Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: April 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] April was a life-changing month so it’s time for April’s progress report you know I do these reports every month because I want to you know show you my process of reviewing my goals setting new goals talk about the challenges I faced and just so you can see how my numbers fluctuate so the big challenge for this month was we sold our house we sold our house and we bought an RV and now we are full time RV-ers so that is a huge change we had never even really been in an RV before so it’s a totally new lifestyle so I was expecting this month to be a little bit of a challenge I did end up having several days this month where I just considered them vacation days there were you know things where we just had all day taken up by things so there were a few off days and also my whole life is just different now so let’s talk about my walking results I did have one day where I only watched 7,000 steps instead of 14,000 but I did end the month at 197.79 miles my total steps for the month were four hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred and thirty eight now let’s talk about my weight so I started a seven-day average of 153.23 and I ended the month at 152.29 which is a total loss of point nine four pounds which I am completely happy with especially considering all the different things that happened this month my highest single day weight was 155.8 and my lowest single day weight was fluctuated within a given week was 5 pounds so upcoming challenges for the month of May still getting used to this lifestyle I can definitely see because right now the weather has been fabulous I’ve been walking outside but I’m sure that if you know we have some rainy days and stuff that’s gonna be a little bit of a challenge so let’s talk about another victory aside from the you know a little bit of a weight loss I had it was that the entire month my seven-day average my BMI was in the normal range which I am super happy about I started out this journey in the obese range so it was just really nice to see that number solidly within the normal zone I would like to lose two pounds this month so my goal is to be down to 150.29 by the end of this month I was really nervous about this change when it came to walking but actually my walking has really improved like it’s been a lot more enjoyable because I’m out in nature and not in my house I still do love house walking because it you know there are no excuses but at the same time being out in nature man it’s just I love being out here and then again about being off plan going off plan intentionally when it makes sense when you really need to just for a couple of days like when I had this big life change going on it was just you know maybe one or two days where I said you know what for the sake of my family’s sanity I’m just gonna eat when we get the opportunity to eat and I’m not gonna worry too much about the plan so how was your April we’re getting well into 2018 now so leave it in the comments below are you having some victories let me know okay thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

April 2018 Walking

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


I had one day where I did not hit my step goal (7,000 that particular day, instead of 14,000).

I walked a total of 458,738 steps

That’s a total of 197.79 miles

April 2018 Weight

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 151.23 by April 30, 2018


7 Day average weight as of April 30: 152.29

Total loss of .94 pounds for the month of April. While I didn’t hit my goal, it was  still a weight loss, and I was super happy with that! I definitely consider it a victory.

Other Victories:

My seven day average was in the normal BMI range every single day in April, which I’m thrilled about, since I started this journey in the obese range.

Other weight statistics

Highest single day weight: 155.8

Lowest single day weight: 150.8

Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 5 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For March:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of 150.29 by May 31, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your April? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

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