How to Enjoy Your Plan: Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Topics and time stamps:
3:05 Enjoying your plan.
4:14 What I learned about myself.
5:04 Changes for life.
6:15 Transitioning after the holidays.
7:50 You deserve enjoyment.
8:40 Take your time.
9:50 Cheat day every week.
11:30 Just get back to it.
14:05 That mental shift, that’s me now! I just can’t “diet” anymore. It has driven me crazy with nothing to show for it but EXTRA pounds to lose.
15:20 2019 is definitely going to be my year of fasting and healing.
16:08 Eating foods I hated and doing without what I enjoyed was one reason I failed so many times before. I don’t do that now. I don’t feel desperate now. I can do this.
19:15 love the time change! I’m watching as I eat my OMAD
20:04 happy omad-ing in 2019 everyone. thank goodness these holidays are over. almost back to normal. im overeating, too much sugar around here. but still doing intermitteng fasting. all good. linda at 2am!
21:00 everything is better with O.M.A.D. Appetite correction is baby steps, give up little things and make it a lifestyle and now it is mostly O.M.A.D. for life. progress is better than perfection!
22:40 Hey Kayla, just curious, what size where you when you first started, and what size now? I think be able to go down in sizes helps a lot with mind set as well.
26:00 Happy New Year to you! While you were losing weight with omad did you still eat fast food? Sorry if you have answered this already.
27:15 whats one thing you say to yourself when your mind tries to sabotage your progress?
29:50 I have been doing a low-carb diet on and off.. is it necessary to eat low-carb for the OMAD meal.
31:40 weight stuck but steady…no increase and im still on the omad road. thats a miracle. im not giving up this time round
32:25 Also how many calories should I eat at my OMAD meal
34:05 ​Is there a risk of getting too little protein from OMAD?’
35:00 Happy New year! I been on omad since oct. and and have lost 42 pounds, now if I eat cake or anything with suger, I get extremely tired why is that?? love your show
36:25 Sorry for many questions, but is your opinion on apple cider vinegar?
37:30 What hours do you eat?
38:20 How tall are you?
38:25 Do calories count on 16/8? or OMAD. Do you recommend Keto?
42:25 do you keep sweets or other “junk” food in the RV regularly? I find having it around inevitably leads to bingeing. Good on you if you can abstain even with it around!
45:30 ​I’m trying to work my way back to consistent OMAD.
45:45 Hi Kayla! Love your channel – happy the holidays are in the REAR view mirror! Do you think there’s any difference between doing the meal at lunchtime or dinnertime?
46:45 ​Yes, I means intermittent fasting. Started with 16:8, now doing 20:4. Feels great so far. Tried OMAD, but I panic-ate since I only had one meal. For me it seems easier to give it a few hour window.
47:45 I started a 20:4 I.F. 12-28 working my way to omad. I have e been keto for 7 months. Do you think that to start a cheat day will still work?
49:55 What do u do different when you’re maintaining verses losing?
53:25 ​Another question for your one meal per day do you have a time limit. Because I could continue to eat for one hour straight if you would let me ha ha
54:50 How long did it take you to become confident about being able to keep the weight off. I am at goal but always worried about gaining again.
58:12 ​I’ve been “eating what I want” and doing omad for about 2 months, 16:8 for a month prior to that and i’m not losing. I eat dessert with every meal. So maybe I can’t eat what I want?? Thoughts?

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