Weight Loss Through Intermittent Fasting and Walking: August 2018 Progress Report

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] last month changed my life let’s do August’s progress report I do these videos to show you just what a weight loss journey looks like how the numbers fluctuate and just the different challenges I face and the month of August had lots of challenges actually we visited family for the first couple of weeks of August which meant we were eating out constantly and there were a couple days where I was just completely off plan because of birthdays and other things and I was feeling a lot of stress because I had committed to doing a hundred thousand steps in a single day and on top of that trying to fundraise $10,000 for kinship united so that they can dig the well in jezza uganda at their kinship home there where they’re taking care of widows and orphans and that got me way outside of my comfort zone because I had never done anything like that before so let’s talk about where it all ended up first let’s talk about my step goals so for the month of August one step goal I had was to get six miles every single day which I did and my other goal was to get a hundred thousand steps in a single day which I also did on August 31st I did a hundred thousand two hundred and nine steps in a single day which was forty three point two miles and it took me a little over you I way underestimated how difficult that was gonna be I thought it was kind of gonna be a walk in the park really but I was in a lot of pain you can go back and look at the playlist that made that that documents that day and man I was I was in a lot of pain so thank you guys all of you out there who were cheering me on and keeping my mind off of the pain and just keeping me focused on my goal the total steps I got for the month of August was six hundred thirty six thousand nine hundred and eleven which is a total of two hundred and seventy four point 68 miles now let’s talk about my weight I ended the month of July at a seven-day average of one forty five point two and I had a goal of getting down two pounds by the end of August so ending the month at one forty three point two and my actual seven-day average the last day of August was one forty two point zero six which means I lost a total of three one four pounds which I’m super happy about and that was before I even walked the forty three point two miles so i exceeded my goal now let’s talk about the fluctuations my highest single day weight was 146 and my lowest single day light was at one thirty nine point six and that felt really good to be down in the 130s at least for a single day and the most my weight fluctuated within a seven day period was four point four pounds let’s talk about other victories I had first of all I hit my lowest single day weight yet which was one thirty nine point six so far we’ve raised six thousand seven hundred and fourteen dollars and eighty one cents and even though I missed my fundraising deadline goal because I really wanted to have that money raised by midnight the night that I did the hundred thousand steps once I realized okay that’s not gonna quite happen I’ve just kept on going and I’m gonna continue to go until we get that ten thousand dollars raised so thank you for donating and for continuing to spread the word about it I really appreciate it and I know that these kids that you’re gonna be changing their lives another victory was just simply getting out of my comfort zone and for achieving a really big goal for myself so let’s talk about September I would like to lose an additional two pounds although I don’t know since I lost three this past month we’ll see if that’s really gonna be a reasonable goal let’s talk about the challenges for September first of all there aren’t really any holidays I don’t think that’s gonna be a big deal but I can foresee some things that are probably gonna you know be a little bit stressful I’m gonna be continuing to fundraise and I hope that we’ll meet our goal really quickly but I’m gonna continue going until we get that whole ten thousand raised and I plan on rolling out some additional features on my website so I’m just you know there’s a there’s a lot going on so that was my August how was your August please let me know down in the comments below what you know did you meet your weight loss goals did you kind of have a bad month are you getting back on track leave it in the comments below okay thank you so much for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below you [/spoiler]

Video Recap

Challenges for this month:

August 2018 Walking

My Olympian Sandal (100,000 step Fitbit badge)

Goal: Walk 6 Miles (14,000 Steps) every day


  • I hit my step goal every single day
  • I walked a total of 636,911 steps
  • That’s a total of 274.68 miles

August 2018 Weight

Goal: 7 Day average weight of 143.2 by August 31, 2018 (a total loss of 2 pounds from my 7 day average as of July 31, 2018 at 145.2)


7 Day average weight as of August 31, 2018: 142.06

Total loss of 3.14 pounds for the month of August. I exceeded my goal! 

Other Victories

  • Raising $6,720.06 (so far!!) for the well for Jezza Kinship home for widows and orphans in Uganda. Update! $8,285.43 raised so far! $1,714.57 left to go!
  • Getting way out of my comfort zone (fundraising)
  • Walking 100,000 steps in a single day (personal best for steps, previous personal best was 40,000 steps set in 2016)
  • Hitting my lowest single day weight yet on this journey: 139.6
  • Hitting my lowest 7 day average on this journey: 142.06

Other weight statistics

  • Highest single day weight:  146
  • Lowest single day weight:  139.6
  • Most my weight fluctuated in a given 7 day period: 4.4 pounds

Weight Loss Goal Set For September:
.5 pound loss per week
7 Day Average Weight of  140.06 by September 30, 2018

My Plan
Eat once a day, Monday through Saturday
Cheat day on Sunday
Walk 6 miles every day

How was your August? Did you make some progress? Share it down below!

PS: Please help us get across the finish line on the Jezza well project! Donate here. Every dollar is critical. $5, $10, $25, anything at all will make you a hero for these widows and orphans!

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