Can You Lose Weight on a 14:10? Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q&A

Intermittent Fasting Viewer Question:
Hello. I am searching the ‘way’ for me in regards to eating & losing weight. I seem to absolutely cringe at the thought of any sort of restrictions or boundaries, yet I realize until something changes nothing changes!!! I desperately want to eat less & ideally I would love to be able to listen to my body & eat per hunger/fullness yet for someone like myself who eats for emotions/feelings, I realize this would be very hard. Yet the thought of only eating at certain times of the day – even if it’s a 10 hour eating ‘window’ makes me feel ‘trapped’. I’m not sure what my question is… I’m wondering if you think I truly could release weight eating what I want (without gorging or overeating) in a 14:10 plan. I’m not sure I’m saying it correctly but if I waited to eat at 11 am each morning & didn’t eat anything after 8 or 9 pm. Is this likely to make a difference… I’m thinking part of me would just want to eat far to much to make up for waiting until 11 am to eat. Funny thing is that I’m usually not really hungry before then anyway but eat out of habit or desire for food or because leaving home & don’t want to get caught ‘out’ and hungry. anyway did you lose weight only eating in a 10 hour ‘window’ or is this wishful thinking? Also did you ever try listening to your body & eating per hunger/fullness regardless the time windows. I’m 58 yrs old. 270 lbs 5′ 5″. I’m obviously overweight – obese – and it’s time to make a change. Thanks for reading. Hope it makes sense

Have you found that you can lose weight on a 14:10 or similar window? Let us know in the comments below.

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