5 Tips To Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

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[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] Everyone it’s Kayla again and today I wanted to give you 5 different ways to make intermittent fasting easier I know that when you’re starting out or even if you’re just considering it intermittent fasting you may think well that’s can be really really hard and it you know it is a very simple plan but some people look at it as being a difficult plan and so I I really don’t think it was hard is actually very easy for me to stick with over the long term but I just wanted to give you know some things I learned along the way and and hopefully that’ll help you out if this is something you’re going to try to tip number one is gradually lengthen the time between your meals you may want to start out with a you know a relatively short fast like maybe like a you know 8 hour fast for example that just means that you at least put 8 hours in between your last meal and then the next time you eat I am in you know bump it up to 10 hours and then 12 hours the point is you know gradually lengthening that time because you know a lot of people do experience like nausea or you know I definitely experienced some nausea at first like when I would go too long between meals I would just be like still feel very good so I learned though that if I was really really gradual with it then you didn’t feel the affects because you’re you’re just being patient with it so be patient gradually lengthen out the time tip number 2 stay busy don’t sit around and think about food that’s the worst thing you can do it will make it so difficult if you just sit there and think hungry or I want to eat or whatever you’re gonna fail quite frankly what I noticed was I just had to get up and do something which the walking 6 miles a day it really helped with that because it gave me something to do like if I thought well I’m bored I think well you got you got to get steps in and so I’d go get steps in but I learned a lot of other stuff too because I had more free time because I wasn’t eating I learned American Sign Language or still learning it but I listen to a different podcasts you know just about I’ve done more of the hobbies I like to do you like you know drawing everything so find some hobbies do other things with your hands besides eat basically so just keep busy tip number 3 drink coffee during the day or you know some other sort of beverage preferably probably that doesn’t have any sugar in it I don’t know because I didn’t do a whole lot with like sugar beverages I don’t know but I know for me I drink coffee and do have half and half in it but so there’s there’s no real sugar in that but there there are some calories so I’ve found that I’m fine drinking you know 3 cups of coffee a day and I still have lost the weight but certainly especially when for I was first starting out it was very helpful to have like that thing during the day where I if I was starting to feel hungry than to have that thing you know that the coffee it was like just enough to you to make the hunger go away without you know feeling other effects and without gaining weight so okay tip number 4 make sure you eat enough this plan is actually really really easy to stick to your for me and the reason for it is that I can eat whatever I want at that one meal a day but there was some tweaking that I had to do to try to find that sweet spot between when I was actually losing weight and when I was feeling you know if I felt nauseous and stuff in between meals so if you feel nauseous. Or if you feel like you got a headache all the time or if you aren’t sleeping well at night those were the 3 things I found like that showed me hey you need to eat more your meal so so that that’s what worked for me and tip number 5 being consistent so to mean the thing that made this plan very easy it was to be consistent both with the time of day that I was eating and the cheat day being the same so I try to eat about to I’ve I’ve certainly found the my body when it when I’m used to this plan like I don’t get hungry until about 6:30 every evening because my I’ve trained my body that’s when we’re going to eat and then keeping the cheat day is also important to me because if you try to change the day around and you try to change the meal around then you just kind of never really doing the plan so to me it was just the easiest just to stay consistent with the time of day that I eat and then my cheat day for the week okay so let’s recap number one be gradual number two stay busy don’t sit around and think about food all day number 3 drink coffee number 4 make sure you’re eating enough number 5 be consistent so I hope that 5 tips helped and those are the 5 most helpful things I can think of if you have any other questions or comments leave em below thanks [/spoiler]


To see how I’ve implemented Intermittent Fasting in my own life, click here.

Regarding Tip #1: How gradual is gradual? I started intermittent fasting by pushing breakfast an hour or two later than normal. Then I eventually got to the point where lunch was my first meal of  the day. Eventually I got to a point where my lunch was later in the day. Finally I cut out lunch altogether, and started doing 24 hour fasts. 


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