Intermittent Fasting and Walking for Weight Loss: Youtube Live Q&A July 25 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] okay coming to you live from my car so I forgot my little thing that holds the camera so hopefully this is a good speed I don’t have good signal at the campground so right now I’m just gonna kind of make sure the connection is good hopefully this is gonna work out well I had scheduled this to go live at 3:00 and I’m just gonna try to make sure that everything is good with the connection hopefully that I’m still trying to figure out the whole YouTube live but you can schedule them for later so hi Beverly I’m good how are you so we’ll talk about intermittent fasting any questions anybody has about my experiences with it I’ve lost 75 pounds now with intermittent fasting and walking six miles every day so right now I’m in Sarasota Florida and so hopefully it looks like it’s okay let’s see can you guys see me now sorry about that I don’t know why this seems to like it always seems to mess up the first in the first little part but hopefully we’re back now so sorry if it hopefully everybody can see me now and if you can see me please let me know that you can see me um let’s see hi ona let’s see Beverly you said I noticed I get lightheaded and my blood pressure is low what can you do to help that okay so I’m not a doctor and certainly you should talk about over with your doctor if you’re getting especially if your blood pressure is low you need to Thank You Jay that’s my husband coffee coffee coffee shows so he’ll be helping me moderate I think see oh I thought he could maybe he can’t okay good hi Kristin so Beverly but it’s but I can at least tell you what as far as what I’ve experienced with lightheadedness and fasting I really I have not had any lightheadedness but that’s because I eat a lot at my one meal I’m the type of person who can really sit down and eat a lot and if I ever do experience lightheadedness I always take that as a sign that I am not eating enough so I would increase my food intake but again I’m not a doctor so I’d highly encourage you to talk to your doctor about that hi graceful sky and in hi Kristin again and hope you guys are doing good today okay hopefully this signal will hold out I don’t know I’ve got a bunch of bars but there’s a lot of traffic around here so so let’s see any questions you guys have just pop them down in the comment section there be happy to answer them I was trying to think there was any any questions lately that I’ve been getting in the comments section let’s see uh cheat day I still I swear it’s just like a cursed topic because it seems like every time I tried to continue to address this like finish addressing the thing oh hi Kim from Fargo North Dakota funny movie Fargo was a long time that I had seen it though, I can’t really remember much about it just the very end but man it’s so cool how many people different people from all over like the United States and there’s like people from England that watch this and I think there was somebody from Taiwan maybe or I can’t remember there’s there’s been a lot of different countries so cool I’m in Sarasota Florida right now so um so anyway a cheat day that was something that somebody asked about like oh let’s see how long does it take to get your steps it takes me an hour to walk three miles yeah Nancy that’s about what I experienced too I walk about three miles per hours so to get at six it’s about two hours every day it’s maybe a little bit more sometimes it depends on just how slow we’re going and then other times it might be faster but I really don’t like walking in any faster than three miles per hour so I’d prefer to just enjoy the walk and so yeah about two hours every day yeah hey nat mnat I don’t know how to say the last part of your screen name or maybe that’s your actual name yeah so if you guys have any questions at all another common question I was getting was about before okay so when I was intermittent fasting but not doing OMAD so OMAD just stands for one meal a day people ask me like how did I do the fasting I mean the eating window like would I eat twice would I eat you know snacks what I eat you know what and my answer was I would just eat whatever and whenever but what I did notice usually with that was that I would normally eat because I was hungier I would eat you know a pretty big lunch and then I would be hungry again at supper at that point then I would close my window so usually I didn’t snack very much but that was because I was actually hungrier the first time I ate and then I would eat again so so yeah so that’s a question I get a good bit let’s see let’s see so yeah so if you have any questions just leave them in the comments um so it’s gonna talk about cheat day a little bit so the thing with cheat day is to me it’s a day I don’t have any rules okay so whatever I want to eat whenever I want to eat it it’s important to me to do it right to try to not be good and but the thing is is it’s not a day where I make myself miserable it’s just a day to just enjoy whatever food I’ve been craving and just to kind of take the day off I take it off from work and I take it off from from from fasting okay sharon a new subscriber to your channel thanks subscribing thank you for your good information I noticed you drink coffee with half-and-half does that break the fast hearing so many different opinions I know Sharon I’m