Intermittent Fasting & Walking Live Q&A: August 29, 2018

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] alrighty I think we’re live so sorry if you can hear a weedwacker in the background but you know what can you do I’m here in Omaha at Heartland I forgot the name heartland heartland of America park there we go I knew I would get it which is it an Omaha Nebraska it is beautiful here a beautiful city we’re actually staying just across the river in this Missouri River in Council Bluffs Iowa at a casino we had a we’re full time RV-ers if you don’t know and we kind of forgot we actually I was completely blindsided by the fact that it is Labor Day weekend so which is pretty busy time for camping so yeah we so we like I you know I’m doing a hundred thousand steps and I said I’m doing it in Omaha and so we get to Omaha the Missouri River is flooded so the state park we have planned on staying at their campgrounds closed there’s another campground it’s closed also because of flooding it’s just you know there’s just one of those things like can’t we drove like 30 miles north to see if we could stay there those campsites weren’t good so we had to come back down here and we stayed in the Walmart parking lot last night but we were able to get a spot over at the like that there’s a casino Horseshoe Casino they have a little RV area so not the way we planned it but it’s all good waveripper yeah it is gorgeous here thanks for joining us it is just a beautiful city sorry if that’s too loud in the background you guys let me know and I’m just I’m gonna hang out with you guys for a little bit before I start answering questions I don’t want anybody to miss the stuff when they actually you know get here you know three more minutes we’ll just stay here and chat about stuff Birdy yeah it is beautiful here Oh mr. BB is it hot up there it’s actually when we got here last night it was below used to Florida weather and I know that that’s not cold for some of you out there but I mean we drug out the all the winter clothes it’s like parenting fail okay because in the RV we had planned on Saturday okay we’re heading you know more northward so we need the those like long sleeved that’s long sleveed clothes and stuff to come out make sure everybody’s got everything and we totally didn’t do that on Saturday for whatever reason and then so we we get here last night the kids were hungry they were all ready to eat you know I hadn’t eaten all day as always and so it was like 7:30 I think maybe later than that and we had to like you know lift up the bed get the clothes out from under the bed get everybody dressed it was crazy okay oh but we’re all good now so the Walmart was gracious enough to host us in their parking lot so let’s see Joanne yeah yeah this park is amazing it’s like a mile-long loop which is this is where I’m playing I’m doing the bulk of my hundred thousand steps on Friday so and thank you guys for anybody out there who has donated and there’s several of you out there have and I’m really from the bottom of my heart appreciate it so much those kids are gonna get there well and I’m just I’m very excited so oh Linda from Greece I am happy to see you you always show up I mean I think you missed there’s maybe one that you caught the last end of I can’t remember but thank you for always showing up I hope you enjoy it okay are we are we to start time yet we’ve got one more minute Oh from Copenhagen Sparky that is awesome let’s see let’s see Kristina you were asking about is my family planning on permanently staying in one spot after you are finished travelling and if so where currently our plans are not to do anything with that it’s very much a wait-and-see kind of fly by the seat of our pants kind of thing we told ourselves at the beginning of this full timing RV thing to give it six months and see if we you know like we didn’t want to get out there and like hate it but then not give enough time we said six months but as soon as we got there we were like we loved it we never want to stop so I don’t know like we’ll see uh so far we’ve been at it for four months and we love it like I don’t see any end in sight the kids are loving it sometimes the six-year-olds a little moody but but he really loves it too you know and there’s so much we want to see and show our kids and just seeing all of America and we’d love to see the world too you but just America is amazing and beautiful we were driving through Missouri yesterday and just the vistas like we would come up on the top of this hill and just there’s just beautiful farms there’s so much beauty just just all over the world so hey Pam from Washington okay alright so now yeah Stephanie I you know my parents took us out west when I was a kid and at the time I didn’t appreciate it like I did you know it just kind of flew over the top my head but looking back I do appreciate it now and it really opened up I think my horizons you know I’ve been to Italy I’ve been to a couple different European countries and it’s just it’s amazing I love to travel so oh thank you so much SanSan for donating I really appreciate it those of you who don’t know I’m trying to raise $10,000 for kinship United specifically for and well in Jezza Uganda they take care of orphans and widows there and they’re trying to dig a well those kids right now they’re having to walk six miles every day for clean water and they need a well and they need two rainwater collection barrels that’s gonna take $10,000 and we’re over fourteen percent of the way there I don’t know what the or right at donate 5 bucks I would I would love that your help is just crucial okay now let’s get into some questions all right first one crafty crafter says I will be late to the party up but you’re shooting for OMAD today I’m contending with a mild headache though consuming potassium and sodium and lots of water and some painkillers okay well I hope that helped you I you know I’ve never I won’t say never because I’m sure there have been times where I’ve experienced headaches and I can always look back and say you know I didn’t eat enough at that at my meal or during my window you know try to like one thing that always helped me was to eat right before my window closed so if it was closing at 8:00 I usually ate right before 8:00 I mean you know back when I had like a more of a window type thing that always helped me to stave off the headaches but yeah I mean if I get a headache I’ll take tylenol that was something in the early early days but nowadays it doesn’t happen unless I don’t have my coffee on schedule because I’m very sensitive to the coffee things let’s see okay so Christina you asked oh you’re from Utah yeah I remember you oh sweet do I experience okay do I ever experience low blood sugar okay I’ve never on this journey checked my blood sugar when I was pregnant with my third child my fasting blood sugar like you know they make you take that test and I was sick the night before I don’t know the point is I had like my fasting blood sugar at that point and I was overweight at that time too was 90 so that failed me automatically for the glucose like my numbers post glucose drink was they were fine but it was the fasting number I missed it by one or something at that time those guidelines so I did have to track my blood sugar for oh gosh the rest of the pregnancy which I think I can’t remember now when they test you and all that stuff so that was probably for a few months it’s been it’s been six years ago so but my numbers were always great I never experienced low blood sugar or high blood sugar either like I think the the highest I ever recorded was like I had had like a big supersized I know bad bad bad super-sized McDonald’s with a coke and stuff and I think it was like 125 which freaked me out but I think looking now at like actual diabetic numbers you know like that I’ve seen online that’s like nothing you know I think you’re you know the the closer towards the lower end of the scale you can be the better but anyway the point is I never had low blood sugar then I never feel like so I haven’t tracked it okay I don’t know like aside from actually pricking my finger finger which I hate doing not because it’s painful just it’s annoying and I feel like it stresses well at the time it stressed me I was in a constant state of stress with my third child after that happened when they were making me do that like they made me do it the rest of my pregnancy even though my numbers remained fine and I just I I’ve not done it because I’ve had such a bad experience that when you know I was pregnant I just have refused to do it in this journey I’ve thought about it because I’m just curious I’m probably getting a little brave on that you know that type of thing you know testing that kind of stuff so I might do it I kind of I think I did check the price of blood sugar monitors the other day just out of curiosity I was like how much is this gonna set me back if I do some experiments but so I haven’t so but Cristina if you want to give me more details like if you’re talking about my actual symptoms or something maybe I can give you some more information okay about my experiences at least okay Kiwi or sorry Linda you’re doing OMAD- day right at the moment visitors from New Zealand and Greeks love to eat oh man don’t we all you know I wonder if any that doesn’t love to eat like it is a very um like it’s a bonding experience it’s not just about the food it’s so much more you know so yeah I’m what let’s see Linda did you do OMAD do you normally do OMAD uh yeah cuz you said at the moment so I’m thinking you’re normally a OMAD and I wonder are you feeling better worse sme I just I’m always curious what you know how different plans make people feel okay let’s see Sansan again thank you so much for your donation okay Local Kiwi Alien it’s 10 p.m. here excellent oh man it’s so weird that the way the different time zones are – hi from Wisconsin JMBlanken darlene hey okay let’s see oh you’re walking and watching you know I almost walked on this one and then I realized like I’ve got water and then trying to you know drink water and hold the camera I just felt like it was gonna be too much effort so let’s see here trying to stay very hydrated I wonder how many steps you have crafty crafter I was saying saying uh you yeah