment you just getting this really big rush but just taking my time that was the biggest thing that helped me so let’s see hope that helps I can get these let’s see like eat your meal and be done yes so that’s what I do I don’t do snacks anymore when I’m maintaining I found that I could do snacks I could do like a like supper and snacks and I’m talking like really buttery popcorn and that kind of thing snacks and I was still able to maintain now when it because I’m still trying to lose a few more pounds because really I just want to see how far this plan will take me because it just feels so easy and so what I do now is I don’t do snacks that’s not to say that I never do snacks because you know like last night for example my husband was like hey you want some popcorn and it ended up where we couldn’t do popcorn because our kids took forever to get in bed but sometimes I will do stuff like that where you know it’s not on my cheat day but I’m at a weight now where I’m really happy so if the occasional snack type thing comes up I’m gonna do that because life’s about living so okay thank you sjd 1964 so cool that people from England watch me like it seems like there’s been a lot of commenters from England so thank you guys for watching I appreciate it from across the pond okay let’s see here let’s see beating obesity oh man yes this is my first live broadcast thank you so much for commenting his story is amazing go watch it he has lost a major amount of weight and and I think we’re very similar in our the way we think about things so so thanks for commenting there okay Janice Layton this is all new to me I hope to do this any and all tips appreciated thanks okay so my biggest tips again are take your time with it make it feel easy like I think we all have this thing where we try to make things too hard on ourselves or we think well it needs to be hard you know like you know there’s not going to be a badge for you it just because you made it hard on yourself take it easy on yourself think in terms of years not in terms of days or even weeks think in terms of years like that when I had that kind of shift in my mindset that one this doesn’t have to be hard and two think in long term that was when I took all the pressure off and I just had much better results so make your your fasting window as short as it needs to be like so you know like I’m all about minimum like do the minimum so you know you don’t have to try to get to one meal a day you really just need to kind of balance you know the results you’re having I mean the reason I got to one meal a day was because it just felt easy and I was I started to have a little bit quicker results than I was having it two meals a day so that was about an 18-6 that I was at where I was I was right under a pound a week and then one meal a day took me to you know a little over a pound a week and that was to me that was the ideal like when I could see that just a pound a week it was just it kept me motivated so let’s see if I can get these comments again here we go let’s see so I hope that helps Janice how long does it take to start losing weight I just started last month I’ve just lost two pounds so okay I think two pounds is fantastic so congratulations I know that’s hard when you’re probably wanting to lose faster I mean based on your question you think you know two pounds that’s not enough um it depends on how much weight you have to lose in the first place like with me even though I had a lot of weight to lose like at that point I was like at 207 205 and I lost all the way down to 157 and I was loing a pound a week you know and that was eating one meal a day and I mean people sometimes are shocked to that like oh wow this doesn’t sound like much it’s like well that to me that’s just how slow or how fast I lose weight I mean I again I just try not to get in a rush I try to just give myself the time that I need to do it so I would say just give yourself time just be patient with it it’ll come off and sometimes that’s a thing like the scale sometimes just needs to catch up to what you’ve been doing so hope that helps see see it’s trying to scroll down how do I handle let’s see you do it let’s see here we go Hilde asked do you ever think you will return to non-fasting I don’t think so um just because I love the way my days are structured now I don’t have to think about food until suppertime and I’m a grazer by nature and a stress eater by nature so I tend to if I if I don’t have any kind of time boundaries on my food that would mean that I would need to put other kinds of boundaries in place that I haven’t historically been good with like you know like the whole idea of oh just portion control horrible at that I mean I love big portions and some people even comment on my blog post where I talked about what I ate for a week but you know wow you really do like big portions yes I really do so um so yeah I don’t know that I would ever go back to a non fasting lifestyle I just because I like the productivity and everything but you never know Never Say Never let’s see how do I handle the holidays patty cake asks um so intentionally like if you go back and watch I did like a the monthly progress reports that I did for probably for like septem- I’m sorry November December and in January I kind of talk about those but I’m pretty laid-back during the holidays I want to enjoy the holidays and my kind of thought with it is I continued to weigh every single day but if there are gonna be things that come up like you know baking like we make homemade nut rolls and it’s a big deal every year we make tons of these little Italian cookies and it’s just you know I just don’t worry about it I just say I’m gonna be off plan for you know this day or whatever or whatever days come up you know if like my kids want to make Christmas cookies gonna make Christmas cookies yes I’m gonna eat the batter I’m not gonna be a good girl oh good I’m gonna eat I’m gonna enjoy it and I think you know weighing every day keeps me accountable it shows me where I’m at and then you know I just kind of just I’m okay with a gain and I think in December I’d have to go back and look I think I gained like maybe two pounds I think that’s right maybe two or three pounds and that I’m just being very very relaxed I think we went on