How to Start Intermittent Fasting

[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript.’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] how do you start intermittent fasting I’ve lost over 80 pounds using intermittent fasting and I’ve made it very very easy on myself and I think it’s incredibly simple in this video I want to show you how simple and easy it is to get started with intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is very simple all all intermittent fasting is is you’re not eating for a specific time during the day your day is split up into your fasting window and your eating window and I’ve got videos that are more in depth on this but basically you’re eating window I just eat whatever I want during that time I never restrict calories or portions or do any kind of special diet during that eating window time and in the fasting window is just a period of time that you just don’t eat and I even have three cups of coffee with cream during that fasting window time and also a thing that you should know is that when people are talking about their fasting window and eating window it’s generally written like this that you’ll see on the screen basically you put your fasting window hours first and then you’re eating hours after a colon so for example a 16:8 would mean that you are fasting for 16 hours and you are eating for an 8 hour period so to get started with intermittent fasting the first thing you need to do step one is pick your window I would recommend make it as easy as possible on yourself first of all go with a very short fasting window you may not get the best results here but this is all about just learning how to fast fasting really is a skill that you get better at with practice over time don’t be in a rush and when you’re picking your fasting window also look at your life and figure out what is the best time to simply not eat like what is gonna be the easiest time for you not to eat some people find that you know pushing breakfast later is very very easy and conversely some people prefer to eat their last meal earlier in the day just look at your life and figure out what works for you when are you the busiest usually that’s the easiest time to simply not eat don’t get bogged down in the details of which is more optimal how are you gonna lose more weight if you eat earlier or eat later I’ve found it really doesn’t make a difference and one big tip I have here is keep your fasting window at the same time every day don’t be recalculating it every day so for example if you’re at a 16-8 that means that you’re fasting for 16 hours and that you’re eating for 8 so instead of trying to recalculate that 16 hour fast based on your last meal that day just keep your window the same so for example just say you know I eat everyday between the hours of 10:00 and 6:00 and not any other times it just helps simplify your life step 2 is to just simply be consistent over time and be patient and that is really difficult I know you can get into a hurry and I understand that very well but I can look back and tell you that when I tried to make it harder or I tried to overcomplicate it that’s when I had the the worst results when I just made it simple and easy and it was very consistent that’s when I had the best results I lost about a pound a week on average when I lost the bulk of my weight and by the time I got down to a normal BMI I’ve been losing at like a third of a pound a week so it really is not super fast progress it’s just steady progress over time and again it all goes back to consistency step three is lengthen your fasting window if necessary or desired now what I found was as I went through the process of learning how to fast I enjoyed longer fasting windows I liked pushing my eating out further and further because I found I just had more free time I didn’t have to think about food all the time and it was just kind of something off of my mind that I didn’t have to deal with anymore and you know I reached the point where I got to OMAD one meal a day and I really preferred that because then I wasn’t even having to think about windows at all I just eat once a day and it really just simplified my life that’s why I like it so much if you make this harder on yourself by making the fasting window you know really aggressive and really long and if you’re not doing well with that you’re not being consistent the thing is you’re probably not gonna have very consistent results which will then you know lead to this vicious cycle of you’re trying to make it harder so you can have faster results but then you’re not being consistent and so then that’s really the reason you’re not having results is because you’re not being consistent so focus on consistency and then work on lengthening it if necessary and if you lengthen out your window then you find you’re not being consistent go back and work on consistency make your eating window longer and really focus on consistency over time and then lengthen again don’t be too aggressive with it make it really easy on yourself I’m telling you that was the key to my success was making it easy on myself and focusing on long term consistency and again make it easy on yourself do not over complicate this and don’t stress out about things try to make it easy figure out your plan and then just work on consistency that’s how you get started with intermittent fasting it really is as easy as it sounds the the tendency we have is just to over complicate it so I hope that helps you get started and of course you know I have a lots of different videos that take you through all the different you know aspects of it because I know a lot of people have questions past this but I hope that this helped you and if you have any tips for any beginners please leave it in the comments below things that helped you along your way okay thank you for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Today’s video is all about how to get started with intermittent fasting. I cover:

  • Picking a window
  • Simplicity
  • Consistency

Are you just getting started with intermittent fasting or do you have some tips for the beginners? Let us know in the comments below.

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