Video: Shortest Effective Fasting Window

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] what’s the shortest fasting window that’s still effective let’s talk about it a lot of people are curious you know what is the shortest fasting window that’s gonna provide benefits and I love that kind of way of looking at it because I always think about what is the minimum effective dose I got that idea from Tim Ferriss and it makes a lot of sense like why would you do more than you need to do now most people agree that your body enters the fasted State somewhere between eight and twelve hours after your last meal now of course that’s gonna vary day to day based on you know what you ate last what your metabolism is like what your body is doing at the time your activity level so there’s a lot of different factors so there’s no hard and fast rule but between 8 and 12 hours generally speaking and again it goes back to your goals what are you trying to accomplish if you’re trying to lose weight you know with a longer eating window so in other words like you can even you may find that you can lose on a 12 12 so you’re just fasting for 12 hours and eating for a 12-hour window most people find that usually is something longer than a moving down and I think this is mainly because a 12 hour eating window is pretty much the same as what we’re doing already anyway most of us at least here in America you know I found when I had the most weight to lose like a 14 hour fasting window I was still able to lose weight with that and then as I went along though I liked the way I felt you know when I was fasting so I kept pushing it further and further out until I eventually got to OMAD and I still enjoy doing that way of eating even though now I’m just maintaining my weight loss but I do love searching for that minimum effective dose and I would encourage you that right now if a long fasting window just doesn’t work in your life like maybe you’re really social and you like to go out to lunch with people and you’ve got people over for supper all the time and you know OMAD it’s not gonna work for your life right but something else may and so a longer eating window will work you’ll probably need to experiment three big meals with snacks during the day probably won’t work to help you lose weight on the other hand though 3 small meals may just do the trick it really comes down to experimenting tracking your data weigh every day and figure out what your weight is doing and see how it’s trending over time but for me you know I like the longer fasting window because I like bigger portions first of all and I’m an introvert so we don’t do a lot of you know going out meeting with people and that’s the great thing about intermittent fasting there are so many different ways to do it and so many people have success in doing it a variety of ways but in my belief any fasting window no matter how short when done consistently is beneficial and here’s why it builds self-discipline around food and at the end of the day I feel like that’s all successful weight loss really comes down to so right now if you are struggling to implement a long fasting window I would encourage you keep experimenting with it until you find the shortest possible window that still gives you the results you’re looking for thank you for watching that video I hope you found it helpful be sure to head on over to my website for more information about intermittent fasting walking and sustainable weight loss you [/spoiler]

Video Notes

  • Your body generally enters the fasted state between 8-12 hours after your last meal
  • Search for the minimum effective dose: there’s no need to make weight loss harder than it needs to be
  • If a longer eating window fits better in your life, you may need to experiment with meal size and frequency to get the scale moving downward
  • To see if a window is working, track your data and make tweaks based on what patterns you’re seeing over time (6 weeks is a good place to start)
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