Video: Avoiding Winter Weight Gain

[spoiler title=’Click For Video Transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] anonymous writes I’m concerned about staying on plan in winter every winter I gain the weight I lost in the summer the winters are cold and dark here any suggestions or tips for staying motivated throughout the winter so this is a common problem this is something I experienced a lot years ago I would have the same pattern you know I would get the weight off in the in the summer and spring and then but in the wintertime you know my routine would just go out the window I’d go back to eating all the delicious foods and I would gain all the weight back plus some but back in 2016 that’s when I really changed the way I was doing things and since then winters have not been a problem you know when I was forming my plan I really thought about trying to excuse proof myself and really what I thought about a lot was things like winter time what does my life look like in winter which I really felt like you know wintertime was generally the time where I felt the freest I felt you know like wow this is nice because I don’t have to worry about what foods I’m eating and all that stuff so when I was creating my plan I really tried to think about that like I wanted it to be the same in winter as it was all throughout the year so that I didn’t go through that cycle of weight gain and I think there were some key features of my plan that helped me to stay consistent throughout the year especially during the winter time so the first thing was the cheat day you know I know it sounds odd but having that day off every single week made it so that every week I was practicing for those times like in winter time where you have all these crazy things going on you know you you have a party one day one day and that kind of throws you off plan but you have to get back on plan and so by having my weekly cheat day that helped me to get really good at going back on plan another thing that helped was that I allowed myself all the foods all year long so instead of you know there would be things in winter it was like oh I never get to have this so now you know I just need to eat enough kind of to last me all year I just will allow myself that stuff throughout the year and what I found is you know during winter time now I don’t have those same struggles with like overeating on you know Christmas cookies and things like that because I just I’m always allowed to have these things another thing that has really helped is house walking that was a way I excused proof to myself so that no matter what the the weather was like outside I could get my steps and what I had noticed about myself was even you know living here in Florida I would have all these excuses about why the weather wasn’t you know exactly right that day maybe it was too hot or maybe there was thunderstorms that afternoon or whatever but when I went to house walking that made it so I had no excuse I could be active every single day no matter what the weather was like and that has really helped me to be consistent no matter where I’m at another thing that has really helped is just to always practice intermittent fasting I really don’t change my eating windows and stuff up based on the time of year it is I try to make it so that all year long it’s workable and so you know I’ve found for me personally you know I do have certain rules for myself like going off plan I will go off plan for you know parties and things like that which means that winter time is a time where I do tend to have more you know off days but what I found is because I’m doing it intentionally it keeps me with a structure I’m still on plan because I’m abiding by my own rules and that makes it again easier to get back on plan then at the very next day and of course intermittent fasting helps me keep my weight in check and it prevents a lot of the emotional eating that I would probably otherwise do if I wasn’t practicing intermittent fasting especially around the holidays when you know you’re missing family and things like that and another thing I do throughout the year is weigh myself every day and I feel like that’s a great way that I keep myself accountable it also makes it so that I am well aware of any kind of upward movement of the scale so that I’m not surprised you know that that it’s going up and so for me what it all comes down to in the wintertime is just continuing to have structure and continuing to have goals what I found is you know like there can be kind of this negative downward spiral that happens right like if you don’t get your steps in or you know you don’t do some sort of physical activity you know feels so great and so then what happens is like you’re kind of like I kind of feel hungry and maybe that’ll help me feel better and then you just kind of end up you know maybe emotionally eating and then the weight starts to come on and then you know it’s this vicious cycle of like oh no I feel bad cuz my weights going up and you know you gain more weight but instead if you can create this positive upwards spiral where you know you’re like staying active every day in some form or fashion you know for me that’s how house walking but for you it might be you know doing aerobics videos or something like that or doing some sort of weight training inside your home but regardless doing some sort of activity so that you’re still feeling good which can then because you still have this structure in place can help you to stick with the fasting consistently which will keep your weight in check and then you know by the end of the winter you’re gonna be in a good spot but at the end of the day it really comes down to focusing on your why like why is it important that you keep the weight off during the wintertime what what will that do for you and for me you know things that I try to remind myself of are you know for one how miserable I was when I was obese because I know myself well I know I can gain weight really quickly and so I have to keep that top of mind you know if I go back to doing those things I used to do when I was obese I will go back to weighing what I used to weigh so I keep a very close check on like what is my activity level like you know I keep my step goal going you know what what is my eating looking like if it gets you know too far out of control then I need to change those things and all that is because I want to stay where I’m at because I’m happy where I’m at I continue to have goals for myself I have step goals and intermittent fasting goals and weight range goals for myself so I hope that that helps you and good luck this coming winter and really it has nothing to do though with luck it has to do with just the actions you take everyday so thank you for watching this video and I’ll see you in the next one thank you for watching that video I hope you found it helpful be sure to head on over to my website for more information about intermittent fasting walking and sustainable weight loss [/spoiler]

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