you made it to the live Q&A thank you for joining us and you’re you’re in California I wonder what part of California you’re from you might have told me this already we lived in Oceanside back in 2014 for a couple years well three years when my husband was in the Marine Corps maybe we’ve talked about that before I can’t remember uh let’s see Lucy from st. st. Croix US Virgin Islands hello I’m trying to do me do me too diet have you done it before I don’t know if you mean oh man maybe that’s what you mean Lucy I’m gonna assume that there’s a typo there I don’t know what why don’t you tell me like rephrase your question I don’t know if you’re asking for about OMAD I think maybe there’s a typo in there okay Green-eyed bandit oh hey oh okay oh good hey I was wondering about whether you ended up creating your channel or not the other day because I remember you asked several weeks ago and I just wondered um so I wondered how has your weight loss been going let’s see okay you like how flexible I am you want to adopt that yeah I I tell ya being flexible learning how to be flexible but not not too loosey-goosey and it’s like a kind of a fine line you know you don’t want to have too many off-plan days but just allowing myself to really take my time with it and really just say you know it’s gonna take a while but it’s no big deal if I need to have you know this one day be an off day cuz family is visiting or you know or whatever the thing is makes for good long-term success I think let’s see crafty ate well yesterday that I had a headache yesterday oh okay it might be a sinus thing don’t know yeah I mean of course if you have medical concerns always talk to your doctor um and you know I if I ever had headaches I always lengthen my window out until I could say okay I’m really adjusted to this now I can push it out I mean I push mine out very very very very gradually and I think my body just adapted to the fasting I don’t know though I I never wanted to feel bad on the plan I just wanted to feel good so that’s always my been my first top priority is to feel really good because I know I can keep going even if that slows down the results because usually there is like a compromise there like if you want it to be easier the progress will be slower I was okay with slow progress I always go with easy and slow progress just cuz I knew I can keep that up okay uh yeah okay yeah so SanSan you do exactly what I’m doing that’s cool um I love that you lost eight pounds doing this okay WaveRipper anyone have results yeah I’m sure it WaveRipper if I hopefully people are gonna comment on here and if not you can also check back through the Youtube comments although I don’t know if there’s an easy way for you guys to go through the comments but lots of people have had really good results on OMAD you know is it’s hard for me to know because I don’t do coaching on here or anything like you know I don’t I don’t have clients or anything um but anyway the point is it’s so it’s hard for me to know who is doing which plan but I can tell you I’ve had a lot of people in here specifically talking about OMAD lots of people have talked about you know they’re doing OMAD eating whatever they want not doing low carb some people are doing you know low-carb keto or vegan and OMAD I mean there’s like a million different combinations that people are doing and having good results so let’s see let’s see greeneyed bandit only difficulty is holding off eating all day but it does work yeah it is like if you can learn how to do that and I think it just takes practice I think it’s like anything it’s like it’s just a skill that you learn over time how to just fast and it becomes less and less of a big deal it becomes less and less effort really as your body just adapts to it I went so slowly with it I took months and months and months some people just go from eating you know three five times a day to once a day my hat is off to you if that is what you did because I’m not that person okay hey Cheryl I’m so glad you made it okay SanSan noticed a slight headache otherwise feeling very good thank you for your video and a spreadsheet about seven-day averaging that helped you develop patience yeah well I’m glad you enjoyed it and I was wondering if people would enjoy the tutorial I think people like data you know like it’s good to kind of nerd out over numbers sometimes I found it to be very very helpful to keep me on more even keel to really look at the long because especially when you’re if you’re in a plateau or if you’ve had some off days or you know it’s kind of like it just kind of gets you back on track and it says okay you know I can get I can do this and it’s really motivating to look back I mean because now I can look back at my spreadsheet and it’s been three years ago right yeah three oh yeah almost we’re coming up on four years ago that I started tracking 2015 so just February of 2015 is when I started doing that in the spreadsheet and so it is super motivating to be like oh wow like you know look how long it took me to get below 200 you know and just just seeing that journey I I love being able to look back and see that so stick with it and it can be very very like if you just I do mine like every Friday I put in my numbers unless unless I’m having like a rough week like if my if my numbers have been up you know just you know up for whatever reason water weight or whatever just to just to like be like okay the seven day average is fine you know cuz you know I still struggle with stuff like that let’s see yeah but patience learning how to be patient and stubborn it’s the key I think Kim yes do I walk fasted okay so it kind of depends on what your definition of fasted would be generally lately my pattern has been I eat around and then you know I’ll wake up normally around 5:00 and get my steps in that is not the case today today was kind of a weird day so I’ll be getting mine in later on probably before we eat and in that case I’ll be much more fasted cuz fasted you know when you say that it’s kind of hard to define I mean I’ve looked this up and if anybody has any kind of better better info or you can be more concise with it please post it in the comment chat like so it’s more like a spectrum okay it’s not like you know you eat a bite of cucumber and then you’re not fasted anymore like your body has certain kind of hormonal things that happen is my understanding of it so you’re like more fasted or you’re less fasted or you’re in a fed well like let’s call it you know more fasted than fed it’s like a spectrum it’s very hard to know that that moment so so at that point I’ve been fasting for say 12 hours yeah or well 11 hours so in the beginning I did notice that it seemed well sometimes what would happen in the earlier days because I was still having trouble being you know like consistent on getting my steps in earlier in the day I would like eat supper then walk and then walk again before supper the next day so that’s like 12 miles of walking in between the meals that I found to be a little bit more difficult when I was still getting used to you know OMAD and everything so but I but so basically I don’t really do it on purpose if I ever do it I just don’t care like I just all i care is that I got my 14,000 steps in okay 93 movement walking six miles a day in the winter will become difficult lots of snow what would what would be the equivalent alternative indoors at home exercise to acquiring six miles a day without equipment well actually for the first several years that I did this or a couple of years that I did this I did house walking that’s how I always got my steps I walked inside my house doing laps and most the time I was doing laps inside by master bedroom just going around from one side of the bed to the other just like from the head of the bed down over and back up and I got my six miles in in my house I mean or I would just walk through the house or you know whatever it was my way to excuse proof my workout because I knew I can’t blame the weather I can’t you know that was just my thing because I knew I knew myself well enough to know I was making excuses like oh well I waited too late now it’s too late the neighbors are gonna think it’s weird if I’m out here walking six miles at ten o’clock at night so not get my steps in or you know I you know it’d be too windy or it’d rain and you know all these things became excuses but when I said I wonder if I can get them in inside and I did I was like hmm so I have no excuse so that’s what I did so you know some people get dizzy though you know like my husband he can’t really do the house walking well actually he got used to it he was kind of dizzy at first but he realized he could do it so he’s done that before so that’s what I’ve done but you know certainly like you can do whatever you want all right you know and you can do any plane you want and one thing I enjoy doing I haven’t done it in a really long time though because we’re well for one we’re RVing now so that doesn’t work is Zumba like at the wii Zumba thing I danced around getting steps that way I found that to be very enjoyable and I counted that as steps like my Fitbit thing so let’s see here let’s see oh so you’ve already got fifteen thousand three hundred ninety five crafty crafter man I’ve only got how many I have four thousand right now so I’m saving up for a new iPad ooh that’s awesome that’s a that’s a big like that’s a big reward so that’s that’s awesome I wonder like are you is it like a is it a weight goal you’re doing or is it like a step goal or oh did I say 2014 that we’re at Oceanside man sorry about that okay let’s see we went on a crazy vacation in London Paris Venice and German gained about 10 pounds but I’m excited to get back on plan hey you’re gonna get back you’re gonna get on a plan and you’ll be fine ten pounds you know and you had an amazing vacation so it sounds like you enjoyed it Sparky asked has constipation been an issue doing OMAD no it has not now I will say and this is maybe too much information but I don’t find that I poop as much as I used to okay it makes sense I’m not eating as much as I used to so but as far as constipation no coffee may help with that because I drink three times a day so and I do always try to make sure I’m drinking enough like I said before