Dealing With Depression and Feelings of Hopelessness: Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Topics and Timestamps:
Suicide contemplation. Depressing thoughts.
7:20 Moving on from bad moments.
10:30 Feelings of overwhelm.
12:00 Exercise.
12:50 Inner dialogue.
13:35 Listening to music.
14:50 Taking action.
16:20 PMDD Hormonal depression
17:25 Journaling
22:55 Hi Kayla it’s 6:30 in morning, I m walking on tredmil and watch you live… it’s bcoz of you that I m motivated for omad and walking again. love you
23:20 Yes! It’s the overwhelming nature of that big number that gets to me a lot. But I really liked the analogy you used once about throwing your pebble every day, it’s really helped me
24:20 ​still I mess up with omad sometimes but fast at least 16 hours but from today no excuse ?
25:20 ​I am at my all time high in weight (235) and can’t seem to motivate myself to exercise and eat right…I am creative and have been sitting on so many of my projects (finishing my album)…wheretobegin
28:48 ​I used to get reaaaaally depressed every time I had a period. One good side effect of being pregnant was 9 whole months of not being depressed! =8-O
30:58 Dave Sims I get in a funk like that too sometimes – can’t get motivated, my projects just stagnate, it’s hard to snap out of it. What has worked for you in the past?
33:20 Tiny changes.
34:40 ​our words and thoughts create what we have in life. keep it all positive even when it’s not. I believe you got it. love ya!
35:00 Living in day tight compartments.
36:00 when i am down…i dedicate each mile or km to someone I love ..(passed on or alive) to help me get through and then I cant quit
37:15 The key to getting thing done is to suppress any emotions, then do it, imo
38:15 Kayla what is the book about introverts you referenced in one of your past live chats? Sorry for the off topic question.
39:45 sometimes I stress eat when my 1 yr old wakes in the middle of the night and I’m exhausted trying to put him back to sleep, any tips Kayla?
42:45 ​I have a sad song play list and it doesn’t make me sad. Takes my mind off of things or some songs like I Cannot Believe It’s True. Phil Collins, the sax is upbeat. Or maybe it’s reverse psychology!
44:10 ​Insomnia is my hardest obstacle. And if I’m awake at 4AM still, I want to eat. I ask myself, “Okay, but how will you feel AFTER you eat?” Eating = 5 min of happy. Fasting = feeling successful.
45:35 My husband said women are supposed to be social. He doesn’t understand why I like to be by myself or in small groups.
47:10 I am trying to figure out my daughter. Just like Kayla said, I am an extrovert and she seems to be an introvert. She is 16 so it could also be teenage crazies. ????
48:10 Two married introverts.
49:55 Why is it that you are not continuing to lose weight as you are still doing omad
52:45 so its intermittent fasting that seems to make me need less sleep ,i thought it was just a sign i was turning into my mother (she could never sleep) ?
53:25 what did you eat for your one meal today?
54:20 I do omad Every day.. once I Start eating, I can’t stop.

Time Ferriss’ blog post “Some Practical Thoughts on Suicide”

Nick Vujicic’s video Get Back Up

Kayla’s Get Happy Spotify playlist

Books mentioned in this video:

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