Intermittent Fasting: Eating Window Rules

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] let’s talk about eating window rules I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the eating window like the rules like how many times do you eat what foods do you eat and so I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about kind of how my eating window has evolved and I’ll give you my philosophies on it and tell you what my results were – in 2016 that’s when I said okay I’m gonna do intermittent fasting and walking so at that time I was at probably a 16:8 fast so I was fasting for 16 hours eating for eight what I decided to do was to simply not have any rules during the eating window that is different than a lot of other people what though what they’ll do and what they’ll advise to do I wanted to be able to eat the same things my family was eating like I didn’t wanna have to restrict things or measure things or anything on that and that’s the way I did it from the beginning I you know like in 2016 when I got very clear on my plan I just said I don’t want to have to deal with any of those restrictions the only restriction for me is the time restriction so do you know when that window opened it was whatever I wanted and that included you know desserts people ask me a lot of times like well you know are they allowed for me yes they were always allowed and I still allow them whenever I crave them what I noticed was I I craved them less as the more I just allowed it and said yeah sure no big deal the less of a big deal it became and a lot of people ask me about alcohol like is that allowed and for me it was always on the table like whenever I wanted it I would have it I don’t drink sugary drinks but that’s not because I think that you shouldn’t have sugary drinks during your eating window I cut out sugary drinks because I wanted to train myself to like unsweetened drinks so that I could have variety in my fasting window but in the beginning I was drinking sugary drinks you know in in the eating window so I don’t really think that has to be a rule because certainly you know basically it’s just carbs and I eat carbs the whole focus for me was always on being consistent with my fasting window I really didn’t worry about my eating window just focus on not eating during your fasting window and then also I worked on shortening my eating windows I was always trying to find that line between you know having quick enough results and it feeling easy what I noticed really was when I was at up like a 16:8 I was probably having like a half a pound a week weight loss when I got up to like an 18:6 and then it was like a little less than a pound when I got to OMAD it was about a pound a little over a pound a week I definitely saw that there there were some differences there but again it had nothing to do with the types of food it was only about the eating window making it shorter my main rule for eating during the eating window was just to eat enough to make sure that I ate enough so that the next day I would you know have plenty of energy and but then I was still losing weight another aspect people are really curious about is well how many times do you eat during your eating window so I’ll tell you what my observations were because you know now I just eat the one time but it wasn’t always like that so when you’re when you’re not fasting when you’re not intermittent fasting my habit was always kind of graze it you know like I just kind of eat all day when I had that kind of boundary though saying okay you know my window doesn’t open until 2:00 well by 2:00 o’clock I was feeling hungry so I would end up eating a good bit for lunch and so then I would stay full until suppertime and then I would eat supper and then basically my window would close but ultimately it was still about just eating whenever I wanted whatever I wanted just as long as I was obeying the eating in the eating window not eating in the fasting window as far as snacks go I really didn’t eat them a whole lot but I can usually would I think it was just though because I you know I was really truly hungry at my first meal so then it just kind of eliminated the snacking which also kind of helped eliminate a lot of the mindless eating that I was doing because I was actually you know getting more aware I think of this is actual hunger versus this is boredom so those are my eating window rules basically there are no rules but I’m very laid back there will be other people out there who have very strict rules that are way different because there’s a million different ways you can do intermittent fasting none of them are wrong I say pick whatever works for you you know at this point I’ve lost 75 pounds doing that this so I’m gonna stick with the way I’m doing it and I’m all about whatever works for you so the main thing is just you know you pick your plan you figure out what you’re gonna do and if you don’t mind leave it in the comments below what are your eating window rules and how have your results been okay thank you for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

  • Intermittent fasting can be done in an infinite number of ways. My way is very laid back.
  • I don’t really have any rules for the eating window
    • I don’t count calories
    • I don’t limit carbs
    • I eat dessert when I crave it
    • I drink alcohol (usually a glass of wine) with supper whenever I happen to want to
  • My main focus is being consistent with not eating in my fasting window
  • I found that as I shortened my eating window, I lost weight slightly quicker
  • I generally ate 2 meals a day when I was at a 16:8, until I got to OMAD (one meal a day)
  • I always allowed myself to have snacks if I wanted them, but I found that generally I didn’t need them. By the time I had my first meal, I was good and hungry and would eat enough to keep myself filled up until my next meal. Then I’d be full again until my eating window closed.
    • I also found that by having these time boundaries on food, I learned to tell the difference between true hunger and boredom. Historically, I was snacking because I was bored. Intermittent fasting helped me to see that.

The one rule I had was to be sure to eat enough during the eating window.

If you don’t mind sharing, let me know in the comments below what your rules are for your eating window, and your results have been!

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