Weight Loss Success: How To Stop Making Excuses

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] when I stopped making excuses I started losing weight so back in 2014 I was you know at that point I had had my moment that I’ve had enough moment but I didn’t really make any progress that year and I think one big reason was I was making a lot of excuses but luckily that year I had also started reading a lot of self-help books like motivational stuff like Brian Tracy Zig Ziglar Darren Hardy if you’ve never read any of those people I highly recommend you try them out what those books did was they really just made me realize I was making excuses there were people out there who were in way worse circumstances than I was or who had lost way more weight than I was even wanting to lose and what was the difference between them and me I was just making excuses basically so I’ve made a lot of progress in this area but I’m certainly a work in progress so I want to talk about like how did I stop making excuses because it’s really tricky actually because when you are making the excuse you don’t think it’s an excuse you think it’s the truth and so then how can you recognize you know reality or truthfulness with just an excuse one big sign is when you’re using absolute language like I can’t or I never or I’m always but the big thing for me is when if you have something that you’re wanting to change but you’re not making that change that’s usually when the excuse comes up I’ll give you some examples from my life I’ve always had just a slow metabolism I’ve always been overweight I can’t lose weight nobody loses weight after they’ve had their third kid so the next step is when you realize it’s an excuse you need to prove yourself wrong so human tendency is to seek out proof that we’re right you know that’s we’re always looking for proof that we’re right we’re right we’re not trying to prove ourselves wrong it’s just a human thing for example with you know I have a slow metabolism I had to figure out how that’s not really true one thing I’d love to do is look back in my own life and prove myself wrong for example when I was in college I was at a great way I felt right I was not on a diet I was eating what I wanted and I just had a good weight so I was doing something there I had the same metabolism back then but sometimes you might find you can’t look back in your own life you know maybe you’ve always been overweight or something like that one thing that works for me is to just actively search out people who have done it you know whatever the thing is you know like if your thing is you need to lose 200 pounds seek out those success stories the people who have lost 200 pounds see how they did it prove to yourself that it can be done like one thing for me was once I had three kids I kept hearing you know from some people like oh you never lose the weight after the third kid you know and I started making that excuse oh well you know nobody loses it after the third kid and then I liked around at my sisters-in-law who were at fabulous weights and they had had like four kids so I realized I really don’t have an excuse step number three is just take action so once you realize like it’s an excuse okay other people have done it then you gotta take action somehow and what works for me sometimes it’s just doing the thing that they did you know or you know say well it can be done and then you know maybe they did it this certain way but you can try something totally different you know that you can do it though at that point and that’s really what helps and then the last step is try to stop making that excuse in the future keep reminding yourself of that thing that proved it wrong like for example I still make the excuses you know most of the time in my head of I have a slow metabolism but then I remember my metabolism is fine I was able to lose the weight just keep reminding yourself of the proof that you found once you stop making excuses you really start taking responsibility for yourself and just taking a hundred percent responsibility for where you’re at with your weight or you know where you’re at with your exercise that’s really when you start to take back control so how have you stopped making excuses what are some of the favorite excuses that you’ve made thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Step  1: Recognize that it’s an excuse.

Warning signs I’ve noticed:

  • Using absolute language like “I never,” “I’ve always,” “I can’t.”
  • Whenever I want to make a change, but I’m not actually changing

Step 2: Prove yourself wrong. Show yourself the excuse is not a true statement.

  • Look back in your own life and show yourself proof you’re wrong.
  • If you can’t find proof in your own life, search out success stories of people who have done the thing you want to do. Example, if you are 70 pounds overweight but you think you can’t lose weight, google “lost 70 pounds after having 3 kids”. You’ll find tons of success stories

Step 3: Take action!

  • The main thing is now you can recognize the excuse for what it is. That’s half the battle.
  • Sometimes, I just try doing whatever the person who was successful did.
  • Other times, I just made up my own plan, with the confidence that came with knowing, this can be done, and I could achieve the thing.

Step 4: Stop making that excuse in the future.

  • This is the hardest step. I still catch myself thinking “I’ve got a slow metabolism” or some such other excuse
  • Keep reminding yourself of the proof you found in step 2!

How did you stop making excuses? What are some of your favorite excuses?

PS: One excuse I didn’t mention in the video, but that I still tend to use “I don’t have time.” Still working on that one!

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