16:8 Is Not Working: Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q&A

Today’s question is from an anonymous viewer:

I’ve been struggling with weight a lot these past 2 years. Not only is it an issue to lose, but to not keep going up. I’m 5’ 5 1/2 186 pounds….not sure what BMI is. I’ve been doing the intermittent fasting for about a month and I don’t see anything. I’ve managed to go to 16:8. You cannot eat whatever you like and not go up so that’s a fallacy. My usual lunch is a protein shake and coffee. Sometimes some toast with it and is between 11 and noon. I drink lots of water during the day. Dinner is around 7pm. Dinner is usually veggies some sort of protein and sometimes some sort of carb – sweet potato/rice. I’m at my wits end in what to do. I am walking more….8,000 steps compared to 4,000. Even if I don’t walk enough to lose the weight, I should not be gaining. Any suggestions??

Are you eating all the foods? Let us know in the comments below.

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