I don’t have that like a water goal I do have water a bottle right now then but I just try to drink when I’m thirsty you know so so that that’s my understanding is if you know if you drink plenty of fluids and you know getting fiber you know eat your vegetables all that stuff so yeah hope that hopefully not too much information hopefully that helps Kade I eat breakfast I eat at breakfast time and feel more able to maintain long-term because I don’t get hungry until close to bedtime I’m also doing 10,000 steps no cheat days for me yeah it’s going slowly but I feel strong and I love that that’s awesome Kade I um I’ve never tried what you’re doing before which is a breakfast as your one meal and I think that’s great though if that’s what works for your day you know I I think that’s great like whatever is the most convenient for you then the easiest thing right the thing about me for supper was I wanted to be able to have that time with my family where we sit down and have supper together and also I’m the type of person like trying to go to bed on an empty stomach I just I cannot sleep or you know I’m sure I could eventually go to sleep but it’s one of those things I can sleep much better if my belly’s full and hey slow and steady wins the race – Kade so I’m all about slow steady sustainable progress and I’m glad you’re feeling strong – lets see oh and you crafty crafter you did OMAD four weeks good okay there we go okay Lucy thank you for retyping your question okay I was asking have you ever done the keto diet I’m thinking about trying that with your intermittent fasting I’ve never done keto okay I kind of I mean I have an understanding of keto as far as low very very low carbs I think but my dad’s doing it and my brother and my brother-in-law they’re all doing keto right now a couple of them are mixing in intermittent fasting and they’ve had some really good results I haven’t done keto because I know personally I will not be able to do keto for the rest of my life like I love bread and pizza and you know cake and cookies and rice and all that high carb stuff I love that stuff I mean I can cut it out I know that I can sit there and just power through and cut it out of my life but when I started this journey in 2016 I was really ready for it to be a permanent permanent change for me and for me I knew I wouldn’t stick to that I know that there are people out there that do they go to keto and they never go back now it’s just not me so that’s why I haven’t tried it I have been very tempted at times to try it like if I was stuck at a plateau I’d think ooh if I would just do keto for a while probably that would drop the pounds but I just never did it I said you know I’m gonna stick to this plan because it’s stuff that I’m gonna actually go back to eating you know that was my thing I would always just go back to how I used to eat so I said okay I just got to figure out you know how to keep this stuff in my life and eventually you know try to try to try to tweak my eating so that I get more vegetables and all that stuff more fish more you know all the healthy stuff but I’m also trying to be really realistic and honest with myself too but if you do Lucy try to do intermittent fasting and keto please let us know your results if you feel comfortable sharing um okay Linda you’re an OMADer usually yeah you feel fitter no stressing over calories and carbs husband slowly getting used to my not eating in the evening I mostly eat about 1:00 you’ve lost 12 kilos thanks awesome congratulations pat yourself on the back that’s fantastic and yeah I feel really good on OMAD – yeah just like it’s not having to worry about stuff not having to think about stuff okay Reshma you asked do you have any knee pain issues when you walked initially when you were overweight and if you did how did you manage okay so I have always had problems with my knees like that was true like like when I was 222 pounds I was like for a while there trying to jog knee pain and I had plantar fasciitis or I think that’s what it’s called anyway my foot would hurt really really bad too but when I injured my back doing a deadlift and at that point I knew I need to figure out some sort of exercise that I could do at that time jogging hurts too bad but walking was okay and since then and since I’ve been walking 6 miles everyday I really haven’t had any knee pain it’s weird like I you know I don’t know why but I just I haven’t so so yeah but but I can tell you what I did you know when I was 222 pounds and I did have knee pain and it wasn’t from the walking it was from jogging but how I managed that was I still went out there and did it you know and you know I just I said I’ve got to get the weight off see that was the thing like when I lost 80 pounds now I don’t have those issues now I haven’t gone and jogged and that would really be a test just to really see but like you know when when I used to be overweight my back hurt all the time just you know a constant back ache and just from carrying around that weight I think because it went away okay so hopefully that helps Reshma pain is no fun but you know and certainly if you you know if you have an issue with your knees and you maybe could talk to your doctor about it but yeah losing weight seems to have really helped okay 2MAD really helped my insulin resistance I don’t know that’ll go to one meal a day but it’s very short eating window and did wonders yeah that’s that is great and I’m all about whatever works whatever is easiest like to me OMAD was easier even though it meant a shorter window just cuz then I didn’t have to think about windows and really I was just like we’re sitting down to eat and that’s all I had to think about you know so it was about simplification of my life basically but I’m glad that is what’s working for you Stephanie hey robetter from Canada oh I’m glad you enjoy it sandy Oh from Pensacola oh you like my videos well thank you so much um Pensacola we did not get to visit when we were down in Florida I wish we would have now but we’ll get back there I’m sure hi Ariana for your OMAD do you have a one to two hour window or literally only eat whatever is on your plate for the one meal and sit down right so that’s how I do it day in and day out now that’s not to say that occasionally there might not be like let’s say a situation where my my son says hey I’m gonna make cookies for dessert and like if the cookies aren’t ready yet you know I will wait and kind of lengthen that window out that’s a edge case though that isn’t that doesn’t happen very often but yes so what I do is I sit down to supper I sit there and I eat we have family dinners we sit there we talk we laugh when we all you know and so it’s not a rush thing it takes however long it takes I don’t time it and then when we’re done and I’m full I will stand up from the table and I start fasting again so it has nothing to do with like oh well we started eating at 6:30 and I’m eating until and eat so there we go crafty crafter says magnesium magnesium citrate helps with constipation in a big way it does learned that the hard way okay Cheryl Klein glad to be here just got the notifications and saw your on oh yay Sonya good afternoon going on two months on that down 22 pounds awesome that is awesome yeah any but anybody that’s considering doing this I say if it’s something you want to try to go for it you know take it easy on yourself do the easy version and then you know see what your results are crafty crafter fasting has helped you be more in tune with your satiate satiation me too like that was a hard one for me to get and occasionally you know I’ll like overdo it in the meal that’s really rare now but um but yeah really learning like oh I’m starting to feel full now oh I am full now so let’s stop eating and then I do it’s like magic okay Sparky let’s see let’s see Beverly you say I have not lost any weight for a month do I need to do 1,200 a day sorry 1200 calories a day they say I should not go any lower okay so Beverly I don’t count calories okay um but so I just sit down and you know at my own meal and I eat and I eat until I’m full good and full and I feel really good afterwards and I’ve had results now so I don’t think you should cut calories I mean well I say do whatever you want to do okay you know I I’m more of the opinion just try any and I don’t know you know where you’re at currently like how much weight do you really need to lose um you know you know what’s your BMI do you need to really lose any weight um I think I feel better when I eat more calories okay like as far as just eating enough I don’t I don’t feel good I mean I I don’t count so but like the other day last night we had Taco John’s I know don’t judge me the food is awesome um but we had I had like the super potato Oles and and also some more potato oles I kind of picked from the other kid’s stuff I know the potato oles were definitely the main course was definitely over a thousand I think it was close to 1100 and then I had a bunch more stuff and that was actually probably a lot fewer calories than I would normally eat I think but you know anyway I so but you know but as far as just the question of how long should you be stuck before you change something you know I’m the type of person that’s gonna say be really consistent with you with your plan whatever your plan is for two months and if at the end of two months if you’ve been weighing every single day and you are you’re looking at your seven-day average and the scale has not moved at all in the direction you’re wanting it to go then maybe make a tiny tweak to your plan but that’s that’s me you’re having trouble typing today Cheryl I was a mess earlier I was trying to talk and I was I was nothing was coming out right let’s see but the best routine for walking fasted is eat late in the day and in the morning go through a lot then eat again late today that’s what you do yeah well I’m glad that works for you yeah that’s yeah certainly the closer you walk to your you know you’re fast or your meal probably makes it easier I’d say you know experiment see what see what works for you let’s see I’m gonna have to go good luck all right crafty man you’re ahead of us all today probably okay Sansan I used to get bummed when it’s going up yeah like yesterday almost two pounds right