The Power of Tiny Changes For Major Weight Loss Success

[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] tiny little changes will lead to major weight loss success now I know some of you out there gonna say no no wait a minute Kayla your changes were huge you went from eating five or six meals a day down to one meal a day you went from being sedentary to walking six miles every day and those were huge changes but I would like to point out that those huge changes were just made up of tiny little changes so let’s back up my behavior before with weight loss was always just kind of unsustainable I would try to basically just punish myself and do really difficult things and make it really hard and try to achieve the results really fast and usually what would end up happening is either I would you know lose the weight but then gain it all back or I would just be so frustrated with the process because it was so hard I would just give up but then in January of 2015 I read a book called the compound effect by Darren Hardy and the book is about personal success it’s not really about weight loss at all but in it the whole overarching idea is if you make small changes and have small little habit changes over time that compound into major success so by the end of 2015 the you know the idea in my mind have been marinating a lot of like small changes but I really hadn’t bought into it because I thought no you gotta have these big you know really aggressive goals you gotta really hit him hard but what had happened was I really hadn’t had that much success I have lost maybe 15 pounds or so but you know I had plateaued for a long time and I was actually seeing the numbers starting to creep back up and so I sat down and I really kind of had this moment where I realized I’m doing the same thing over and over again that’s the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result I was just being unsustainable like I was you know tracking every workout and you know trying to enter in and calculate the calorie burn and then I was counting my calories I was even weighing my food and I was being really obsessive and just unsustainable because I knew deep down I’m not gonna stick with any of these changes so instead I said okay I’m gonna give this a shot I’m gonna try just making small sustainable changes and I’m just gonna have to be okay with the idea that maybe this is gonna be a really long slow process but I really wanted it to be something I could live with for the rest of my life so here’s what I’ve found about this process is it’s really neat because even though you’re setting the bar low which is kind of counterintuitive for me because I tend to try to set the bar really high set the bar low on purpose and then you’re able to jump over it so you start stacking up these victories like oh I did that accomplished that and pretty soon you look around and say hey I really have made progress so I’ll give you some examples of the way I used tiny changes to really make a big difference in my life so let’s talk about intermittent fasting right I started out you know eating five six times a day and just having that normal kind of eating pattern and what I did I just slowly pushed out my eating window further and further so I just started you know with a little bit later of a breakfast I mean it was barely even a fast really it was barely anything and it really it probably took me eight or nine months to get to the point where I was eating once a day and you know you’re right I probably could have gone from eating you know five or six meals a days down to eating once a day just like overnight but because I did it this way really slowly and intentionally and with very little perceived effort on my part it made it this ingrained habit and it just made it like almost effortless and another example of just a tiny change was with my step count so I started out for one thing you know setting the bar low for me was just saying I’m just gonna walk like I’m not gonna do a really hard workout or anything it’s just gonna be walking and then I was able to increase my step goal and when I realized you know I was at a point where it’s like I could do a little bit more or you know I could be a little more consistent I just kept working up until I got to the point where I said okay six miles everyday and I’ve been able to do that and then the last example and this is probably the most important piece to me was I decided to be a little bit nicer to myself so in the process of reading all these you know self-help books and all that I got introduced to the idea of you know your inner dialogue paying attention to the story that you’re telling to yourself about yourself so I noticed and started to recognize I was really negative toward myself I was saying mean things to myself and so I decided okay I’m just gonna be a little bit nicer and just telling myself I’m gonna be a little bit nicer to myself today that has really helped to really change my you know my outlook and and and just how I feel about myself so instead of just setting up this huge goal of like I’m just never gonna say another bad mean thing to myself again I just said I want to be a little bit nicer and so that you know it started out just by recognizing when I was saying negative things to myself to eventually trying to say well is there truth to it and can I you know improve on what I’m doing and then also just replacing those negative comments saying okay if I notice myself saying and a negative thing about myself I’m just gonna you know compliment myself like five times so I’m curious to know what are some tiny changes that you’ve made in your life that have really made a big difference and maybe it’s not even about weight loss maybe it’s a tiny little change you made to your routine or your your week or whatever I’m always curious to learn from other people so thanks for watching be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe down below [/spoiler]


The big changes I have made were truly just a bunch of tiny changes that added up over time:

  • I slowly pushed my fasting window out until I got to eating one meal a day (OMAD). That took about 8 or 9 months
  • I slowly pushed up my step goal and consistency until I was walking 6 miles every day
  • I started being a little nicer to myself. I started noticing my self talk, and started tweaking it to make it more positive
  • I slowly cut sugar out of my drinks, a tiny bit at a time.

If you’d like to check out Darren Hardy’s book, The Compound Effect, which I talked about in the video, click here to get it on amazon: Or you can get the audio version free on Audible with a free 30 day trial:

Have you made some tiny changes that added up to a big positive change? Leave it in the comments below so we can learn from each other!

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