right there with you you’ll hear a million different opinions but here’s my whole take on it I wanted half-and-half in my coffee and so my attitude was like well you know I’m gonna see if I can lose weight while doing it this way and I have been able to lose the weight so I kept it I just don’t worry too much about like will it break the fast I’m just more concerned about getting the weight off so so the thing is though you can have some calories and not break the fast and that like from a scientific standpoint I think just based on my limited limited knowledge of the actual physical aspects of it and to me I think it probably just doesn’t break the fast I would always you know recommend people just you know experiment with it for yourself see if you have results if you find that you’re being really really consistent with the window but the half and half just seems to be holding about you could take the half and half out but to me I love it and I want to keep it in there there is a thing about when the calories are coming from fat it doesn’t really break the fast so I mean I know that half-and-half has like one carb or something that’s I just don’t think it’s enough to really break the fast let’s see Nat I actually listen to you while I walk awesome it helps to motivate you did you feel like a cheat day slowed down your progress actually I don’t think so I think cheat days helped me to be super consistent in the beginning um I needed them in the beginning first of all like uh it was fasting was so different than anything I’ve ever tried before and so just to have that one day to be normal you know like to have that one normal day was just nice and and it really kept me consistent consistency is like to me the key to all this like if you can just do it day in and day out like every week I’m doing you know pretty much six days out of seven I’m right you know doing the fasting thing so I think like counter-intuitively it probably helped me to progress faster because for one thing it kept the level of difficulty very very low to me my perceived level of difficulty was like this is so easy like I can do this six days a week and then the seventh day I can just do whatever I want like it’s just it made it so simple that it you know like if something feels really hard you can stick with it for a while but then eventually you just go back to doing you know whatever it was you did before because it just feels too hard but this feels so easy to me so I mean you know in the future would I take away my cheat day I could I think now I I really could or I could you know maybe just do we do the pancake breakfast on Sunday morning so it’s more of a family thing that really I wanted it for that day um but I could probably you know if I wanted to I could keep the the family breakfast and then just you know have my one meal be breakfast for that one day if I wanted to in the future but I’m still having results so I don’t really see the need to get rid of it let’s see have a good day oh thanks Albert have you ever had have ever tried dry fasting um no I haven’t um I don’t really know what the benefits are supposed to be of fasting so dry fasting my understanding and Albert you can correct me if I’m wrong dry fasting means no liquids or anything like that and like I just again you know for me the fasting is all about from a weight-loss perspective I’m trying to lose the weight so as long as I’m having results there I’m not gonna mess with it you know I’m not gonna make it harder than it needs to be basically so that’s what I do so I haven’t not I have not tried that and if you do I’m curious like what why do you do dry fasting versus water fasting or you know the kind of fasting that I do let’s see graceful you asked how long did it take until intermittent fasting was just a part of your normal life oh and you’re from Israel awesome well that is that is so cool okay so so intermittent fasting for me I started out with it in 20 well actually I’ve learned about in 2014 I kind of slowly integrated it a little bit you know how well at least for me in 2015 I was just going from one thing to another like it it was working for me but I really didn’t want to be too aggressive with the window so in order to try to get you know faster results I ended up just kind of trying everything and you know I’d do intermittent fasting and I would then start counting calories and just driving myself crazy in general but when I actually went to one meal a day or what when I really got really consistent with in 2016 January 2016 is really when I said okay just intermittent fasting and walking I’m just simplifying it down it really didn’t take me long at all it’s I would say now that’s you know a couple years ago now it’s just like super super routine for me I just you know like I think most people that I’ve talked to who have really just gone for like they’ve done it you know the regular eating and then BAM they started intermittent fasting even OMAD and you know it takes a couple of weeks for them to really get used to it and then it just becomes like okay this is what I do so to me my body can quickly turn from one to the other now like because I’m doing you know a cheat day on Sunday so I you know I’m eating all day on Sunday and then I can just go right back to it so it becomes routine I think pretty quickly let’s see Christina I’m just amazed how you wake up at five in the morning and