The Holidays Are the Best Time To Start Your Weight Loss Plan

It’s popular to say you’ll start your weight loss plan on January 1st. It’s more common to start it on January 2nd, after one last hoorah on New Year’s Day. For many, it’s a day when all the “wrong foods” get tossed out of the fridge and pantry, and are replaced by whatever is considered the “right food” of the moment. Throughout the decades, you either throw out the butter and replace it with margarine, or vice versa. Thus begins a (usually short-lived) attempt to completely change our environment so that we can get the weight off and keep it off for good. All bad foods are gone, we sign up for the gym membership, and we swear we will go every day. And we’re gonna finally get on a schedule. And get everything organized. This usually lasts for a week or two, before we all go back to living basically the same way we always have. And that’s why I believe the best time to start your weight loss plan is during the holidays.

This is the time of year when people are the most truthful about what foods they want in their life. This is an important thing to be honest with yourself about.* It’s also a time when we’re the most emotional. In my experience, most people who struggle with weight are also emotional eaters to a certain extent. The memories of loved ones who are gone hurt more, and food comforts us. Normal stresses are magnified. It’s one thing to be a little tight on money in June, but quite another in December when you want to give your kids a good Christmas. Schedules are hectic, and parties, and party foods, abound. In other words, the holidays are a reality check.

Although things usually calm down after the holidays are over, life continues. A party in March will present you with the types of foods you threw out in January. Which you like, by the way. That’s why you had them in your fridge to begin with. Tax time in April will increase financial stress. September might bring a change to your entire life, not to mention your routine. You just never know. Instead of waiting until January, go ahead and start now. Chances are, you’ll build a plan for yourself that’s workable in real life.

*I believe it’s best to always allow all the foods. Always. It’s the only tactic that has ever given me stopping power.

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