5 Ways Weight Loss Changed My Life

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] will losing weight change your life absolutely it will in today’s video I’m gonna talk about five ways my life has changed for the better since losing sixty five pounds so I almost titled this video losing weight is it worth it because I know that when I realized you know I wanted to lose weight there was still this inner battle in my head like I wanted to lose weight but then I thought is it really gonna be worth it and you know I I didn’t really know if my life would really change if I lost the weight but now with hindsight I can look back and I can really see how losing the weight has changed my life in some really big positive ways so I thought this would be a good video to make for those people who you know you’re starting that weight loss journey or maybe you’re you’re having a little bit of trouble or you’re frustrated I’m here to tell you it’s worth it keep at it so here are the five ways I’ve found that my life really has changed since losing the weight so number one and this is the biggest one it’s my confidence level before when I was 65 pounds heavier I just I was not very confident and that touches so many different little areas of your life that it can you almost don’t realize it but I was kind of ashamed of my weight my husband is really a thin guy and at my heaviest I was almost a hundred pounds heavier than he was and that that was kind of hard it would kind of weighed on me pun intended and so to be clear he never said a negative word about my weight he never ever made me feel bad about my weight but it was that internal pressure that I had I found myself not wanting to you know meet his clients and go to different professional events that he had because I was just ashamed of you know of how I looked now that’s not to say that if you are overweight you should be ashamed I think it’s great there are people out there who they can be very very confident while they’re overweight and I think that’s great it’s just I wasn’t but since losing the weight I have gained so much confidence I put myself out there more in life I just I try new things that I do new things and that’s because of that confidence that I have gained for example some of the things that I started to do once I started losing weight I had the confidence to try to learn a new language American Sign Language and that opened up an entire new community of people to interact with I got my real estate license instead of being scared of being able to meet my husband’s clients I was actually confident enough to actually go out and get the license and then be confident to go meet with my own clients I’ve started learning how to draw more and I’ve actually been sharing that with the public and of course these YouTube videos there’s no way you could have gotten me on YouTube 65 pounds ago I just wouldn’t have done it but now I have this channel and my husband and I do coffee reviews on our other channel coffee coffee coffee so it’s just it’s made my life so much fuller I have a fuller life now that I’ve lost the weight and kept it off number two and this is almost as big as number one and that is my energy level and my mood this is another thing that touches like every little area of your life and before I lost the weight I just kind of felt blah all the time I just didn’t have energy I would wake up I work from home at a computer job so I just sat there all day doing the work and then I was exhausted by the end of the day I didn’t really move around very much and then I just woke up the next morning kind of did all over again I always just kind of felt tired and sleepy when I woke up compare that to now I wake up with lots of energy I wake up earlier than I did but when I was heavier I actually have energy throughout the entire day I get so much more accomplished even after the work day is done I have lots of energy left over by the time it’s time for bed I feel ready to go to bed but it’s not like it was back before I lost this weight and just in general I have a more positive outlook on life I don’t worry as much as I used to it’s just I have a more positive attitude you know something even as simple before as walking across the parking lot when I was 65 pounds heavier it was a chore I was annoyed by it I was just exhausted I just didn’t you know and now things like that aren’t even a blip on my radar it’s like I don’t mind it I’m in shape and I can go walk and I walk six miles a day so it’s just a totally different life that I’m living number three now this one might seem a little bit vain but I actually like pictures of myself before I lost weight I hated pictures when people would bring out a camera which everyone has a smartphone and has a camera now you know you’ll be at a family event and they take out the camera and I just wanted to run and hide I dreaded it because I knew that they’re gonna post it on Facebook and it was just gonna be mortifying so I did my best to trying to dodge the camera which then meant that I was cutting myself out of all these memories that my kids I’m sure will want to see when they’re older but now when people bring out a camera I’m fine I’m actually excited like yeah let’s grab a picture and it’s fun to look at the pictures on Facebook you know it was the Facebook picture that got posted back in 2014 that I actually started my weight loss journey and you can see what I look like back then it’s just one less thing to stress about now number four my clothes fit and again this might seem like oh well that’s not that deep or anything well it’s not but you know what it’s also a daily reminder if your clothes aren’t fitting right because every day we put on clothes and if you’re not happy with how your clothes are fitting and you feel bad whenever you put on clothes it’s a daily reminder because every day we’re changing our clothes so I could never get close to fit right when I was overweight it just never if I can fit it around my waist it was way too big everywhere else it was always frustrating and it was never happy even if I could kind of get the fit right I just wasn’t happy with the way my body looked but now when i go shopping which isn’t very often because i don’t really like to go shopping but when i do it’s not a frustrating experience is actually quite pleasant to go into the store try on a pair of pants they fit they look okay and then i get out of there and then lastly number five i just feel more in control of my life in general I think it’s because you know I’ve become more self disciplined which gives you just more control in your life that daily habit of walking six miles a day or the the self-discipline it takes to eat once a day six days out of the week all those things like are just these daily habits that over time have really made me a more self-discipline person and because of that because now that I know how to lose weight and I know how to maintain my weight loss I just feel more in control I before I kind of felt like kind of like a victim like it’s not fair everybody else can eat whatever they want and I have to really watch what I you know and it’s I just gain weight easily and things like that and now I realized no I was just I was eating too much before it quite frankly I was just eating too much and now I know the right amount to eat so as you can see weight loss has really improved my life and it really has improved my mood and and changed my life for the better so I would love to know if you have lost weight or you’ve started losing weight and you’ve started to notice some positive changes leave it in the comments below let other people know some of these other benefits that you’re seeing because we all need that encouragement along the way when we know that we need to get the weight off but we just don’t you know know if it’s gonna be worth it share those down below okay well thank you so much for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

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Have you lost weight? What are some of the benefits you have noticed? Leave them as an encouragement for others down below!


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