how long have you been doing that and how in the world do you do that okay so like when I was overweight I wanted to sleep like all the time like I needed to sleep late you know and I seemed to wake up a lot during the night like to go to the bathroom and stuff but then once I started reading like once I started really having some success with losing weight and and especially with intermittent fasting I think there’s just something about and I’ve read some some stuff about this about how your body really just doesn’t require as much sleep when you’re intermittent fasting and I don’t know exactly why it’s something probably about the fat burning but I just wake up like this morning actually I woke up at 4:00 and you know with no alarm or anything woke up at four and I was awake like I and that’s another thing when I wake up I just get up and I start my day so but you know but I don’t think that’s required or anything I mean there are times where I’ve gone through and you know like I require a little bit more sleep I think a lot of that’s hormonal too but um yeah I I love getting up early because it gives me a good start on my day though okay what time do I go to bed I go to bed and about 9:00 okay so we try to start getting the kids in bed around maybe in bed so yeah and they’re not you know I we go to sleep because we we live in an RV because we’re full-time RVing so you know like we all kind of go to bed at the same time we’ll watch you know an episode of Psych and then I’m usually out just a few minutes into it so okay let’s see does my Nat you asked does my husband fast with me if not did that make it hard for you okay so in the beginning he did not fast at all I mean he is skinny first of all he is a skinny guy he’s always been a skinny guy never had to struggle with weight at all and so he like he really shouldn’t fast probably but for a long time he did not even even try it because he didn’t need to and I don’t blame him like if you don’t need to lose the weight then why would you fast um so it was not hard for me okay but it was hard for him like I would sit down and try to you you know like well you know you can go ahead and eat and I’ll just you know I’ll just sit here and and you know spend time with you and it bothered him so much that I wasn’t eating like he just didn’t to eat in front of me and so so we just had to kind of modify that like we’ll have coffee together but I don’t sit down with him while he’s eating now he did recently try intermittent fasting and that was pretty funny like he he’s actually sometimes he’ll do it with me now because he he sees that it’s really beneficial as far as like you’re a lot you can be a lot more productive you’re not taking time out of your day constantly to eat but again you know he needs the calories so you know he’s not he’s not a what I would call a consistent faster yet maybe he’s in the comments section I don’t know if he’s gonna add anything on that but but so yeah so it didn’t make it hard for me but it was kind of hard for him Carlene hey Carlene you finally caught me live could you please tell me how you can go from two meals a day to one should I start out slow and try it only a couple of days a week okay that’s a good question um so the way I went from it was actually on accident um I can’t I know I’ve talked about this before but I had gotten basically to like an eighteen or maybe even like a 20:4 you know so I was fasting for about 20 hours and I just had this hang-up about you know like oh I need to at least eat twice a day like you know I was always like paranoid that this was gonna screw up my hormones or something so but one day the stomach virus went through our house and I was just so nervous that I just couldn’t eat and so I went all day without eating and then like finally I just made myself eat something at supper time I thought huh you know I didn’t die you know I was like I was fine and I didn’t get sick but and so then the next day I did it again and then I thought hmm okay and did and again so so it was kind of accidental for me but I think you should push it out slowly like um you know I always wanted to feel easy for people and I don’t even know that one meal a day should be anybody’s goal as far as like like a blanket statement I think as long as you’re having results that you’re good with stay where you’re at but if you’re wanting to increase the speed of weight loss yeah probably you know shortening your eating window lengthening your fasting window that’s what always works for me so yeah so I always like the slow and steady that’s just me though and then you know and you could you could try it and just say okay we’ll just try it one time and then you know see how you feel like literally really pay attention to how you’re feeling and then you know if you really don’t feel too bad then try it again and then you know eventually you’ll be at one meal a day if that’s what you wanted to do let’s see so I hope that answers your question Carlene okay this makes the six miles is marvelous but I really floundered trying to achieve OMAD thanks for any tips PS at you and J are adorable in your coffee show oh thanks Susan um yeah okay so OMAD again with OMAD I don’t know that that should be your goal like it’s all about trying to fit this into your lifestyle like it works for me because you know breakfast and lunch are just kind of you know it’s not a big family sit-down type