The Importance of Celebrating Small Victories: Intermittent Fasting and OMAD Q&A

Topics and Timestamps:
0:45 Jezza’s well is complete!
2:30 The importance of celebrating.
10:20 Top tips for staying motivated when you’re just not feeling it.
15:13 ​Hi Kayla, does IF slow metabolism? Also I’ve been craving sugar after I break my fast doing 16/8. I never have had sweet cravings before & not a sugar fan normally? Thank you
19:30 Do you do your six miles all at one time or do you break it up into walking segments?
21:00 ​I’m still trying to find my groove with OMAD. I’ve only been doing it for a week. So far, I’m doing great with the fasting window but still figuring out what to eat in my “eating window”.
22:50 I have a lack of energy during my fasting period and I’m kind of crabby. After I eat I feel better. I’m doing either 18:6 or OMAD depending on how I feel that day. Tips? No issues dealing with hunger
26:17 ​How long did it take you to lose the weight total?
30:52 Did you start intermittent fast & walking at the same time? If not when did you start walking?
33:12 when you reached maintenance, did you change anything? if so what?
36:45 ​10 lbs away from my goal (140). it seems to be very stubborn. Did your last 10 lbs take a while to come off?
40:10 I think success in any area of life depends on our mindset and willingness to just do the next step. I tend to overthink what the next step should be, how do personally work through your next step?
45:27 ​Hi from Toronto. Can not stick with plan. Trying Omar. Any suggestions?
47:30 I tried indoor walking and marching in place to get my steps in but it was so boring lol
48:30 ​following walking videos with a talk on you tube makes indoor walking more tolerable for me
49:00 Greetings from Vancouver Island. Walking here can be an issue if you’re not a duck. I pick a big store and wander briskly.
50:55 light bulb moment: the why!!! I seem to skip that most the time somehow. Thank you for reminding me!!!
51:45 Goal is to lose some weight but interested by good effects of fasting
52:50 ​Sometimes I rebound on my Cellerciser if it’s too cold outside like it is now. It gets my heart rate up and I listen to good music. Right now For King and Country’s newest CD is great for exercising.
53:18 ​I’ve gotten so many steps in with shoveling and snow blowing this snow we’ve been getting in Michigan! I love listening to podcasts while I walk. Makes the time & steps fly by!!

Books and resources mentioned in this video:

Wim Hof Method

Happy Scale App

Tracking Sheet from

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss 101 Course

This is the fitbit I have (an Alta)

See you next Wednesday at 8pm EST on YouTube Live, be sure to bookmark this site and hit the bell to get notified when I go live.

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