Trail Review: Bear Swamp Trail in the Ocala National Forest in Salt Springs, Florida

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] I’m here on the bear swamp trail in the Ocala forest in salt springs Florida so this trail is really short it’s about a little over a mile but it is very barefoot friendly like it’s really shady this entire way it’s in the forest there’s just a little bit of Sun I haven’t seen very much wildlife I saw a snake I couldn’t identify it because it was too far up on the trail I’ve heard some stuff moving around but I really haven’t seen anything other than a lot of lizards and squirrels and things like that I have seen some deer tracks but I haven’t spotted any actual deer and of course there’s been butterflies but the big thing about this trail is there are a lot of bugs you know the name implies swamp well there are a lot of mosquitoes if you do decide to come on this trail I would highly recommend a lot of bug spray I hiked the first time I didn’t really wear any bug spray and I got really bit a lot but since then I’ve been wearing some spray that has like haven’t been bit so just be sure to spray before you come so most of this trail is just regular you know dirt sand and things like that but there is a wooden boardwalk that goes over kind of the marshy area because it just starts to get kind of wet back there and then you get on this dry boardwalk so that’s kind of nice and the trail is really flat so it’s easy to walk it’s pretty well-maintained there is a tree down on the trail but you can you know go under it or around it one thing about this trail is it’s not really well marked it doesn’t have any kind of guideposts to tell you where you are on the trail it is a loop but it does fork off at one point and one hiker did get lost here recently and they had to send a search party out apparently because there are a lot of little offshoots so just you know if you come here be sure to stay on the main big trail and you’ll be fine it’s an easy trail to walk if you’re here camping at salt Springs like I am it’s a great little trail to walk on and really even though I haven’t seen much wildlife the trees are just gorgeous here it’s in the Ocala National Forest and if you’ve never been into the forest I would highly recommend you check it out [/spoiler]

Summary: Located in the Ocala National Forest in the Salt Springs Recreation area, the Bear Swamp Trail is good and shady, with beautiful trees to look at. However, there are lots and lots of bugs, especially mosquitoes, so douse yourself thoroughly in bug spray before venturing onto the trail, or take other necessary precautions. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. Pro tip: if you do get bit, go take a dip in the nearby springs. It’s gorgeous there and very refreshing. The hike is pretty miserable if you don’t protect yourself from the bugs. Consider yourself forewarned.

Location:  13851 Hwy 19N  Ft. McCoy, FL 32134

Length of trail: About 1.5 miles.

Skill level: As far as the difficulty of the actual hiking, beginner. Overall it’s pretty flat, with just a few small hills. However, the trail is not well marked. It does go in a loop, but there is one spot in particular that forks off in two different directions. Basically, you just need to continue going in the direction you were looping around in, and stay on the big main path.

Wildlife I spotted while on the trail: Lizards, squirrels, mosquitoes, wasps, ants, spiders, butterflies, and a snake (too far up the trail to identify.

Barefoot hiking friendliness: Very barefoot friendly. It’s very shady, so even during the heat of the day, I could go barefoot comfortably. Lots of sand, pine needles, and leaves. Like a spa for your feet!

Official Website: Salt Springs Recreation Area

Trail Map: Bear Swamp Trail Map (PDF)

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