Intermittent Fasting: A Day in My Life With OMAD

[spoiler title=’Click For Video Transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] you do OMAD like so what do you do all day I’ve been asked a lot what my normal everyday routine looks like and to me it’s really simple but you know enough people have asked this question that I really wanted to do a whole video just to kind of run down my day so that you can see what I do all day so the first thing I do is I wake up about five o’clock in the morning and of course the first thing I do is I use the restroom but the second thing I do every single morning is weigh myself I’d then take that number and I put it immediately into my Fitbit app and the reason I do it that way is because if I wait until later in the day I will forget to weigh and also if I go ahead and just put the number in right then then it’s recorded and you may think that you’ll remember but I can’t I just you know my brain I can’t tell you what I weighed this morning but I can look back on my Fitbit app and tell you the next thing I do is have my morning cup of coffee which does have half and half and I sit there and I read the Bible and since I’m in Florida and I’m full-time RVing and it’s really hot outside I also then go get my six miles in first thing in the morning I go ahead and get my steps in because it is very hot out here and it gets progressively harder the hotter it gets the harder it gets and the longer it seems to take and I enjoy it less if it’s really hot outside so go ahead and get those done in my early part of the day after I come in from getting my steps in and then I sit down and I do my morning pages which is an a relatively recent thing I started doing I started doing at the beginning of this year so know throughout my whole weight loss journey however I would encourage you it’s something to at least experiment with it’s three pages long handwriting of just your stream-of-consciousness and even though I didn’t do this particular exercise when I was losing weight initially I did do a lot of journaling in the beginning and what I noticed was when I could really write down my thoughts I started to notice some patterns of my thinking that I needed to improve on and and so I’d encourage you if you’re going through weight loss journey try some sort of journaling either morning pages or just you know any kind of journaling technique after that my day begins I homeschool my three kids I draw I write I you know love to read I basically keep myself busy all day long I take full advantage of the fact that I do not eat during the day until supper so I make those hours as productive as possible and somewhere during the day I have coffee usually two more times so a total of three cups a day and then of course supper time is my one meal so here’s how that looks I generally speaking will make the meal from scratch I love to cook and so that’s generally how I do it I mean I do use some ingredients like canned soups and things like that but generally speaking I am making the thing from scratch I eat whatever I want so the there’s never a meal plan it’s just whatever we have on hand you know it can be anything from like spaghetti and meatballs to you know biscuits and gravy or you know beans and rice or chili I just basically eat anything that I want and then we all sit down together as a family and enjoy our meal we do not watch TV we have just the meal in front of us we sit there and we talk about our day now a lot of people ask me how long does your window open and basically it’s just as long as it takes to eat the one meal so it’s not like my window opens at just for the one meal so I sit there and eat and as far as desserts go we generally don’t have dessert but I do eat them whenever I crave them and that was a very important thing for me to learn is to just you know when I crave it eat it but then what I found is I don’t crave it very often anymore and then when I get full and the conversation has ended then we stand up from the table and that’s when my fasting window begins again now in the early days I did have some times where I would stand up from the table I made me walk around a little bit and I’d realize like oh I’m still hungry so I would sit back down nowadays I’ve done it so much I know how much I need to eat so that I won’t feel hungry until supper the next day so so I don’t really have to do that anymore but it is something I did in the beginning and then I get in bed around 9:00 and that’s really the only time I watch television and sometimes will put on an episode of Psych or something but I don’t watch television during the day I just try to focus on being really productive and so that’s generally how my day goes there are a couple of things that happen weekly Friday night is our date night and sometimes that means that we pick up food from a restaurant and then other times that just means that we get food from the grocery store and generally that night does have a dessert and then on Saturday night my family does sleep on the couch night so it’s like our family night where we you know either we’ll watch a movie generally or maybe we’ll go somewhere and do something fun but we usually have some sort of food you know fast food or food from a restaurant but other times we you know pick up food from the grocery store and make it at home and then of course for Sunday my life is totally different because that’s cheat day that’s where I just eat whatever I want whatever I want however many times during the day that I want and I do walk six miles so that’s what my daily life looks like as someone who does OMAD so I’m curious to know what does your life look like as an intermittent faster have you found that there’s a lot of freedom with your time or you know is that maybe something that’s worrisome to you or do you find it to be a very productive time I know I certainly find it to be very productive okay well thank you for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

A Day In My Life

5:00 am: Wake up, use the restroom, and weigh myself. Log my weight into the Fitbit App.

5:05: Have coffee, read the Bible

5:45 am: Put on my fitbit and start my 6 mile walk

8 ish: Walk is finished, write my morning pages. The idea for these originated in the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. If you’re a creative person (and I believe everyone is creative), check out that book. I’ve been doing morning pages since the beginning of 2018, which was not at the beginning of my weight loss journey. However, I did do other forms of journaling in the beginning, and it was very important in showing me how my thinking tended to be negative and needed to change. Even if you don’t do morning pages, I’d highly recommend any sort of journaling habit you can get into.

9ish – 5:30ish: Do all my work (making and editing videos, maintaining our websites, responding to youtube comments, responding to emails, homeschooling my kids, housework, art, showering, RV maintenance, etc). I try to be productive all day long.

5:30 ish: Make supper. I generally make things from scratch, but I do use ingredients like canned soups and such. I don’t buy much “convenience food.”

6:30: Eat dinner. We sit down together as a family. No TV, no cell phones, etc. We eat and talk about our day. I don’t watch the clock, but I’d say that it takes about 30-45 minutes for us to eat our meal. We don’t have dessert very often, but if I’m craving it, I’ll make it.

7-9: When supper is finished, my fasting window begins again. Now is the time for family/relaxation time.

9 ish: Get in bed, drift off to sleep watching an episode of Psych or some other show.

The Weekend


Friday is date night, and many times my husband and I will pick something up from a restaurant. Occasionally we’ll just get stuff from the grocery store and make it at home. This night generally has a dessert.


Saturday night is Sleep on the Couch Night. It’s our family night. Generally we’ll get a pizza or fast food, but sometimes we’ll just grab stuff at the grocery store and make it at home. We take turns picking the meal each week.


Sunday is cheat day. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want throughout the day. A regular feature is a homemade pancake breakfast made my wonderful husband. I take cheat day seriously and make sure that I eat whatever I desire that day. No “being good.” I’ve found that this makes it so that I stick to my fasting window very consistently throughout the week. This doesn’t mean that I eat so much that I’m miserable. Instead, it’s just a day where I get to relax, and eat when everyone else is eating, or to just graze all day.

That’s my general routine as an OMADer. What’s your day like?

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