thing for those two meals we do have you know the sit-down thing for supper so it was very important for me to have supper with them so um so in other words I wouldn’t just arbitrarily set OMAD as your goal um just be really really consistent cuz I mean people have results on you know like 18 16:8 is generally where people kind of start having results 18:6 I think is even better as far as just my own personal experience as far as what I’ve noticed and what I’ve heard other people because I’m always asking people like okay so what kind of fasting are you doing and having success with and you know when you get to that kind of you know that point you know you’re still probably eating twice a day but most people are losing but if you’re not and you really are trying to get to OMAD then slow and steady and focusing on consistency though like focus on being very very very consistent at a shorter fast and then when you can be really consistent with that then baby step it up a little bit and say okay I’m gonna go a little bit longer and I’m gonna be really consistent there and that you know it’s just a habit you gotta you gotta train yourself basically okay so hopefully that helps Susan and then keeping yourself busy that’s you know like if you’re having trouble with your fasting window well two things make sure you’re eating enough during your eating window because I make sure I am full and then keep yourself busy okay let’s see okay week of OMAD love it thanks for the great motivation great I’m glad you find it motivating some days I feel weak in your body like your arms and legs did I feel that – will it fade moving forward okay so whenever I feel I mean it cuz occasionally it might happen it doesn’t happen very much but then I always take it as a signal you did not eat enough at your last meal so I just am more conscious of a conscious conscious of eating more at my one meal that doesn’t really happen to me though I’m trying to think like you know sometimes hormonally things like that can kind of happen but yeah I don’t really like my legs have been a little bit sore because the other day we were walking out in the heat and I think that was just from you know not drinking enough water I should have probably drunk more water while we were walking because it was super hot that day and we were out in the Blazing Sun so yeah make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and then also make sure you’re eating enough but but but then also I found just the longer I did intermittent fasting the the more normal it is like them the more I just get used to it so you know so like I don’t feel that weakness so okay Albert says you don’t dry fast just wondering thanks for your true spirit well thanks for joining me here on this live talk to you later okay see Albert Nancy asks is it hard to do intermittent fasting and still make meals for kids okay so no but not anymore okay in the beginning that was that was a tougher thing because like you know I I was always a grazer you know eat a bite of anything that I was making for the kids you know any kind of leftovers they had you know I don’t want food to go to waste you know I said eat but so I did deal with that a couple different ways first of all my kids I teach them to be self-sufficient and so my older to you especially at that point in their lives they were able to make their own breakfast and by six year old now you know he can do most of his breakfast but then also my husband pitched in too so so it was a group effort basically I tried to put the the cooking burden off of me as much as I could but now it’s very easy like I can sit there and cook like eggs and bacon you know turkey bacon but and toast and butter and everything and I just say well you know like if this looks good to you you can have it on Sunday and so that gets me through so yeah hopefully with that answers the question okay thanks for your reply you’re welcome graceful uh Wow I can’t wait to not need so much sleep yeah it really you know like that might not happen for everybody but I did look you know I’ve looked into it it seems to be a pretty common thing with intermittent fasters and like on a reddit there’s a lot of people that experience the same kind of thing Sara asked do you do you have any issues with heartburn you’re doing um I don’t I’m trying to think like it’s it’s always difficult to answer these questions sometimes because it’s like well you know I’ve had kids and then having kids has changed some stuff about me but like for example after I had my first kid for whatever reason any kind of tomatoey thing kind of gives me heartburn um like spaghetti and stuff like that and I still experience that but that was really more from the pregnancy actually my digestion has gotten better I think when I think about you know back when I was overweight I had a lot like um I got to the point where I was feeling really miserable after I would eat fried foods um and I think that I think I read you know might be a gallbladder thing but I don’t experience that anymore that was just that then that was one of those symptoms or I thought probably need to really lose weight since I’m having yeah it was just starting to feel like man I’m having all these issues so um yeah but I don’t I really don’t get heartburn yeah I just I don’t experience that yeah so I mean you could talk to your doctor about it like if you maybe got some if you need maybe