Video: Weight Loss Success: What To Do With Those Baggy Clothes

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] as you’re losing weight what should you do with all those clothes that are too big now get them out of your house so there’s this dilemma that happens as you’re losing weight you know you’re you’re at this point where your clothes are too big but you’re not at your goal weight and the temptation is to just keep wearing the baggy stuff until you get to the goal weight but I would offer to you buy clothes that fit you and always have clothes in your closet that fit you none that are too baggy and none that are too tight and I did that as I was losing weight I would get rid of the clothes that were now too big for me and that mentally did something for me it kind of gave me confidence and it told me in my head like I really am committed to this I’m not going back to that size ever again so I don’t need them and a way that I looked at it was you know obese Kayla she had to die I don’t need her clothes in my closet because that’s not me anymore and so and that actually helped because I have a feeling if I had kept her clothes in the closet she might have resurrected so I was saying goodbye to that obese life style and I was firmly committed to keeping the weight off and I would encourage you that right now if you have clothes that are too big go right now into your closet take them out put them in the bag you know take them to Goodwill because I get it you know you don’t want to waste you know money and that kind of thing but someone out there can get really good use out of the clothes that you’re no longer wearing and if the thought of buying clothes you know spending money on clothes that fit right now is kind of daunting I would encourage you you only need a couple of shirts a couple pair of pants and you can go to Goodwill and find pants that fit for just a couple of bucks and that way you are feeling confident you’re feeling good and that’s a really important part of this journey but of course the temptation is gonna be there that when you’re at the store you’re gonna maybe want to buy a size smaller and I would just say resist the urge I’ve done it you know like even when I got down to my goal weight I went shopping us you know excited I was celebrating and I bought a pair of jeans that was just like one size too small it was you know I could fit in them yes but really I would have been much more comfortable one size up and every time I pull on that pair of jeans because yes I still wear them I just remember that lesson on the other hand I have a pair of shorts and I did the right thing I went into the store I learned my lesson from the jeans and I said okay I’m gonna buy the size that fits and have been much happier with that pair of shorts and look remember it is not about the size sizes vary so much anyway they’re kind of almost pointless and so don’t think about the size think about a good fit something you’re gonna feel confident in you can do this you can keep the weight off look maintenance is no different than weight loss all you have to do in order to maintain your weight loss is to continue doing those things that got the weight off in the first place it’s not magic it is not luck it is all about the actions you take every single day thank you for watching that video I hope you found it helpful be sure to head on over to my website for more information about intermittent fasting walking and sustainable weight loss [/spoiler]

Video Notes

  • When your clothes get baggy, get rid of them. Give them to Goodwill (or throw them away if they’re not in good enough condition, or sell them if you want/can.)
  • Keep clothes that fit your body in your closet.
  • If your budget is tight, buy stuff at Goodwill.
  • Don’t keep baggy clothes around “just in case.” Make a commitment that you’re never going back.
  • If you’re scared that you’ll regain the weight you lost, remind yourself: weight loss and maintenance is not magic, nor is it luck. It’s about continuing to take the actions every single day that will keep your weight in the right place.
  • Ignore the number and buy the size that fits you so that you’re comfortable and confident.


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