Video: 5 Things To Try If You’re Not Losing Weight on a 16:8

Video Notes

  1. Stop Snacking: It’s sometimes emotional eating in disguise. Also, the small bites here and there add up!
  2. Slow Down: It’s easy to consume more than you realize when you eat fast.
  3. Eliminate Distractions: Make a no screens rule for when you’re eating: no tv, no tablets, no phones at the table. Just be present with the food.
  4. Stop Sooner: Get in the habit of stopping a little sooner than you normally do. (Combining this with #2 makes stopping sooner easier.
  5. Use a Smaller Plate: Try going to a 9″ dinner  plate (most plates are 10.5″ or larger).  The one in the video was a Fiestaware one like this one on Amazon.
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