today back down to what was on Monday continues to trend downward finally looking finally out of the 180s it took forever oh man it’s so hard when you’re right on the cusp of something and it’s just like it magnifies that I think too like when you know like you’re paying so much attention oh it’s right there just go down in it just won’t go down sometimes but it will eventually so I’m glad that that happened for you same thing yeah so Stephanie you do a lot of house walking in the summer yeah that’s another thing it’s like if it’s too hot outside it’s nice and cool inside we’re just talking about that the other day because it’s nice and cool with AC but if you’re outside walking because now we just walk outside and you don’t have that comfort so J was talking about how he missed walking inside sometimes okay let’s see oh yeah listening to podcasts playing games on yeah I you know I’ll get on social media and stuff make the time fly sandy do you include your everyday steps or was it an extra six months no it was everyday steps so my one rule was the Fitbit has to say that can be you know all my daily steps like because sometimes you know just throughout the day you’ll get several thousand or at least I will occasionally sometimes I’ll get very very few it depends on if I’m working at the computer all day or not but yeah that’s that’s how I always did it just I don’t care I mean I would I would break it up throughout the day if that’s all I could muster it’s just like okay I’m gonna get up and walk for 15 minutes I’d do that you know it’s just it’s all about just getting those 14,000 steps in for me let’s see Cshives aren’t there some walking exercise videos some fitness lady that has some we basically walk in place and do other stuff yeah I think Leslie Sansone yeah somebody got that Leslie Sansone hers was like man I don’t know if I could keep up with them but but some people have done those and really love them let’s see CShives so a glass of wine helps with constipation that’s the kind of cure I can get behind Lucy have you shared your Fitbit username do your followers share their username okay so I do share my link if you look in the description you’ll see my Fitbit be my friend on Fitbit and there’s a link there make sure you’re logged into Fitbit before you click on the link because that’s where some people get lost cuz if you like click on the link then they’ll say login and I think if you have to login then it doesn’t take you to my page it just takes you to your dashboard so just click on that link and it should take you to the thing you’ll see my profile picture it says like add friend do that and will be I you know um people I haven’t ever asked that like for people like my subscribers to put their Fitbit username somewhere that actually might be a good idea if you guys like that idea let me know and and we’ll I’ll see maybe we can put that like we have a forum right now on and so that might be a good place for people to go and like post their usernames if you feel comfortable sharing that information because there’s a board specifically about walking okay Leanne you’re down 29 pounds congratulations oh that’s great uh-huh you feels so much better and confident it is a thing okay I love it I feel tons more confident than I ever did when I wa soverweight I know like there are some women out there and men too I think probably women’s struggle with it well I won’t say the struggle with it more I think men maybe just keep it inside better but um just lack of confidence like I didn’t I didn’t want to talk to anybody like business type you know things I was really nervous and always felt like just not confident and now I feel tons more confident so like me trying to do this fundraiser is like it’s not something I would have ever had the confidence to try to even attempt before and now I’m like well I can try I’m less afraid of failure I guess okay so I’m not done quite to OMAD Dionne sorry I’m not quite down to OMAD but I am down to 20:4 and you’ve lost 20 pounds awesome okay and you’ve walked four miles a day that is awesome that is that is congratulations Dionne that is that is great and walking 4 miles a day I bet you feel great okay Beverly you weigh 115 let’s see your BMI is 21 I just want to lose two more pounds people at the YMCA say I need to need to tone up okay you’re 5-1 okay so five one I was gonna say what 115 sounds really really really really light and that to me that still so BMI 21 you’re at a really good BMI aren’t you then I don’t have one right in front of me but I’m thinkin once you get below twenty four point nine isn’t that where you get into the normal range so I mean you know yeah I don’t know I don’t know what you’re but I mean maybe so look at your range on the BMI and see like are you are you aren’t you there I would think you’re there but let me know okay that said you get at least 10,000 steps at work what do you do that said I’m curious if you don’t mind sharing because that’s a lot of steps to get at work every day Beverly you’re doing 20:4 and you’re okay so and then that you’re doing a 23:1 okay let’s see Lucy okay good you let me know how the keto diet goes with OMAD or with intermittent fasting I don’t know which can’t remember I think you were talking that OMAD specifically and you know you’re gonna be my friend on Fitbit awesome thank you guys anybody who wants to be my friend on Fitbit I know a lot of you are already I appreciate it it’s a lot of fun to see all you guys getting steps let’s see Trudy did you measure your gait to determine 14,000 steps is six miles yes a long long time ago when I first got my Fitbit they have instructions on how to how to calibrate it although I believe and j can correct me if I’m wrong he’s the one doing the comments thing what you do is oh so what I’m saying is I’m pretty sure he did not calibrate his you know calibrate or whatever and I think 14,000 steps for him is also six miles so I don’t really know how much it really changes that I mean imagine it would depend like maybe maybe that’s how they automatically kind of calculate it is you know based on our height with just five six but um let’s see so that so that’s how I did mine all right and then Beverly you said okay you will yeah and just let me know let me know how that goes for you hopefully you know if you’re at a normal weight you know it to me it’s like all like all about what do you feel comfortable at you know and but I want to share this when I was in college okay I was at a really good weight like I was about where I’m at right now I was probably like yeah I was pretty much where I’m at right now and I remember looking at pictures myself and thinking you know all I could do was criticize myself at that time you know and that has been a like a warning to me like a what do you call that like a cautionary tale to me that I’ve tried to remember about myself that I tend to when I look at pictures be overly critical with myself like focus on the negative oh you know I I’ve always had like a belly right you know and even when I was at a good weight and so my point is what I’ve tried to do now is to say you know how like don’t be dissatisfied you know always you’ve got to come to a point where you say I’m good and and I’m at a point right now where I’m like I’m good if I never lose another ounce I’m okay with that it’s just at this point I’m doing a thing that I feel really good on this eating plan and then the movement so wherever it takes me I’m good with that so hopefully so hopefully that helps you but my point is try very hard to you know find the good in the pictures and stuff like that okay Marie Hesburgh Kikuchi I think I hope I did not mispronounce your name but you are from Sweden so cool thank you for joining us I’m gonna go to see Sweden one day Melissa working towards OMAD just broke my fast and felt great all day that’s awesome yeah I I have I found you know just being on just being and just whenever I’ve intermittent fasted and like OMAD and just intermittent fasting in general I just feel really good when I’m fasting I I mean not everybody has that same experience but I feel really good okay so let’s see Kurrat I hope I’m pronouncing that right you said how many many calories in one day should we take okay so this one to me it all depends okay really and some people will even say calories don’t matter it’s so much like you know I bet I don’t know I don’t I don’t know all I know is what works for me but your calorie intake really depends on your body how much muscle you have how much fat what your height is you know how whether you’re male female what your age is what your activity level is what’s your stress all right I mean there’s just well I don’t know about stress levels but so much can it affect how many calories you really need um so but ultimately you know you got to figure out that balance here’s what worked for me to say because my goal is weight loss okay I wanted to eat enough so that I felt really really good I never wanted to feel hungry or deprived or anything like that while I was fasting and then also you know just having results at the same time what happened to work for me is just to you know when I’m doing OMAD I can eat whatever I want at my one meal and I don’t count calories I just eat however much I want that day and that varies too like so you know depending on what time of the month it is mainly is what effects it is you know how much I eat like some days I’m really really hungry in other days I’m like not very hungry you know like comparatively speaking probably most people’d be like well you eat a lot even when you’re not very hungry oh well yeah so hopefully that helps you Kurrat to me I just take a big attitude of experimentation it’s all about experimenting what works what doesn’t this work was didn’t you know and okay Trudy your before and after pictures really show how well you have done you’re a success to me well thank you Trudy um I somebody was telling me I should update it because at that point like my before and after pictures I’ve lost since that time another like 12-15 pounds maybe I think so so yeah I probably should update those pictures and those pictures are horrible because it was like I was taking a picture of myself because I did progress pictures every week so I