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Kayla Cox in 2018

Kayla Cox was an overweight mother of three kids who was tired of riding the weight loss roller coaster. In 2014 she was tagged in a photograph on Facebook, and she barely recognized herself. She decided to figure out a way once and for all to lose the weight and keep it off, eating whatever foods she wanted. She eventually found success with intermittent fasting, and has lost over 80 pounds and kept it off with what feels like very little effort.

In September 2017 she started her website and Youtube channel, Six Miles To Supper, which has grown to over 65,000 subscribers. She discusses how she personally implements intermittent fasting in her daily life, without counting calories or restricting any types of foods. She also walks six miles a day, and covers other weight loss related topics, such as stress eating and the right mindset.

Kayla advocates for a slow and steady weight loss mentality for permanent weight loss results. Her own journey took years, detailed in the timeline below:

Kayla at 222

March 24, 2014 – Kayla was tagged in photos on Facebook and barely recognized herself. She decided to figure out how to permanently solve her weight problem.

Late 2014 – Kayla learned about intermittent fasting, but was hesitant to practice it consistently for fear of messing up her hormones.

February 20, 2015 – Kayla weighed herself for the first time in years and discovered she was 222 pounds.

February 2015-December 2015 – Kayla experiments with intermittent fasting, loses 20 pounds, but doesn’t stick to it consistently. By the end of 2015 she is still hovering at a weight right above 200 and is ready to give up.

January 6, 2016 – Kayla forms her own plan after reading Tim Ferriss’ The 4 Hour Body. Her plan was:

  • Practice intermittent fasting 6 days a week
  • Cheat day on Sunday
  • Walk 6 miles every day

November 2016- After reaching 157 pounds, she decides to see how hard maintaining her weight loss is

Kayla at 140 pounds

November 2016-September 2017 – She maintains using a variety of intermittent fasting windows, but decides she prefers supper and then snacks at night as her preferred way to maintain.

September 2017 – She starts her website and Youtube channel, Six Miles to Supper.

August 31, 2018 – Kayla walks 100,000 steps (43.2 miles) in a single day in order to raise $10,000 to dig a well for an orphanage in Jezza, Uganda.

September 2017 – October 2018 – In order to get down into the normal BMI range, she goes back to eating OMAD, having a weekly cheat day, and walking 6 miles a day.

October 2018 – Kayla’s book, The Laid Back Guide To Intermittent Fasting, is published.

November 2018 – Kayla begins maintaining her 80 pound weight loss using various methods of intermittent fasting.

For media inquiries, please email

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