Video: How To Get Over Your Fear of The Scale

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] what do you do when you’re afraid of this guy you get over it now look I get it most of us have some fear of the scale I was terrified of it back in 2014 I had had my I’ve had enough moment and I was bound and determined to get the weight off but I was so terrified of this scale that I wouldn’t get on it it took me almost an entire year to get up the nerve I was at the gym I had just started going and you know it’s on the elliptical and I thought I’ve got to know that number and I just got up the courage one day and I did it and I’m so glad that I did it was a turning point in my weight-loss journey look you’re right this scale cannot tell you everything that’s going on in the weight loss journey it’s absolutely true and sometimes this thing is gonna like show a higher number and the reason is it may be you know you’re gaining muscle or maybe you are just putting on some water weight and it’s not true you know fat that you’re putting on so it doesn’t tell the whole story and usually the number it’s gonna show you is gonna be higher than you would like but here’s the thing this guy is an awesome accountability partner the great thing is he will never tell anyone else what’s going on with you it’s just the numbers are between you and him now you might be sitting there thinking but I don’t want to be a slave to the scale and I get it because that’s the thing that I kept saying to myself I’m not gonna weigh because I don’t want to be a slave to all that but here’s the thing once I finally got on the scale and then from that day on just weighed myself every morning I worried about my weight less often of course I still thought about cuz I’m trying to lose weight but it wasn’t this constant thing in my head like I wonder how much weight I’ve gained I wonder where I’m at with my weight I knew exactly because every morning I had weighed and I knew where I was and here’s an ironic thing in 2014 I kept telling myself well I’ll just lose some weight first and then I’ll get on the scale that way the number won’t be so bad but because I wasn’t weighing I could not tell if anything I was trying was working so I probably wasted an entire year of just fiddling around because I was too scared of the scale and here’s one big lesson I learned on the weight loss journey you have to start doing things you’re afraid of you have to start facing all of your fears and fear of the scale is one quick and easy thing you can do every single day to just lean and to discomfort so here’s what to expect if it’s been a while since you’ve weighed maybe it’s been several years maybe it was several babies ago just realize you’re gonna be nervous you’ll probably start to just kind of fill the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach your heart rate is probably gonna start rising you know you might even feel just kind of nauseous like you’re gonna throw up and then all you have to do is just even though you feel that way get up on the scale and here’s the thing that number that you’re afraid of seeing it actually might end up being higher than what you’re thinking it will be I back in thought you know well when I get on there it’ll be like 180 maybe like 185 and I really thought I was being generous with myself but when I got on the scale it was 222.2 so I was way off but you know what that instant that I saw that number it was just like something changed for me it was like okay now I know exactly where I’m at and I’m never gonna be here again I’m never gonna be surprised by the scale because I have control over this I can weigh every single morning and I’ll always know exactly where I am with my weight and so then once you weigh the first day then just weigh the next day the next day’s gonna be a lot easier like by half at least and then by the end of the week it’s gonna be like that’s not so bad and then by the end of two weeks of doing it every single morning it’s gonna be like an old hat you know that saying do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain I have found that to be so true especially with the scale it was something I was terrified of but then once I started weighing myself daily it’s just become no big deal which is not to say that I don’t have my times where I’m like mad at what the scale says but in general it’s just like an old habit now now once you start weighing yourself every day I would recommend the instead of paying close close attention to your single day weights because they can fluctuate up and down a lot just keep track of your seven-day average which just means you keep track of your daily weights each day and then for the previous seven days you add those numbers and then divide by 7 and that gives you an average weight there are several apps that can do that for you or you can go to my website and download my weight tracking spreadsheet for free and it’ll do the calculations for you automatically so right now if you’re sitting there and it’s been years since you weighed I would encourage you go right now go into your bathroom hop on the scale if you don’t have a scale yet go buy one at Walmart this is like the cheapest one they sell there and that’s what I’ve used this entire time so hope that this video helps you and I’ll see you in the next one hey guys thanks for watching that video ELWA hospital in Liberia has a problem and we can help them the hospital needs two bubble CPAP machines for their pediatric ward these machines will save dozens of lives every month a proper bubble CPAP machine can control the pressure and make it so that babies can breathe easier nurse Margot Biggs has posted this project on Donorsee now to fully fund these two machines it will take five thousand two hundred and eighty dollars and the good news is they’re already 10 percent of the way there with each twenty seven dollar donation one percent of a machine will be funded so if you’d like to join me in funding this project you can use the link in the video description below the cool thing about this project is that its own Donorsee which means that once this project is funded we’ll receive video updates on how the project is going now if you’d like to help even more with this project be sure to share it with your friends and family so that they have a chance to be a part of this too -thanks for watching [/spoiler]

Video Notes

  • You can get over your fear of the scale. (If I can do it, anybody can!)
  • Knowing where you’re at with your weight helps you to know whether or not your chosen plan is helping you make progress,
  • If it’s  been a long time since you’ve weighed, it’s normal to feel very nervous: your heart rate might increase, you might feel butterflies in your stomach, you might feel like you’re going to throw up
  • Each time you weigh, it gets easier. By the end of 2 weeks of daily weighing, it’ll be a cinch.
  • Remember: the scale is your accountability buddy, and he’ll keep your weight just between the two of you. No one else ever has to know the number.

To download the 7 day average spreadsheet I mentioned in the video, click the button below.

Download “7 Day Average Weight Tracker” 7-Day-Average-Weight-Template-From-Six-Miles-To-Supper-1-1.ods – Downloaded 52562 times – 68.57 KB

To help fund the 2 Pediatric Bubble CPAP machines for ELWA Hospital in Liberia, click the donate button below.
Donate Now

PS: I am in no way compensated by Donorsee. I simply love the app and I want others to know about the awesome opportunities we have to help make the world a better place.

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