to take some antacids or something or you know like some people like to drink milk and stuff with a meal to kind of help let’s see sorry my husband said for now I’m not being consistent faster and he’s used to me eating or not eating yeah so he doesn’t feel so bad anymore okay Nick says hi from the UK well hello from America I’ve been experimenting with 18:6 for a while but moved to OMAD last Saturday do I miss breakfast food you know what I love breakfast food it is one of my favorite types of food actually is breakfast food but I have it at night I just eat it at my one meal and I’m craving it like hash browns or fried eggs or turkey bacon or buttery toast I just have it for supper or I have it on cheat day and so that makes it easy but yeah breakfast for dinner I like especially if I’m craving it like yes we’ll just have that tonight but yeah like if that was one of the things that was I was concerned about like oh I just love breakfast food you have it for supper okay you mentioned in your last live vid that you stay busy and I tried that past couple days and boy did I not eat I was so busy intentionally doing things that I needed to get done anyway it worked oh good Kristen that’s awesome yeah um I never realized how much time I really had and until like it’s like I can’t eat right now so it just opened up my world it was great um that’s that’s great that okay have you noticed any muscle losses it’s hard to get a lot of protein in what a melt um Steph no I would really recommend um dr. Jason Fung did about an hour long interview and he talked all about scientific aspects of fasting and basically well I mean you know I’m not a doctor but to sum up what he talks about is when you’re overweight your body has to burn you know in order in order like when you’re not eating then your body will burn fat and so he goes into a lot of depth on that whole thing all the you know the worries like basically unless you are you know you have no body fat and you’re trying to build muscle you really shouldn’t worry too much about protein intake and all that but with fasting but his video I’ll link to it it’s on oh the video about loose skin if you go to my blog post about that I did link to that video but I’ll also try to remember to put it in the description okay let’s see here 20th century’s hey so thanks for your reply your videos really motivating well thanks and greetings from Sweden oh wow what an international group we have so cool I would love to go to Sweden sometime hi there greetings from Greece well hi from America great to see you live again love OMAD four months and 10 kilos down that is awesome that is that is awesome I’m happy to hear that local Kiwi alien uh that is great let’s see 10 kilos uh I’m gonna I’m gonna screw it up if I say how many pounds that is so you can put how many pounds if you know okay Angelica Cervantes a new viewer so you eat whatever you want during your one meal yes that is exactly what I do so I eat once a day okay one meal I sit down I eat and that’s it but at that one meal I eat whatever I want however much I want I don’t I don’t count calories I don’t do macros it’s just whatever my family is eating so yeah and I also drink coffee three times a day with half and half okay let’s see thank you for the reply my next challenge is more steps managing 10,000 a day awesome yeah and that’s that is great like being consistent with the 10000 and then and then just work in your way up that’s great Steph says I’ll check him out thanks I’ve been enjoying on a but not getting a lot of protein makes me anxious yeah I know it’s one of those things people freaked out about but he does a great job of explaining it so highly recommend that video greetings from Orlando oh cool we lived for a long time just above Orlando in Lake County but now we’re full time RVing and we’re in Sarasota right now oh wow okay yeah 10 kilos equals 22 pounds that is awesome so local Kiwi Alien is that right you’ve lost like 22 pounds that is amazing in four months that’s awesome that is awesome how much does squat I don’t touch okay whew I’m always barely catching you oh I think I think let’s see maybe maybe you just found the feed maybe it sounds better in pounds yeah we Americans love to make our weight loss sound better I guess oh that is great ten pounds uh-oh your name is Linda okay so hopefully I can remember that I’m really bad with names but my aunt’s name is Linda so try to remember that and Sonja you’re down ten pounds that is awesome that is that is awesome congratulations on that oh wow okay well wow we’ve been live for 31 minutes oh my goodness um okay yeah hello from Cheyenne Wyoming oh I’ve heard it’s beautiful there I would love to go to Wyoming do you ever get just get really hungry yeah of course if so what do you do sorry answer this now I was actually thinking I should do a whole video just about dealing with hunger because it is occasionally something I experience um so I just don’t eat that I mean like the short answer is I just don’t eat um most of us most of the time I would say the vast majority of the time it’s not real hunger that I’m feeling most of the time whenever I started to feel hungry I’m stressed or I’m bored or you know I’m tired like maybe I didn’t get enough sleep one night um generally that’s what the hunger is sometimes the hunger is just like hey you know yesterday was cheat day and you fed me at 10 o’clock so I’m