would like take the picture of myself in the mirror because I didn’t want my husband to take my picture because I thought it was embarrassing and so I was like you know trying to click it and and it’s just there very low quality pictures basically speaking okay but thank you trudy you’re so kind okay Reshma Thanks hoping that the knee pain would die down once the weights off but it’s like a cycle till then yeah you know you know also just icing it and and resting it otherwise and really take care of yourself you know give yourself some you know some self-care you know I sit down and put a heating pad on it maybe too and again you know if you think there’s a medical issue talk to your dr. too okay hello Florida neighbor to daily vlogs with Lisa Ann where am I right now I’m in Omaha Nebraska I’m wondering what part of Florida are you are you the one in Dunellon I might have mispronounced it I don’t know how to pronounce that city okay Ziya hi from Florida well hi Asya I wonder what part of Florida oh you said OWW Florida don’t know what that means oh welcome to Sweden oh well thank you yeah I I’m gonna I’m gonna go there someday I tell you is the pictures I have seen of it are just absolutely beautiful Oh and greeneyed you’re from Florida too you man we got a lot of Floridians here that’s crazy hey crafty crafter welcome back okay let’s see you’ve got 18,000 steps zero calories in 20 hey that’s nice right when you got that’s pretty motivating I stopped counting calories a long time ago like 2015 drove myself crazy I said I’m never counting calories again Never Say Never I know that but I just I got so tired of it because my Fitbit would tell me you know you burned this many calories and then I would try to eat you know the deficit and I would be really really good about it or I felt like I was I’m swaying and measuring the food I felt like I was being as accurate as possible and that thing the scale just didn’t move and probably the scale wasn’t moving as fast as I wanted to it probably was moving but I just couldn’t I just couldn’t see the results and it drove me crazy and I said forget it I’m just going on eating until I was full I mean that’s what I changed to and I was doing intermittent fasting that worked but okay so green eyed bandit what kept you motivated throughout your process okay so I had a lot of whys of course one big thing was I didn’t want my kids to struggle with weight the way I did I mean I struggled with weight as a kid you know and pretty much most of my adult life I mean I went through a period from like college to right when I got married and then I started putting on weight when like my husband went to Iraq and he was deployed so I gained some weight then but then I got it off and then I got pregnant and then since then it was just you know I actually did get the weight off with my first but then with the second third I just kept gaining I’d lose something gain it back and you know how that goes but so what so that was one big motivation for me was to say I gotta quit it I mean you know and kids are so honest bless their little hearts they’ll say some of the meanest little things to you accidentally but like I remember specifically we were on a walk and this was 2014 probably actually it’s probably 2013 and one of my kids made a remark like they couldn’t they couldn’t you know well let’s see I can’t remember if they said they couldn’t hug well one time they did make a comment like they couldn’t reach their hands around me but then another time specifically when we were on that walk they just made a remark about I had a fat belly or something like that and man I know they were little and they didn’t know any better and they they weren’t trying to be mean they were just they were just being honest right but it’s just like a knife in my heart and it took me it still after that it took me a really long time to to come to some sort of like okay I gotta figure this out and that was the Facebook pictures is what changed it but that was one big motivation another big motivation for me because I always thought in my head you know I’m overweight but it’s not keeping me from doing things right I thought I’m not that big right but then a couple other things started happening like I went to a movie theater and I started like I was like wait did they change these movie seats like these cheapskates have like gone down to smaller seats because you know like I couldn’t fit comfortably in them anymore and then I look around I’m like these are the same seats I’ve always sat in and I realized like that is not a good sign and also like being in my car I was in an aviator Lincoln aviator and which is like a SUV with like a lot of room it’s not like I was in a little tiny car and I wasn’t fitting well in the driver’s seat like um you know just like that the seat belt and everything it was like trying to trying to get something that had fallen down in the crack between the door and the seat and I was like whoa this is this is a thing and then I said well you know those aren’t so bad but then I wanted to go ziplining it was just a thing I thought it would be a fun thing to do and I think cuz I had read a book like that was talking about you should write down things you want to do in your life and and then I went to look on because I thought there would be a weight limit I didn’t know my weight at the time I figured I was around 200 turns I was like 222 but I looked at the thing and it said that there was a thigh circumference restriction and so I measured my thighs and my thighs were too big and now it was like a thing like when I think that something that stuck in stuck out my mind like I’ve got to do something about that’s like this is not life I want to live I want to be able to do the things I want to do and I’ve still not gone zip lining but I will I will one of these days but um it was just it was like wake up call there were lots of little wakeup calls but so that was why like a big like thing that kept me moving is like you know I’m gonna figure this out and I’m just gonna do it and uh and I’d started to realize you know I had become like my attitude was I feel like not so great just in general I was just not enjoying life like I should you know yeah I just I wanted to feel better and I wanted to just have it just have it under control you know I felt like I was starting to be held back by the weight and so that was a big motivation to say I’m gonna figure this out so okay that was a long answer so hopefully that helps hey Em Valentine glad you could make it let’s see Henrietta you’re late have a problem eating enough with one meal you’re really full really quick so okay have a problem eating enough with one meal I’m really full really quick so so Henrietta I wonder do you mean that you’re experiencing a lot of hunger during your fasting window or are you saying like you’re experiencing some other negative symptoms maybe you can give me some more information and I’ll riff on that if you want me to okay and Melissa you’re on your last ten pounds oh okay so that’s awesome so you don’t have very far to go at all just be patient with it I mean it can it can start to feel like I’m never gonna get there but you’ll get there green-eyed bandit oh you’re in Orland so that was really close we were in tavares which is about 45 minutes north of there Orlando’s a great town I love it daily vlogs yeah you’re into Dunellon I hope I pronounced it right and then Trudy you’re in Bradenton big storm here well stay safe I’m hopeful that the weather will stay clear here looks like it will let’s see that said you said I eat til I’m full no need to count calories myself but I’m also a carnivore don’t digest plants very well okay yeah so yeah isn’t it funny uh I think it’s neat how different people feel better on different plans like some people are like vegan and that they feel fantastic like my niece is vegan actually two of my nieces are vegan and they talk about man they their energy levels and just feeling good digestive ly they’re good and then on the other hand you got somebody who does really well on meat like meat and very few vegetables you know I think that’s fine I eat probably everything so I’m just kind of with like a mix I’m gonna herbivore I guess no omnivore there you go okay let’s see Leanne you’re going to get clothes shopping in another tenyou’re gonna get to go clothes shopping in another ten pounds that’s awesome um yeah I there’s like a couple of things in my closet I need to just throw away because there I’ve had them they’re too big on me and all that stuff but I’m such a cheapskate I hate to throw away I mean I know I can donate but some of these clothes are like not even donatable so but it’s good to get get those out and get the good stuff in like get the get the things to actually fit your body so that’s awesome congratulations let’s see eating jello Henrietta you say eating jello every day for knee pain the gelatin does help but you have to eat it every day it also works for arthritis yeah that’s awesome I’m also like um my mom for a while I don’t know if she still does took um chondroitin I think no now I’m gonna butcher it it’s been a while but I think it I think it helped her chondroitin I think that’s right let’s see but thanks for telling us that Henrietta that’s helpful Crafty you’ve lost eight pounds since August first we’re still in August right yeah we’re right at the end of August so that’s awesome man 2 pounds a week yes that is great so you do okay what is I’m gonna show my ignorance CICO calories in calories out I don’t know I’ve never heard it I’ve heard of that abbreviation so maybe you can let me know Trudy bless your heart don’t you just love this expression I do it’s a souther thing for sure it just it’s I love using it oh man okay sometimes it can be kind of not very nice right we can use it in a way but I I try not to ever use it in that way like if I say bless your heart I mean really bless your heart okay since and I’m with you Kayla no counting calories anymore nonfat foods fad diets yeah period yeah yeah something I can do forever I really can okay hello from England SJD says just wanted to thank you for all your great advice oh thank you and inspiration I’ve lost 20 pounds after failing to lose anything for about five years