vacation too so you know that’s how I handle the holidays just intentionally you know going off plan and on purpose that’s okay hope that helps see here a quick question it I wanted to start with starting at 8 a.m. and stopping at 7 be a good window to start with I think so um again that’s kind of like a let’s see starting at 8:00 then go into 7:00 so like I did I guess it depends on if you mean you’re eating window starts at 7:00 or your passing window like whichever one you’re referring to but starting out with like a 12-hour fast I think it’s fine now I will say you especially depending on where you’re at with your weight you may not find that you get much weight loss from that but what was helpful to me was just to do it very gradually and lengthen it out so that it feels easy and I think if you’re if you’re kind of going with the intention of I’m trying to get to longer fast I mean most people that I’ve talked to and this kind of reflects what I found – I found the best results when it was around a 16 to really an 18 hour fast when I got to 18 that was like better but 16 and up is when I had the best results so if you just kind of have that idea of I might not see any results till I get to the 16 or 18 hour fast then I think that might help you just to kind of you know just say right now I’m working on increasing my window and then I’ll you know expect results later on let’s see let’s see whose video did you say to watch I just came on uh oh gosh I can’t remember oh um beating obesity he has lost a lot of weight and he has a lot of the same mindset things that I do so a lot of the same kind of philosophies and Hilde’s journey she’s also a good one to watch she’s actually going through the weight loss journey right now so those are two to check out and they’ve actually come in and previously and I think you can you can see like their channels if you look in the comments so this is my first youtube live so I’m really not sure exactly how it all works let’s see Christina thank you so much for your kind comment I’m glad that you enjoy it Lauren hey special learning Donald Trump is here I didn’t even know and that was probably several minutes ago let’s see do you ever have days where you’re tired and hungry or do you have great energy all the time I get tired like anybody else but when I’m intermittent fasting like doing this day in and day out I do have a lot energy pretty much like every day you know I walk six miles every day and I think that certainly helps a lot would just it’s like the walking you know a lot of people ask like is the walking necessary do you have to a lot of people lose weight just fine not doing any exercise exercise at all but I have found that it helps to like reinforce the other behavior so and it gives me a lot of energy and just makes me feel good like it gets all my yayas out I guess that’s a way to put it but yeah so let’s see I can’t really remember what the question was I think the question was let’s see do I ever have but it’s like I am a normal person so of course I have days where I’m tired or hungry Oh hunger that is something around my period time yes I will feel hunger more so than the rest of month I mean and it kind of depends on like okay on a Monday that’s gonna be a day where I feel more hunger it just it just happens like you is because on Sunday I just eat it’s my cheat day so I’ll have breakfast and you know eat throughout the day and then have supper then on Monday morning it always happens I will feel hunger just because my body is like it’s like it expects food like if you feed it at be fed the next day at 10:00 a.m. so I have found that I will feel hunger sometimes but I’ve learned to realize it for what it is a lot of times it’s not true hunger so true hunger to me is persistent it’s like you know it might be accompanied by like headaches and stuff like that but generally what I’ve found is a lot of times it’s just like behavioral type hunger you know so let’s see so I hope that helps how long does it take me to walk the six miles couple hours I’m a pretty slow Walker I think if I walked faster I could probably do it in like an hour and and my husband has actually started walking with me and it’s so funny because I’ve walked six miles for years now and he finally has joined me so that’s really nice because I enjoy having his company and so we you know want for a couple hours each morning you know and people in a question that goes with that a lot of times as people say or ask do I count do I have to get it all in in one stretch or can steps that I get in the regular of course the day count towards it and yes steps that I get in the regular course today totally count as far far as I’m concerned now that I’ve been walking in the morning I do go ahead and just get my 14,000 steps in which is six miles on my Fitbit but if it was necessary to just you know you know yet you know it’s like I have it know my steps all day and it’s like 9 o’clock at night and I have 3000 steps I’m only gonna need 11,000 more so let’s see do you let’s see do you eat whatever you feel like on Sundays yes I do or what was the other part or do you have an eye to what you eat I’m afraid of binging if I let loose okay yeah so this is an important thing for me to understand about cheat a cheat day done right is no limits and I know and it was something that was really hard for me to do at first it was scary at first it was like if I do this like I was afraid I was just gonna binge and be miserable and what I found was when I tried to be good you know like oh who is it is cheat day but I’m gonna be a good girl today but then throughout the week it was much harder stick to my fasting window because in my mind it was like yeah but I was really good on cheat day so then you know I would think like a snack or something would be okay through the week and then I told myself eventually I saw where that behavior was heading so I said no I’m gonna do cheat day right and once I started doing cheat day right meaning I say okay whatever you want proved and I don’t crave those things I used to crave [/spoiler]

I’m planning on doing these live Q&A sessions on  Youtube  every week or so. Let me know what you thought of the format in the comments section.

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