hungry at 10 o’clock you know and again that’s not real hunger and I’ve talked about this before – but like around like a couple of days before my period usually the hunger ramps up and in in the beginning of intermittent fasting I would eat a snack like a candy bar one day out of the month just to get me through because it was like well it’s really for my husband’s sake and my kids sake because apparently I would get really hangry anyway please just could you just eat something so I would do that but yeah but basically what it comes down to is what the way I deal with it is I just get busy so I get you know I go out and I get my steps in if I’ve already got my steps in them like I’ve got work I can do you know there’s tons of stuff that I can do you know the website or you know we’ve got a couple other YouTube channels and you know general housecleaning even just anything to keep me busy like there’s always something to do if you want to do it so yeah that’s how I deal with it but it doesn’t happen too often yeah should say that too like now that I’m so used to it just it doesn’t happen too much let’s see how many calories do you cut out of your diet when you’re trying to lose like John I tried counting calories at one point in my life in 2015 and it drove me crazy I started weighing and measuring food and it made me feel super deprived so when I started intermittent fasting I said well that’s the first thing to go I’m not going to count calories I’m just gonna worry about my window I’m only gonna focus on eating during a certain time I’m not gonna focus on calories I don’t count calories and I just don’t so I don’t um again that Jason Fung video he goes into some stuff about calories I’m not a scientist and I’m not a doctor so I really can’t comment real intelligently on all that but I can just tell you what I’ve done which is I sit down I eat my one meal and however many calories I’m getting in that one meal is what I’m eating so yeah so I don’t I don’t count them yeah it could be that I’m just not getting as many calories as normal like if I were eating you know all day long obviously I’ll be getting more calories and all that but there’s some scientific stuff you know debate about you know cal calories in versus calories out I just I just know what works for me um good idea hunger drink more water if you’re hungry great idea John yeah a lot of times that is something like just the act of just drinking something a coffee helped me obviously too that I should have said that too like when I would feel hunger especially in the early days if I would just have some coffee it’s like hunger went away and then drink water that’s a very good one uh Ciao from Sicily Oh Sicily it is beautiful there I’ve been there and the water is so blue it’s the bluest water I’ve ever seen in my life its gorgeous uh I love your channel and it amazed at how our lives mirror each other I appreciate your honesty well thank you Tammy I I always try to just lay it out there sometimes people get upset with me because I don’t you know do some things like they think I should but you know I’m I’m glad that you appreciate the honesty and thanks for watching Kathy thank you you’re welcome I don’t know what what what you’re thinking before but you’re welcome if that was directed towards me do I drink teas I keep reading and hearing that coffee even black and plain tea breaks your fast well Sonya I know you hear everything and again I just don’t I I listen to it and then I take it with a grain of salt and then I do what I want to do because for me it was like I’m just gonna experiment and see if it works so um so that’s what I’ve done I said I’m gonna I really you know again asking yourself what would it look like if it were easy to me that meant I could have coffee basically whenever I wanted which for me is like three times a day I don’t really want it more than that but and I’m gonna have it with my half-and-half just how I want it and and I’m just gonna have it and and we’ll see if it works and it has so you know there comes an amount like some people get really dogmatic with it and like they get really strict feel like you just don’t have to stress about it that much but let’s see shush Lorraine since May 13 down 10 pounds awesome that is so cool I’m so glad that I’ve been a help to you I’m honored can I do a backflip no sadly I cannot I did do the monkey bars the other day but I cannot do it backflip I’ve never been able to do it backflip I mean maybe in the water and make it like you know one of those pathetic little like backflips that’s not like a backflip it’s like you know just roll backwards on your head I can do that but I would not I would like to not count calories but I’m concerned about gaining weight okay Beverley right I I feel your pain because I was right there with you and really I thought if I don’t count calories and I only do intermittent fasting like there’s no way I’ll lose weight but I have it really helped me to not stress when I just said I’m just gonna see and really my plan my plan was always like okay I’m gonna just focus on the fasting and if I if I’m not losing then I’ll shorten the window and like I told you you know earlier or not you’d particularly but what I was talking about earlier was I just kind of accidentally got down to one meal a day and even that wasn’t like I wasn’t doing it on purpose it just kind of accidentally happened and then