of trying that is awesome I’m I am super stoked for you SJD if you could talk about like what or if you don’t mind post in the comments like what exactly your plan was we’re always curious to know is that roughly two stone y’all okay I just learned about kilograms J can you look up what’s a stone like I that’s an Australian measurement I think oh wait somebody’s already handled it crafty crafter 28 pounds is around two stone if I recall correctly okay man yeah I think that that’s Australian right and that’s really tough that you guys have to lose what 14 pounds before you can say you’ve dropped one stone or do you also do the kilogram I don’t know man that’d be really super hard to say okay trying to lose one stone like I like the ounds it’s like all right get down a pound or part of a pound okay crafty crafter down 28 pounds since May that is awesome that is awesome that’s let’s see says three months and you’re down 28 pounds that’s nine pounds a month that is that is fantastic that’s over two pounds a week that’s congratulations crafty crafter ok kayohem says hi Kayla my name is Khayla Too oh neat just a little over a week of trying to intermittent fast and walking more haven’t lost any weight yet but I feel better and taking the stairs in your house okay well that’s great yeah and one week I think not long enough to try out a plan don’t give up I you know I always say run it as a six-week experiment see how you’re feeling see how you keep keep track your weight and you know if it gets too far out in left field and maybe maybe tweak it a bit but you know sometimes it just takes a while for the the thing to get started and my weight fluctuates you know within a given week it can it can go up like from the highest single day weight to the lowest single day weight most months if you go back and look at my progress reports videos it’s 5 to 6 pounds you know so but the but overall the 7-day average goes down and down down but it just you know again hormone for me hormonal fluctuations and stuff like that you know it just it takes time to really start to see a trend okay and congratulations for taking the stairs in your house it’s so you feel so good right I read or something I saw video this time it was I think it was a psychologist talking about that it’s like the one thing you can do if you’re feeling bad the one thing that immediately can change your whole like physiology and everything is to just get some movement going like you know get up run walk just anything any kind of like exercise at all it can put you in a better mood and a better state of mind really right so okay let’s see gry you have really inspired me to do OMAD you look like a normal woman so if you can I think I can too well you know what this is exactly what I hope people get out of this whole channel is I am just if I can do it gosh anybody can do it okay I you know I’m just a normal person and I was able to do it so I’m I’m I’m so happy that you that you look at it like that and I I’m just happy that’s awesome okay so generally Jenna Lynn sorry you are such a lovely person oh thanks thanks for sharing it’s really motivating well I’m glad you find it motivating okay Lisa Ann you asked I am curious when I’m in my fasting window and I know I’m hungry if I had an apple would I be breaking my fast okay so earlier I talked about how it’s you know and this is just based on what I’ve read you know some expert on here wants to tear me apart or explain it in more depth go for it but basically my understanding is fasted versus fed it’s like a spectrum it’s not a switch okay so it’s really hard to know because you know at what point are you considered fasted you know it’s really just more of like your hormones are kind of in this state and then at what point are you really going into a more fed state but it’s really more of a spectrum more fasted more fed yeah so you know a thing that I’ve heard is 60 calories okay but the warning I’ve also heard is that when you actually eat something it’s a little different with the calories you drink because your brain again this is my understanding your brain process that processes that differently okay but if you eat something like you you take a bite of you know let’s say an apple let’s say you eat a whole Apple and let’s say that it’s a sixty calorie Apple it can actually make it like starts the process of digestion which then kind of makes you hungry or it can now all that being said because and I’ve experienced that too certainly like once I start eating it kind of like starts the process it’s like okay I just you know it’s gonna be an eating all day thing you know like on vacation and stuff like that um so or like on cheat day – that would be an example um so but all that being said I you know I drink probably like I can’t remember now I think I drink about sixty calories in my coffee right every time I’m drinking coffee okay I’m having that three times a day so it doesn’t make me hungrier but I am consuming those calories so if the thing is you know you get out of a fasted state when you you know consume that many calories you know then that’s the thing right but then you get into the whole discussion about carbs versus fat and all that but what I would say is if an apple will get you through the fasting window and it doesn’t make you hungrier and it is just the thing that gets you over the hump till your meal I say do it I see at least experiment with it I know most intermittent fasting people are gonna be like no you can’t eat anything well I’m gonna say whatever works for people whatever works um I hope that answers your question Lisa Ann okay Julie afternoon from Iowa oh you’re just across the border I’m in Omaha Nebraska right now and we’re actually staying in Council Bluffs Iowa so so you are I’m considering this any advice for starting okay so Julie here’s my advice if first of all if intermittent fasting is something that kind of appeals to you that was the thing about it for me it was like it appeals to me this idea that I can eat what I want I just have to wait for a certain period of time I can do that I’m not good with denying myself different kinds of foods okay like so a low-carb plan not gonna work for me I know myself well enough to know that’s just not gonna work over the long haul but time restrictions appealed to me I took it very very very very very slowly okay so I started out with whatever felt easiest for me which for me it’s like basically sleeping through my fast okay I’d be like well okay eight hours I’m not gonna eat and then push it out slowly I pushed my breakfast out slow slower and slower until I got to the point where lunch was my first meal and then I you know continue to push that out slower and slower and all the meanwhile I was learning you know how to be consistent and having results okay so tracking my weight daily helped and keeping track of my seven-day average focusing on consistency and not on fast results is what worked for me not beating myself up learning how to not feel guilty if I screwed up being nicer to myself that’s probably way too much right too many things but focus on consistency and and don’t be in a rush how about that that’s that’s quicker and better that said bone broth is it excellent for joint pain oh neat I didn’t know that I know a lot of people really swear by bone broth never had it I don’t think okay somebody lost 11 pounds let me see who that was Joanne Joanne you lost eleven in three weeks that’s awesome I never lost that fast I lost one point one six pounds a week on average there might have been week in there where I lost three pounds I don’t know wasn’t very often though okay oh hey I got the that’s a fun game to me is to try to figure out what abbreviations are my husband and I do that sometimes just come up with abbreviations and try to guess it based on context of our sentence okay okay YBF means you’ll be fine okay Crafty Crafter I lost 18 pounds in three weeks at OMAD and keto before I had to abandon keto but I’m rolling with IF and counting calories awesome yeah so I think that’s great that you listened it said okay Greeneyed bandit you’re so ugly bless your heart okay but yeah listening to your body Crafty crafter and rolling with the punches and then saying okay I’m gonna just change this but now I’m gonna do counting calories and that’s working out for you that is awesome six pounds a week good grief that’s crazy okay lots of walking okay Henrietta I’m never hungry in the fasting time I want to eat then I sit down to my meal and halfway through I just can’t eat much so Henrietta then what is the issue I’m wondering like so is it just that you think you should be eating more or like or like are you counting calories and you’re concerned that the calorie count is too low I’m just wondering I’ve just never had that problem I love to eat like I you know eating is less important to me not like food it has I’ve got a better relationship with it now I still love to eat so I’ve never had that problem with like oh dear I won’t be able to finish this okay green-eyed bandit 14 pounds equals one stone okay okay Jennifer Bryan lost 80 pounds years ago kept it all off all these years oh and then since menopause and caregiving gained 35 pounds this past year now doing IF but not only not losing not gaining anymore but a bit frustrated okay so Jennifer here’s my question to you if you don’t mind answering um so the first thing I would ask is do you know exactly what your plan is like you’ve got it written down what your rules are whatever whatever they are and are you being super duper consistent with your goals and are you weighing every day and are you tracking that number and then let me know if you want to answer it if you don’t want to answer that that’s okay just the reason I ask that is my problem a lot of times when it wasn’t having results was I thought I was on the plan but I didn’t really know what the plan was like if you would have asked me I’ve been well I’m trying to you know higher protein I’m trying to you know have a later breakfast or whatever and there were just times there where it just wasn’t clear and I got very very clear and simplified it way down then I started having results because I could be consistent with that so and I really held myself accountable to being consistent