Going Off Plan Vs Inconsistency – Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Topics / Timestamps:
0:01 Intro and updates/ new offerings.
3:10 Going off plan vs inconsistency
4:10 Getting rid of the all or nothing mindset.
7:30 Social situations
8:15 Making a code to follow.
8:45 Choosing to go off plan.
10:25 Inconsistency.
10:50 Flexibility and cheat day helped me.
12:00 ​I get this idea..and I love it, but when you are in a crazy work schedule it is hard to do!
13:30 On average do you eat healthy or do you eat more quick, ready made foods?
15:45 ​I’m currently doing 20/4 and trying to get those 6 miles in! Thanks for sharing your journey 🙂
16:40 I so appreciate this Kayla?? I learned this from you a while back in one of your YouTube’s… it FREES you mentally and emotionally!!! Hallelujah!!! Thanks girrrrl❤
17:25 by healthy i meant fresh foods…
17:45 ​I used to feel a lot of guilt on other plans. I was miserable. Now I feel so much more control. Giving myself permission to go occasionally ‘off plan’ is part of the plan. I work it in – no guilt.
18:50 ​I definitely enjoy walking more and more, even on my treadmill!
21:00 For your OMAD do you allow sweets?
23:50 What you’ve described is exactly what I’m doing over Christmas. I’m starting on Christmas Eve and ending on 7th January. In between I’m allowing myself to put on up to 7 lbs.
24:20 I have sweets. You’ll find your craving for them goes down.
25:15 ​down 16 lbs total i can’t see it but other people do
26:30 the more I can’t have it, the more I want it
26:40 Are cheat days necessary and did you worry about falling off the wagon?
35:40 Anyone else get really bad stomach pain drinking black tea on an empty stomach?
36:45 I’ve been soo hungry lately, any idea why this happens? I felt good for a while.
38:45 I love cheat day or meal because you can put off your food cravings for another time..and a lot of time the craving goes away, and builds self control.
41:19 Totally agree with you – OMAD is just a tool and agrees with my style. But I have NO problem with 16:8, 18:6, 20:4 – ALL good!
42:10 To much carbs makes you hungry too
42:50 ​I feel a lot more hunger in cold weather but it balances out in summer when I have no appetite.
43:45 I did a 2 day fast to jump start my weight loss again.
45:15 ​I crave and eat so much fat and proteins now. I used to crave sweets.
46:35 ​I always open my window with a spoonful if peanut butter.
46:50 ​I always open my window with…dessert.
48:45 I open with green juice because I’m worried I don’t get enough veggies since I’m OMAD
49:11 I often eat a packet of crisps (potato chips) with my OMAD meal. Weight still coming off
50:50 ​i know you have talked about this. but i made the mistake of sharing what I was doing for weight loss with someone who asked. she basically said no don’t do that we need to talk. like i need to do what she is doing. but she’s not losing and i am
52:25 ​I usually eat my food too quickly to take pictures of it
52:55 People don’t understand omad
54:00 ​People just jump to conclusions and get the wrong end of the stick with OMAD
54:25 My friend said OMAD was bad but she was basing it on her husband grabbing hot dogs for his meal at 7Eleven. When I told her what I ate, she realized it could be good.
55:35 Hi Kayla, asking for your book for Xmas Love your videos and how real you are. Looking forward to a great year ahead with IF. Consistency will be the key for me.
56:00 ​she’s on the keto kick. i tried keto i can’t do that. no offense to anyone
56:58 He really only eats one meal a day but only fast food.
58:35 ​I tried Keto twice last week and this week and it makes me so hungry
58:50 I was listening to Dr. Fung talk about food choices and he said he encourages people to find the meals they like to eat and work within that.

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