I started having little bit faster results like before when I was doing like two meals a day it was like a little less than a pound and then when I got to one meal a day it was like a little over a pound about one point one six pounds a week I think was the the actual number so so basically my fears were unfounded you your results may vary but I just don’t count calories occasionally I will look at the calorie count of stuff like we were at chick-fil-a the other day and I had the four count chicken strips with oh I don’t know probably three or four of those little chick-fil-a sauce things and the fries and we even had a coffee thing frozen coffee thing I mean and that’s probably a lot of calories I don’t know I I mean I started looking and then you trying to see and then and then that reminded me like oh man it just drove me crazy when I tried to count calories but like especially the little sauce packets cuz man they get you let’s see let’s see does eating whatever you want okay Sonya asked it does eating whatever you want consist of things like pizzas breads and things of that nature yes that’s exactly the point is I wanted to be able to eat everything my family was eating I didn’t want it to be like oh well I guess I never get to have bread again you know cuz I knew deep down sure maybe I can get rid of bread for a short period of time but eventually it’s gonna come back in my life so I just wanted to keep it my life and say I’m gonna just figure it out eating all the things that normally eat so yeah it’s everything did you see any mental benefits from losing weight clearer mind etc Jim asked yes my mental clarity and focus has been so much better with fasting and you know it’s hard to say it like is it the fasting or is at the losing weight but certainly when I lost the way just so much worry and stress was gone I mean it’s not that I have a stress stress-free life now but it just touches so many little parts of your day in a bad way when you’re not happy with where you’re at weight wise and so now all that’s like gone so then I just have you know it’s a more carefree kind of like it frees up a lot of your brain I think so but yeah I do feel like I can focus better – okay let’s see brand-new viewer here so are you still losing weight still doing OMAD maintenance OMAD okay saying yes I am still losing weight I’m losing weight very slowly I figured it out the other day for somebody because they were asking and since I started the YouTube channel I’ve been losing at a rate of about a third a pound a week and my goal is like a half a pound a week which we did have Christmas in the middle there and that is one thing I had a little bit of a gain during Christmas because I went off plan a good bit but so yeah I’m still losing slowly and I’m just doing one meal a day and coffee three times today but I I’m okay with that like I’m okay with this slow loss because right now I’m at a normal weight like for my for my height I should be between 115 and good with that basically let’s see let’s see uh-oh and you’re concerned about doing maintenance so Beverly that was one thing that I like maintenance was the thing I was probably more scared of than they’re trying to figure out the weight loss part cuz I just hate you know I hate losing weight and then gaining it back like I just I feel like everybody’s concentrating on me I know that that’s not true so that was something I was super concerned with like what if I lose the weight and then I start gaining it back and then you know I feel like everybody’s gonna be like oh well she just couldn’t keep it off you know but first of all nobody’s paying attention but maintenance for me was super easy I did like a modified intermittent fasting thing and just I the main thing for me was continue to weigh every day keep track of that seven-day average and it was fine so maintenance it was actually super super easy can I do a front flip no except for this kind of sad one where you just like put your head on the ground and flip over but yeah let’s see Andrea have you practice fasting for God has religion and fasting overlapped in any way do you feel more connected okay so I did not do this in the beginning for any kind of spiritual reason it was purely like I just want to get weight off however you know pretty much all religions and or most of them have some sort of fasting aspect you know Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights and all that so I knew that there was that kind of connection but I’m you know really wasn’t doing it for that however I do think I’ve learned a lot I feel I do you feel more you know more connected to God I guess would be the right way to say it um and I realized how much I let food control my life and how much I cared about food and and and I’m pretty ashamed of it now actually like I would let things ruin my day about food you know like or I would just be so obsessed with food like you know that would be the most exciting part of my day so to put food back in its right place or and getting it back in perspective like now I just don’t even care what we eat at night like I just care that you know it’s food and it’s you know gonna fill me up so it has taught me some things so let’s see and a lot of other people also that a lot of other people have told me they’ve had the same kind of experiences like with fasting they you know some people come at this from a religious standpoint