but okay Crafty some English people also speak Imperial you guys are like bilingual this yeah yeah that I love our love pounds and inches and all that stuff okay in London they use that plus pound so oh one stone and 12 pounds will be oh well now that’s super confusing like but then okay so in London they don’t use kilograms I’m gonna show my total ignorance okay crafty crafter also your resting heart rate is around 59 from all the exercise also embracing non scale victories yeah uh yeah that’s important too right it’s not just about the scale like going for personal bests that was something I did in 2016 I was very consistently getting personal bests in walking because I knew like I can’t control the scale okay even month to month I can’t guarantee that it’s gonna add I’m gonna hit the goals I’m gonna have goals but I can’t guarantee them but the steps I have control over like I can do that i can earn those badges i can earn the personal best like my highest personal this was with my fit bit i had to use my phone as a pedometer at that point but i’m going for a hundred thousand this friday so and trying to also raise $10,000 for a well in the process so ten thousand dollars from a well in Jezza uganda for some orphans and widows okay alright so we’ll see so yeah and it doesn’t even have to be it can be all other types of goals too like I think that’s great having victories that you can celebrate super important not just scale don’t only have scale victories celebrate all the victories ok does OMAD Em Valentine you asked does OMAD have an impact on feminine cycles hope that’s not TMI I did a whole video about it it’s actually I was like I thought nobody would watch it and that’s one of my more popular videos which I was I was so nervous about making that video but you know what we’re about to talk about it so boys in here close your ears if you don’t want to hear about it but I tracked it ok I’ve not noticed any difference in fact I would hazard to say my period got more regular as the weight came off because before I started intermittent fasting and just when I was overweight there was just a little bit more irregularity I mean nothing out too far left in field but I try to you can see the let’s see if you go back through or if you go on my website and just search in the search bar for how just put period and it’ll come that probably is the first result ok Crafty Crafter I don’t know EM keto possibly made my menstrual cycle go haywire or it is perimenopause yeah all the fun things about being a woman right so I yeah I’ve never tried keto so I can’t speak to keto but yeah intermittent fasting never did that and you know and another thing was I I didn’t lose fast okay that I think I’ve read well actually one thing I read was a lot of times when you’re like well if you actually are starting to miss your period completely that can be a sign that your body fat percentage is just too low that’s one thing I read but but certainly I have noticed like in the past like especially when I was overweight if I started exercising really really really really hard and really trying to drastically change how I was eating it would kind of screw up my period a bit but with intermittent fasting never found that to be the case okay hey glucosamine yeah okay so that is the thing I was like because we were just talking about blood sugar levels before and it’s like wait am I getting confused I drove for eight hours yesterday so like hopefully I’m making sense on here today okay crafty crafter do you ever skip cheat day because you don’t feel like doing it okay that’s a great question I have never skipped a cheat day I’m proud to say no right but um there have been times where I’ve thought about not doing cheat day just because this is just I don’t need it I needed it in the beginning um I wouldn’t have to take one there are other ways I could work it too now I think the main reason I took one in the beginning is because we do have pancake breakfast every Sunday I wanted to be a part of that like I didn’t want to have to sit there and mommy can’t eat pancakes you know like I didn’t I wanted to be that example for my kids that you can you know function well around food and and you don’t have to sit there and not have you know pancakes so but I’ve kept it and I so one thing I could do right right now is I could just say well that’s my one meal is to have that pancake breakfast at breakfast and then I’d just do a longer fast right I could do that but I’m so curious to know how low can I go with this plan cuz it’s so easy it just it feels good I feel so good on it I did I do wonder like when I start to feel worse or would like would it affect my energy levels if I didn’t do the cheat day don’t know yeah I’ve never tried it it’d be an interesting experiment but again it’s like that would make it well I don’t know that it’d really make it harder cuz I feel really good on intermittent fasting days I and that was another thing one reason I started with them in the beginning it was like kind of a couple of different reasons the main one was the Tim Ferriss book talking about like if you take a cheat day you’re more likely to stick with the plan over the long term but then the other part of it was kind of I was thinking like maybe it would you know not hurt my metabolism like if I had that one big eating day wouldn’t that would like help my metabolism I I kind of think you’re fine doing OMAD every day of the week General Stanley McChrystal does it and he’s fit as a fiddle okay so hopefully that answers that okay Jennifer Bryan the thing that gets me over the hump is carbonated waters like La Croix I Love La Croix oh yeah La Croix there’s so many good ones out there now like it used to just be La Croix or at least that’s what I saw in the stores but now there’s like there’s bubbly and there’s Perrier and clear American at Walmart I really like it you have to be careful in that one it’s got to be the unsweetened clear American clear American also they have zero clear American which has aspartame in it okay use generic Mio put extra iodized salt potassium in the water and put some ice in it great it’s my favorite Crafty does that have the Mio does that have like Splenda and it’s sucralose I think I looked at those before I just don’t do artificial sweeteners but crafty its hot here today sweated like a pig well I’m probably gonna sweat like a pig here in a little bit because I don’t have all my steps in and it’s pretty toasty and I’m sure on Friday I’m gonna be sweating majorly like it’s I have no idea what the whole experience is gonna be like Trudy I find on the weekends I am not consistent need to be more accountable yeah and that was another thing to right on keeping my cheat day right on Sunday that helps in a lot of different ways because for one I could tell weekends and I’m glad you said that because I kind of forgot the weekends were harder okay but having that cheat day on Sunday kept me consistent on Saturday because I’m like okay just one more day and I can eat whatever I want all day long that is in the beginning and then let’s see so so that that is what helped me to have that I think I had another thought there but I lost it so crafty crafter love those Fitbit badges oh yeah hey that 100,000 step badge is cool lookin it’s got like a spaceman on it I think your Fitbit messages you and accuses you of being an overachiever overachiever which you find hilarious yeah I love that little message right it’s like overachiever um those are good to get I love fibit okay I know they they mess up they’re expensive for what they are and they mess up too easily I think but I have so much fun with mine I get my money’s worth out my Fitbit and I’m a I’m a cheapskate okay Henrietta you probably eat 800 calories a day and I’m 66 because of my knee I cannot do exercise but I’m hairdressing three days a week but I never get hungry it’s almost like the fasting let’s see I don’t know I think your comment maybe got cut off but maybe you’re saying it’s almost like the fasting makes it so that you’re not hungry hmm crafty crafty TDEE I don’t know what that stands for so maybe you can help us out there or maybe everybody can just google it Jennifer Bryan doing very well during the week doing 8-10 hour fast shorter fast on the weekends sometimes now that’s a good idea I’ve been on this two months have not been exercising do enjoy wine could be that could be could that be a culprit okay so Jennifer I always allowed myself wine and even okay so my sister owns a winery so sweet acre farms winery if you ever want to get some awesome fruit wine um but I well I go through periods where I have wine and then don’t have wine on hand it just kind of depends on you know like if I’ve been by my sister’s winery we try to load up but you know so it’s not like I can say every night I have a glass of wine it’s like there would be months where it’s like oh yeah I had wine probably you know several times a week you know maybe even once once a night you know once one one class a night and generally I found with my one meal that was when it was easier if I if I if I drink it with my meal I didn’t notice any weight differences either way like whether I had it with my meal or if I just had a glass of wine with my husband after the kids were in bed and I allowed myself that whenever those opportunities arose but I never noticed it effect my weight I did notice that it made me hungrier in my fasting window though like so I would and even sometimes nausea a little bit when I would have the wine just by itself if I had it with the meal not so much so then I would say Jennifer now I can’t remember how long you’ve been doing this if you’re tracking are you tracking your daily weight are you averaging it just curious you’re 54 let’s see can’t really eat much so henrietta you know you could talk it over with your doctor first of all and talk about your specific calorie requirements and see you know kind of their opinion it’s not something I’ve ever struggled there I mean calorie restriction there like I don’t I can’t you know I can’t comment on the that point at which there’s a calorie restriction is you know linked to longevity and stuff but I don’t know like what that point is but talk it over with your doctor I just yeah try using