Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: March 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click here for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]did I break the Plateau let’s talk about it in this month’s progress report so as always I like to do these videos to show you the numbers see what it’s like day in day out for you know when you’re on a weight-loss journey and so last month if you remember I had hit a plateau you know just the month the numbers just didn’t move like I wanted them to so the main challenge for this month was we’re selling our house and that just meant a lot of well obviously stress but also our schedules you know we’re weird a lot of the days due to showings and things like that but the question is how did that affect my numbers well first of all let’s talk about walking I have a goal of walking 6 miles every single day and I hit that I had 469,008 steps for this month which is a total of 202.23 miles but now let’s talk about my weight I started the month at a seven-day average of 155.03 and I ended the month at 153.23 which is a total loss of 1.8 pounds so I didn’t quite hit my goal of 2 pounds but that’s really close and I’m super happy with it especially considering the all the stress of this past month and also let’s talk about fluctuations because man there there was like one week it was crazy my highest single day weight was 159.8 and my lowest single day weight was 150.8 now that one day where I was 159.8 that was I think like I had had a lot of a lot of salt and sugar maybe the day before it was just a crazy day and it was just a good reminder that’s why I weigh every single day because if you weigh every single day you can see that it’s a trend or an outlier and then the most my weight fluctuated within a single week was 6.6 pounds so let’s talk about the upcoming month April doesn’t really have a whole lot of holidays either the main change I foresee happening is as long as our house closes when it’s supposed to we’re gonna be starting a full-time RV family adventure so we’re really excited about that but at the same time I know that that’s gonna mess with my schedule steps are probably gonna be more of a challenge because right now I walk in my house so it’s gonna mean that I need to get outside so that’ll be a challenge I’m hopeful that this new lifestyle will mean I have more opportunities to really you know get outside and hike more and maybe kayak and stuff like that but we’ll see so for my goal this month I do want to lose another two pounds half a pound a week so that means I want to end the month of April at 151.23 and again my plan as always I’m gonna stick to what works for me and that’s gonna be eat once a day cheat day on Sunday and walk six miles everyday so some lessons I learned for the month of March we’re basically like again being patient with the plateau you know I didn’t freak out I didn’t change plans I didn’t say oh it’s not working anymore I just said okay I’m just gonna keep going and see what happens and sure enough the weight just start to come off basically sometimes you just have to wait for the scale to catch up with the things that you’ve been doing so I’m curious how did your March go because at this point now we’ve got three months down in 2018 already which is crazy so that’s you know 25% of the year is already gone so how are you doing with your goals have you have you been reviewing your goal like setting some goals and reviewing them consistently are you sticking with your plan or you having to change plans so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below[/spoiler]

Video Recap

March 2018 Walking

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


I did walk at least 14,000 steps each and every day for March

I walked a total of 469,008 steps

That’s a total of 202.23 miles

March 2018 Weight

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 153.03 by March 31, 2018


7 Day average weight as of March 31: 153.23

Total loss of 1.8 pounds for the month of March. While I didn’t hit my goal, I came really close, and I was super happy with that! I definitely consider it a victory.

Other Victories:

I earned my 70 pound weight loss badge on my Fitbit 

I had my lowest single day weight since starting this journey: 150.8 on March 30

Other weight statistics

Highest single day weight: 159.8

Lowest single day weight: 150.8

Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 6.6 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For March:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of 151.23 by April 30, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your March? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

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