Trail Review: Kelly Park in Apopka, Florida

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] so I’m here in Kelly Park which is at Rock Springs in Apopka Florida I was just gonna do a quick trail review because I’m a full-time RVer I’m gonna be walking outside a lot more I used to just walk in my house but now I’m gonna be walking outside a lot when I was walking to my house I actually walked barefoot all the time and I heard that there’s this thing called barefoot hiking and so I’ve actually been trying that out this week at Kelly Park and I would say all these trails that I’ve tried so far in the in Kelly Park are very much barefoot hike-able so I’ve found that the you know it’s really a sandy kind of trail and so I did try walking in shoes the first day and I kind of got annoyed so I’ve been walking barefoot and it’s been great the trails are really well maintained they’re not completely flat there’s there’s a few little hills but it is Florida so there’s not gonna be any massive Hills really around here but it’s a lot of fun a lot of shade there are some parts of the trail that are not shaded and it’s got sand and the sand does get hot so I did find out that out the other day but I could stand it you know it’s right now it’s April late April so you know during the summer months it probably would be too hot on some parts of the trail so there’s tons of wildlife here there’s raccoons and deer and armadillos that this is all stuff that I’ve actually seen great blue herons little blue herons there’s tons of fish in the springs it is a great park Rock Springs is amazing if you’ve never been here I highly recommend you come out not only is there great hiking here but there’s also tubing down the springs and you can also kayak in another part of the park so supercool Park highly recommend the trails [/spoiler]

Kelly Park Trail Notes

Summary: I highly recommend the trails at Kelly Park. Easy to hike, well maintained, lots of shade provided by beautiful oak trees. Simply gorgeous surroundings, tons of wildlife, and barefoot friendly! Also, through the week I only met a few other hikers. It’s probably a bit more crowded on the weekends.

Location: 400 E Kelly Park Rd Apopka, FL 32712

Length of available trails: approximately 7 miles

Skill level: Beginner. Mostly flat/sandy terrain

Wildlife I spotted while I was hiking in the park (over the course of several days): Armadillos, deer, raccoons, great blue herons, little blue herons, bass, red breasted sunfish, owls, red shouldered hawks, wild turkeys, broad headed skink, great egret, gopher tortoise

Barefoot hiking friendliness: very barefoot friendly, due to the sandy trails, shade, and its being well-maintained.

Official website: Kelly Park

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