more butter that’s a fun solution I think I gotta eat less than 600 Cal 1600 calories but I get a lot of exercise in my TDEE 1600 okay total daily energy something okay how tall are you yeah okay so maybe henrietta will answer okay you used to be a food addict before now its torched your appetite most people would think that’s a good thing but not if you’re not able to eat enough that’s that’s a bad thing okay crafty you know this year yeah you’re you’re you know when you’re full okay yeah so mio does have fake sweetener that which you know how do people use it and it’s to me I don’t do it I don’t do them just cuz I don’t like them like as far as the way they taste and they also kind of mess my stomach I don’t know this just you know something I don’t want to don’t don’t want to give too much information but they mess with my stomach okay yeah so weekend’s are harder yeah because you know that’s the thing right usually that’s when you’re gonna go to the yeah the different events like family get together a lot of times like what that was one reason that Sunday works so well because I would have if this had been different I would have changed it like Sunday was breakfast as the pancake breakfast and also generally the day if we were gonna get together with my husband’s like in-laws let’s say except my husband’s in-laws that’d be my parents my husband’s side of the family they would generally do the thing on Sunday afternoon like if it’s gonna be an afternoon thing it would generally be on Sunday because we always took Sundays off of work so they knew that would always work for us whereas Saturday’s we work and then like but it had it been different I would have probably just said okay Saturday will be the pancake breakfast and when I’ll do it just cuz I was just trying to make it easy on myself that’s what I’m trying to always make it really easy okay Joanie you’ve lost seven point four pounds since starting July 30th that is awesome but oh and I’m glad I helped you and you’ve had some cheat weekend’s – that is awesome seven four pound that is that is a great like pace of weight loss- that is I mean you’re just gonna keep trucking right along I don’t know what your goal is but that’s awesome Jasmine hey Jasmine Crafty Crafter yeah you so you find that the fitbit helps you to to lose right yeah I it kept me motivated to walk especially in the beginning now I mean I’ve done it without a Fitbit now before and been very consistent with steps but yeah like it gave me that like little like boost of like okay yeah I gotta keep walking got to get those steps in you know gotta you know earn those badges and you know it helps I think can you look Jasmine you ask can you lose a lot of weight doing intermittent fasting without working out people have I’ll say that I like exercise because it keeps me feeling really really good but not everybody has that time or you know you know I feel like if you’re gonna do one side of the equation I think there’s like two sides of it right there’s the eating and there’s exercise if you got a do one I say change the eating that’s been my you know experience that that’s when the scale starts to move and Jasmine yeah there have been people in the comment section that talked and in my videos about like they’re they’re not doing any exercise that they are losing a lot of weight with OMAD especially the intermittent fasting too ha total daily energy expenditure that’s TDEE okay so you’ve learned you can have a cheat meal but not a cheat day because I gained so easy that it gains the weight I lost that way back yeah overall you know what I have found for me is generally the weights gonna be it’s gonna bubble up on Monday and Tuesday but then by Wednesday Thursday Friday its down so it’s like a little increase in weight but by the time the week’s over overall it’s still a downward trend of the seven-day average but but yeah whatever works for you in let’s see Jennifer I do drink it with my meal okay so you’re not even having that you’re which you know that’s that’s cool either way I think can you keep your energy is 9 is 16 okay okay Henrietta hey we’re the same height okay makes me yeah okay after you so not keen a whole cheat day makes apprehensive I can backside yeah I get that I like it again because well it’s funny because most people are like isn’t it like everyday you’re having a cheat meal and it’s like yeah because I don’t I don’t do any restrictions on calories or food types or anything like that so yeah so that so y’all are y’all are y’all are doing it harder than I’m doing it but so yeah but the idea of being like afraid that it’s gonna make you backslide right I think what you mean is like if you give yourself a whole day to to cheat then that next day how are you gonna get back on plan and and I think this the video that I just published that’s pretty much what I talked about like cheat day has been my weekly practice of going off plan you know going not fasting for a day and then getting right back on it on Monday and so I had a lot of fear at first like when I went on vacation one time in 2016 that was the first time cuz I’d been super consistent that year of being right on plan right on plan and there’s gonna be several days there in a row where I was off plan and I was terrified I would never go back to intermittent fasting I thought oh this is it this is just gonna be and when I reminded myself no you go off plant like you do this every Sunday you are taking the whole day to just see what you want to eat and you know however much and however many times and what I realized that was like oh so really it’s no different than any other Monday when I get back you know home I’m just gonna go right back home that’s what I did but so okay Jennifer okay anyway everyday yeah that’s great and are you tracking your average I wonder your seven-day average you don’t have to but it’s just it helps me like it helps keep me sane and really be able to see how the weight is trending over you know six weeks or so let’s see did it scale goes up one day and down a couple yeah yeah that’s and yeah so Jennifer that’s why I like to do the seven day average because it averages out cuz mine will go gosh up two pounds and be down two pounds to be up and then down and you know and it’s really hard to know just by looking at those numbers like what’s going on but when I really started look at the seven day average that’s when it’s like oh it is going down okay let’s see drinking salt and potassium without something to mask it is too disgusting for you okay oh yeah I would imagine I’ve never tried potassium in the water salt or salt actually I mean I know that Gatorade and stuff has sodium and I think but interesting yeah so the Mio helps that be more drinkable and I’m assuming you’re doing that because that’ll help you feel better like you feel better when you’re fasting if you have salt and potassium in your water Henrietta I’m sorry hopefully hopefully we’re not making you feel uncomfortable you don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable okay okay so that said I can’t do cheat days vegetables oils and sugars highly inflammatory yeah that’s you know if that’s what works for you that’s what works for you let’s see all right crafty you’re trying to help out Henrietta there that’s awesome okay so alright Wow we’ve been live for almost an hour and a half so thank you guys very much I hope you all will join me on Friday I will be going live several times throughout the day to update you guys on how many steps I’m getting a hundred thousands my goal I’m gonna start at about 4:00 a.m. so we’ll see hopefully we can get that well dug for those orphans and widows in Jezza Uganda check out kinship united if you have any questions about what that actually that organization if you have any questions about that organization cuz I know it’s hard to give your money to an organization you don’t know what are they really gonna do with this money I’ve been donating to them for years they’re an awesome organization love them love them love them love all you guys are so awesome thanks for joining me I really appreciate it I hope this was helpful for all you guys man hour and 30 minutes this is awesome um anyway you guys are wonderful I love you all thanks for joining me be back again next week well I’ll be here on Friday several times throughout the day and then also on next Wednesday at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time okay alright alright yeah green eyed bandit they’re a lot of fun alright I’ll see you guys later [/spoiler]

7:54 Do you ever experience low blood sugar?
14:18 Headaches when fasting
18:39 Do you walk fasted?
20:36 Walking 6 miles without equipment?
23:33 Constipation during OMAD?
25:22 Have you ever done keto?
27:45 Did you have any knee pain when you started when you were overweight? How did you manage it?
30:35 For your OMAD, do you have a 1-2 hour window or literally only eat whatever is on your plate for the one meal/sit down
32:10 In tune with satiation with fasting
32:34 I haven’t lost any weight for a month. Do I need to do 1200 calories a day? They say I should not go lower.
36:24 Did you include your everyday steps or was it an extra 6 miles?
37:12 Are there some walking exercise DVDs?
37:42 Have you shared your fitbit username? Do your followers share their fitbit username?
41:27 Did you measure your gait to determine that 14,000 steps is 6 miles?
44:56 How many calories should we eat in a day?
49:22 What kept you motivated throughout this process?
55:40 Carnivore/different diets for different people?
56:54 Jello and something for joint pain
1:02:25 Would an apple break my fast?
1:05:07 Any advice for starting Intermittent Fasting?
1:08:11 I’m full really quick…I can’t eat enough at one meal
1:09:01 Not gaining, but not losing with intermittent fasting
1:11:56 Does OMAD have an impact on feminine cycles?
1:14:09 Do you ever skip cheat day because you don’t feel like doing it?
1:19:30 Could wine be affecting my results/hunger?
1:24:56 Can you lose a lot of weight doing intermittent fasting without working out?

Answering your intermittent fasting and walking questions!

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This is the fitbit I have, an Alta.

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