How To Fix A Broken Fitbit Alta Charging Clip


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[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] hey guys a little different video today we’re not talking about intermittent fasting or weight loss we’re talking about how to fix your fitbit alta charging cable so I really don’t know how it happened it’s just this little clip broke I looked online and looks like this is actually a really common problem unfortunately so first of all if yours breaks contact their support team they will send you another one as long as it’s still in warranty but if you need a little temporary fix like I did then you’re in luck because it’s really really really easy to fix it I used zip ties you can also use a rubber band I’m gonna show you how I did it right now now what we want to do to fix this is just to apply some constant pressure and that’s what we’re trying to accomplish with the zip tie or the rubber band okay so first take your four inch zip tie you can use a larger one but four inches is what I used now you just want to wrap it around that bridge right there and really pull it taut once you get it through it’s a little bit annoying but you have to really pull at it and just keep working with it until you get it pulled through now once you get it taut you can test it okay now let’s do the rubber band so first you want to push it together and keep it flush and then just start wrapping the rubber band around and around until it gets nice and tight you may have to do this several times depending on how big your rubber band is next you’re going to want to test it and make sure that it charges thanks for watching [/spoiler]

While it’s a bummer that I my Fitbit Alta charging cable clip broke, I’m thankful that it was easy to repair, and that the support team sent me a replacement right away.  Click here to contact Fitbit’s support team so they can send you a replacement if it’s within your warranty period.

This is the Fitbit that I have, which was used in this video: Fitbit Alta on Amazon.


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