Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: September 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] let’s do September 2018s progress report September was a very interesting month I started out the month doing the fundraiser for Jezza as well and so that actually caused a lot of stress I was I put a lot of pressure on myself to get those funds raised and and so that was a very different experience for me because it really got me out of my comfort zone and after the fundraiser was over I’ve also started doing some new things on this channel and on my website I’ve done things that again get me out of my comfort zone like offering coaching I’m working on a book right now and I’ve started to interview people who have had weight loss success for this channel on top of all that I have we were traveling a lot a lot of miles and we we’re doing our schedules were very different this month so I had a lot of off plan days and so all of that made for just a lot of challenges so first let’s talk about my steps because that’s one thing I can definitely control my goal is to walk six miles every day and I totally did that this month I ended the month with four hundred and seventy three thousand seven hundred and eighty-one steps which is a total of two hundred and four point during times when there’s a lot of stress generally the scale tends to not cooperate with me so I was expecting this month to be a little bit different and I’m okay with that I’m all about the long term I ended the month of August at a 7 day average of 142.06 and my goal is to be down to 140.06 a total loss of two pounds and my actual seven-day average at the end of September was 139.37 which is a total loss of 2.69 pounds which I am really floored I really thought given all the stress and all the different schedules and so many off plan days that it was you know is gonna be either not much of a loss or even maybe a slight gain but you know overall I just kept going I didn’t let it stress me out and I realized you know no big deal if the scale you know stalls out and you know it just goes to show you that sometimes the scale is just kind of mysterious now let’s talk about those fluctuations because I think that’s always an important thing to show you guys how much my weight fluctuates you know based on the single day weights so my highest single day weight in September was 145 and my lowest single day weight was 137 so this an eight pound difference based on you know which day of the month you’re looking at and most my weight fluctuated within a single week was five pounds so of course the weight loss is great and but there are also a couple of other victories that I was really happy about the first one was that we did raise the ten thousand dollars for Jezza’s well which I am so excited about so thank you guys once again for those of you who donated shared or even just prayed good thoughts my way and then the second big victory that I saw was that I did not stress eat at all this month and I’ve talked before about how intermittent fasting stopped my stress eating and that was really put to the test this past month especially during the fundraiser because you know I was kind of struggling with you know I would eat but I really couldn’t tell if I was eating enough because I would feel hungry sometimes during the day and so I was kind of struggling and I was emotional and things like that so this month was really a big test of you know my stress eating you know was it really gone or not so I felt really good when I look back and realize like you know I did not stress eat so that was something to be proud of I think so how is your September be sure to leave that in the comments you know are you on track we’ve still got at 3 months we’ve got 13 weeks right now left in 2018 which is plenty of time to drop some weight and get closer to your goals you know if even if you’re losing like a pound a week that’s know even if you only can lose half a pound a week that’s still six and a half pounds that you’ll be down by the new year so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Challenges for this month:

  • First several weeks of September were really stressful with the Jezza well fundraiser.
  • Several (intentionally) off plan days because of travelling to places like Mount Rushmore, The Badlands and Yellowstone.

September 2018 Walking

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


  • I hit my step goal every single day
  • I walked a total of 473,781 steps
  • That’s a total of 204.38 miles

September 2018 Weight

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 140.6 by September 30, 2018 (a total loss of 2 pounds from my 7 day average as of August 31, 2018 at 142.6)


7 Day average weight as of September 30, 2018: 139.37

Total loss of 2.69 pounds for the month of September. I exceeded my goal! 

Other Victories

  • Raising $10,000+ for the well for Jezza Kinship home for widows and orphans in Uganda.
  • Getting way out of my comfort zone (offering coaching and writing a book)
  • Hitting my lowest 7 day average on this journey: 139.14
  • Single day weight: 85 pound weight loss total from my starting weight of 222 pounds

Other weight statistics

  • Highest single day weight:  145
  • Lowest single day weight:  137
  • Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 5 pounds 

Weight Loss Goal Set For October:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of  137.37 by October 31, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your September? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

PS: Thank you all for your help in getting us to the goal of raising $10,000 to drill a well for the orphans and widows of the Jezza Kinship in Uganda!

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