you know and they’re trying to get closer to God and they’ve found that to be true so let’s see can you please remind us how much you’ve lost overall and how long it took you can’t remember okay so I’ve lost right at 75 now I’d have to look at my spreadsheet which I don’t have any front of me but it is I did so I did 65 in the beginning and I’ve lost about 10 more 12 more yeah I’m like my seven-day averages I think right at a 75 pound weight loss right now so the initial weight how long did that take so in 2015 I started weighing myself in February and I lost about fifteen pounds ish that first year but the way it started to go back up because at that point I’m still just doing everything and you know not having a real consistent plan and then in January that’s about 50 pounds from that was by the beginning of November so in about then so since I started the YouTube channel I’ve lost about another the YouTube channel started it’s been about a third of pound of weight loss a week on average okay let’s see let’s see hopefully that answers your question Nat I text that wrong if you if you’re doing again you know I was all about not wanting to have to count calories and I did I never did so in 2016 up until about April I was doing two meals a day and I was losing a little less than a pound a week oh yeah a pound a week and so yeah I just I wouldn’t uh to me I don’t think you have to count calories I think that if you just focus on being consistent with your window I think you’ll think you lose weight and then you know and again my philosophy was you know I would rather shorten my window and eat whatever I wanted rather than count calories and have a longer window let’s see has my hair thinned or fallen out no um like you know with kids like when you’re pregnant it seems like my hair was the after pregnancy than before but I’ve had three kids but no hair you know that’s what my hair looks like uh let’s see do I take any vitamins or supplements no I don’t I used to take a multivitamin I have been thinking about adding that back in but then I heard you know like some guy on the Tim Ferriss podcast basically saying you shouldn’t take a multivitamin and then I looked at research and then it was kind of like man you know there’s some studies that say it actually can increase cancer risks and that others say it can decrease it so it was kind of one of those things that I just kind of threw my hands up and thought I don’t even know anymore so I might start taking one but you know I’m fine so I mean humans have lived without multivitamins for a long time but uh and so some people say it just makes your pee really expensive because you just end up you know peeing it all out but anyway that’s probably too much information okay so we’ve been live for forty-eight minutes now so I should probably start wrapping this up so thank you guys for joining me uh let’s see one more question what do you eat in your hours that’s what the Crusader asked anything I want elbow drops I don’t know what elbow drops are but um I eat whatever I want so like you know last night we had like eggs and avocado and you know like a like a breakfast burrito type thing we have beans and rice so we just see everything like it’s a very varied kind of diet like spaghetti and meatball or you usually just spaghetti is there one night with jarred sauce dried pasta you know just whatever whatever I want okay so all right well I think that’ll do it for this live episode thanks for joining me um oh also I did start some forums over on my website some people had asked for that and so that’s a great place to go and you know ask questions and you know for people to share experiences I just kind of thought be a good way somebody had Darlene is her name she had said you know could we start a Facebook page or a forum or something so I chose forum because not everybody’s on Facebook and and the forums seem to be a good place where people can you know post questions and kind of get encouragement from people so thanks for joining me everybody I appreciate all the questions and I think I’m gonna try to do this every Wednesday at 3:00 so I try to also post it on like on YouTube so but I think you have to like be notified like you have to hit the bell I think or something like that so that you get the notification that says I’m going live but anyway so be sure to have notifications turned on but I’ll try to do it at 3 o’clock on Wednesdays we’ll see I always have to have internet though an internet access so that’s kind of a challenge Sarah I would be nice to see what you would eat on a day probably a Sunday though thanks for all the motivation never thought I could could do it and she’s been doing it for over two weeks that is awesome um yeah I did post one week what I ate in a random week and you can go check that out it’s on my website it’s the meal plan just put in meal plan in the search bar and it’ll show you what what I ate every single day that week which would include a Sunday okay well thank you guys for watching and I really appreciate all your kind words and I’ll see you next week [/spoiler]

Here’s the link to the video with Dr. Jason Fung that I referenced in the video.

As long as my data signal holds out, I’ll be doing these Youtube Live Q&A sessions Wednesdays at 3:00 pm EDT. You can bookmark the live feed here: Six Miles To Supper Live Feed

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